Stories by Ouroboros

Regression Fruit

by: Ouroboros Last updated Apr 14, 2021

A reporter, who has seen the darker side of humanity a few too many times, follows up on a story he thought was just conspiracy.

Regression is In

by: Ouroboros Last updated Aug 21, 2022

A story commission for SomeNerdBird. High school students join in a trend to regress as far as you can and still accomplish your daily responsibilities, but will it be worth it? Some fads rarely are.

Second Childhood Reunion

by: Ouroboros Last updated Nov 16, 2022

A group of friends, who met in college, have a reunion with Katherine, who is secretly a witch. The group also has a secret, which they soon share with their new love interests. A story commission for SomeNerdBird.

Show Your Work

by: Ouroboros Last updated May 19, 2023

A story commission. An eager but nervous scientist must demonstrate the work passed on to him by his grandfather in order to fund further research in reversing the aging process.

Stolen Wish

by: Ouroboros Last updated Nov 4, 2021

This is a story commission. Ben is a down and out adult still living with his parents. Being an AB/DL, he is secretly jealous of the attention his new baby sister is getting and makes a wish after blowing out her first birthday candles. What would you do if your most fervent wish came true? Warning: This story contains a lot of detailed wetting, messing, and diaper content, as well as some sexual content.

The Boy Who Couldn't Grow Up

by: Ouroboros Last updated May 29, 2024

A story commission. Note: This isn't exactly age regression so much as it is age freezing. James is stuck at four-years-old after a traumatic car accident, but is this a good thing or a bad thing?

The Littlest League

by: Ouroboros Last updated Mar 20, 2023

When a baseball team agrees to test a new, rejuvenating sports drink, they soon find themselves feeling much younger, and much more energized. Soon the drink is being used by other teams and even the crowd. A story commission for SomeNerdBird.

The Truth Is Stranger

by: Ouroboros Last updated Nov 19, 2007

Two brothers stumble across a curious ray gun while digging through their father's old storage.

The Uneducation of Guy

by: Ouroboros Last updated Apr 24, 2021

A thirty-something man gets a job, but it comes with odd rules.

The AR Story Archive

Stories of Age/Time Transformation

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