Recent Stories

Ace's Little Problem

by: Ouroboros Last updated Jan 24, 2022

A babyfur/furry story commission from Ace Lope! Ace is forced to visit his aunt and little cousin for the weekend, only to end up in a more immature position.

Baby Hero: Orisha Chronicles

by: BabyBoy1672 Last updated Jan 19, 2022

Marcy aka Neon the Dragon Princess returns. This time introducing a new goddess, Oya, African goddess of transformation. How will our heroine fair in meeting this new goddess?

Spirit of Christmas Finale: Drummer Baby

by: BabyBoy1672 Last updated Jan 12, 2022

This story will be a final continuation of Oni’s Spirit of Christmas. All characters belong to Oni. Just kept thinking that this needed an ending, since it’s been In Progress for a few years. Anyone having trouble finishing stories? Send me a message! Anyways hope you enjoy!

A Perfect Solution Teaser

by: sonofsheila Last updated Jan 11, 2022

This is just a portion of my first story, heavily inspired by Jennifer Lorraine. All diaper stuff included so avoid this if you don't like that. Criticism is very welcome, go all in.


by: Pink Last updated Jan 25, 2022

Countdown Downtime

by: ReinaHW Last updated Jan 2, 2022

Don't mess about with the countdown

[X-Men ABDL] A Taste Of Her Own Medicine

by: Just4n0th3rUs3r Last updated Dec 26, 2021

Emma Frost isn't having a great day. Between having to mark her students tests and homework, and having a spat with Jean Gray, she finds herself easily pissed off. So it's no surprise that Jean pisses her off first thing in the morning. When Emma threatens to break Jean's brain so hard she'll go back to being a toddler, she didn't quite expect the end result...

[Stardew Valley ABDL] Birthday Surprise

by: Just4n0th3rUs3r Last updated Dec 26, 2021

Farmer Chelsea stayed out late mining and found a strange, perfectly spherical black diamond with an ominous light in its depths. When she brings it home, chaos ensues...

The Power of Youth

by: Tabii Last updated Dec 21, 2021

Gifted with the powers of youth there are some out there that can regress everyone around them back to infancy with their presence alone. Melony is one of those who possess this power. When Melony finds Kayla, a girl whom is uneffected by her power, she tries to recruit her into her organization with others who have it. But Kayla believes herself to be a normal person and has no desire to join at all. Melony must convince her to join before her powers develop and go out of control.

Christmas Party Plot

by: Ouroboros Last updated Dec 20, 2021

A story commission. Scott attends an office Christmas party dinner, and soon discovers it's secret side business.

The AR Story Archive

Stories of Age/Time Transformation

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