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Of Ice Cream, Cake, and Fifth Dimensional Travel

by: Personalias Last updated Oct 23, 2022

A brilliant scientist is on the verge of invention time travel within her own personal timeline. The real question is when should she go back to test it? Her first birthday seems just as good as anything else.

The Restaurant

by: Personalias Last updated Oct 9, 2022

Don't go in the ballpit...

Life is Weird

by: Personalias Last updated Sep 24, 2022

Kelly saves her best friend's life when she magically rewinds times. But something more than a few precious seconds are turned back when she does. Her friend's body is intact, but her mind...?

From College To Cradle - A Toddler’s Want For Intergalactic Exploration

by: Stacey Ayodele Last updated Sep 22, 2022

I've grown tired of being on Earth. I look to the sky and wonder if my computer can bring me into my story world's sub galaxy where my personal No Man's Sky universe resides. Only one way to find out... Part 2 in my From College To Cradle series.

Fun times at the JSA

by: username Last updated Sep 17, 2022

Wonder Woman finds herself out of sorts.

The Rip

by: Personalias Last updated Sep 11, 2022

Commissioned by Areat. Wendy is an ex-gifted kid struggling through law school. On the verge of a crisis, she discovers a rip in reality leading to another one where her parents and everyone else think she's much younger, and little by little, the universe in her closet adjusts things so that she fits.

The Test Class

by: RegressedJanitor Last updated Sep 6, 2022

The senior class of William R. Schoenburg High School is failing, their futures are in danger and there's nowhere to turn. The parents, fearful of the future of their children don't know what to do. That is until AgeCo solutions comes to the school and offers them a solution and the parents agree. However this comes at the autonomy of the students, who are subject to the horrors of the solution AgeCo is offering. Trapped with no escape; Sam, Mandy, & Jimmy try to survive the year using anything they can. But with the strictness of the rules imposed upon them by AgeCo, the three have to make tough choices to survive their final year of school and keep their bodies intact. Will they pass, or will they be held back?

The Road Trip

by: RegressedJanitor Last updated Sep 4, 2022

Excited to see his cousin Erik; Mark goes on a road trip with his Mom, his 12 year old brother Jeff, and his 3 year old brother Lucas. However as the trip goes on, Mark begins to change. Now, trapped in a car with his age dwindling and reality shifting around him, Mark struggles to find a way to escape whatever fate awaits him at the end of the car ride.

Sam's Flight to Babyhood

by: Elfy Last updated Sep 2, 2022

Sam is on vacation but just as she is about to board her flight home she discovers a very big problem. Just when things seemed to be hopeless a Professor from her college turns up. It looks like Sam will be able to go home after all... even if it means swallowing her pride. But was the meeting really just a coincidence? And what's up with Sam's strange dreams? As ever I am extremely thankful to my patrons who allow me to write as much as I do :) If you have a little spare money and would like to support me and help me pay the bills then please do consider having a look at my Patreon page. I post an update every 4-5 days and patrons get access to everything I write one week before the rest of the world. Also, for $10 a month you can get access to Patreon exclusive stories! I have 40 STORIES AVAILABLE FOR $10 patrons that you can read right away with more posted regularly!

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Stories of Age/Time Transformation

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