Ethnic Candies

by: LJM | Story In Progress | Last updated Apr 2, 2021

A young girl brought some special candies in a mysterious store that would make her sleepover party memorable. (Contains Racial Changes) (Reposted due to the unexpected deletion.)


The Situation

Jessica and her friends now have to figure out how to fix this before the night is over. Jess’s thought is to call the store where she got the candies and see if there’s a way in reversing the problem.

Jun 9, 2014


Christy: Punk to Holy

Christy and Tracy enjoyed treating the women and took some candies from them. Not aware of what those candies can do to them. When Christy decided to head to the ally to get some fresh air, she tried one of the candies and it changed her into something more... Holy

Mar 13, 2015


Special Candies

And young girl and her mother were preparing for the sleepover when they forgot one more thing. That's when they encountered a store that would change their lives forever.

Jan 22, 2014


Little Jessica is all set for the sleepover as her friends come in for some fun. But when they start eating those special candies, the real fun begins.

Jan 22, 2014


Jessica: The Average Woman

As the slumber party starts, the changes started to happen with the first change from Jessica. What’s bound to happen?

Jan 22, 2014


Mary: The Black Sista

Mary is next to change after eating her piece of candy. What is she going to become?

Jan 22, 2014


Alice: The Spanish Latina

Alice is next in changing into a different woman. What will she turn into?

Jan 22, 2014


Megan: The Asian Girl

Now it’s Megan’s turn to change after eating one of the candies. What she’s going to be?

Jan 22, 2014


Rosa, the Blonde Bimbo

Rosa is the last girl that will change into a different woman. What will she become is the question?

Feb 3, 2014


Jane, the Little Girl

Now it’s Jessica’s mother’s turn to change thanks to the candy she has eaten. What will she become?

Apr 16, 2014


Slumber Party in the Club

Waiting for the store to open in the morning, the girls decided on conitnueing their Slumber Party, only this time, dancing the night away. But of course, trouble is about to brew.

Jan 12, 2015


Tracy: The Young British Intellegent Woman

Tracy waited of Christy to return, not realizing what truly happened to her. As she was waiting, she took one of the candies and it changed her too.

Sep 7, 2015


Poor and Old to Rich and Indian

While Christy was going through her transitions, the homeless woman has the piece of candy given to her and went from rags to riches.

Feb 4, 2016


Skinny and Weak to Amazonian

When Tracy left, the skinny girl ate the candy she gave her. Upon eating it, she started to get a much better physic then she usually had.

Mar 12, 2016


Cutting a Rug

Returning to the girls, they were having a good time and were dancing the night away. But they left the box of candies unattended as more victims kept on taking them. Who will be the next victims?

May 16, 2016


Lesbian Couple to Lesbian Family

With the girls dancing the night away, the box of candies are left unintended. Left for anyone to get their hands on. The first victims, a female lesbian couple. What’s going to happen to them?

Sep 5, 2016


Olivia's Journey to Stripperhood

A second victim came to the table that Jessica and her friends were at as a middle age woman wanted to be young and energetic again. Will one of the candies in the box make things better for her?

Feb 5, 2017


Mother and Daughter to Twins

A young college is struggling in her studies and job due to her infant daughter. All she ever wishes for is to have baby daughter to grow up and her life would get better. Will another piece of candy be the answer for her?

Jul 17, 2017


Russian Prostitute

When Iva left to from babysitting Tricia, she looked to the hookers and thought that they were uncivilized. But then she tried the hourglass cookie that Toniqua gave her and has a sudden change of pace.

Dec 26, 2017


From Slutty to Classy

Cynthia becomes the first victim after eating her piece of candy and her body, mind, clothes, and environment shifted back in time to when women have more class and elegancy compared to what they are today.

Jul 7, 2018


More Clubbin' Girls

All the prostitutes head down to the club to party and find some hunks to screw around. Course, three of those hookers will come across a box of candies while one will find someone that will change her life.

Jul 4, 2018

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