Recent Stories

I, Nemo

by: username Last updated May 23, 2021

A series of stories based upon dreams; Part 1 is a dream, Part 2 is medieval.

The Wolf

by: Littlelore Last updated May 15, 2021

This is a story I published on my DeviantArt page but thought it might be of interest for some folk here. This is a short story about a promiscuous gay man who considered himself quite the alpha male on his favourite hook up circuit in London. The problem with being a big bad hunter is that there may always be a bigger badder hunter out there ready to put you in your place. The story has some sexual themes and male age regression to infancy.

Jimmie's Mom

by: username Last updated May 14, 2021

Jimmy's experimentation with diapers causes his mother to take extreme measures. Story edited on 5/14/21 for grammar.

Birthday Boy

by: Aurora Last updated May 11, 2021

This will be my first time writing in many years, and was in reply to a forum post asking about male male, daddy son scenes, please comment if you would like to share your feelings, please be kind, I haven't practiced in a while.

Saturday Football Highlights

by: username Last updated May 9, 2021

Mr. Smith enjoys his pastime.

Karting with Mommy and Daddy

by: Achuloh Last updated May 7, 2021

Mary makes her babysitting jobs easier with a special device. But tables are turned when the device starts switching hands.

The Doom Factory

by: username Last updated Apr 29, 2021

A little Avengers Fanfic. Natasha Romanoff is up to her usual spy mastery.

An incident at the Mall

by: username Last updated Apr 27, 2021

Is this the right way to deal with children? Sometimes...

Starting a new life.

by: username Last updated Apr 27, 2021

Three tales of redemption, reward and wish fulfillment

A country lullaby

by: username Last updated Apr 26, 2021

Tex is performing at the arena. Let's listen in.

The AR Story Archive

Stories of Age/Time Transformation

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