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The Uneducation of Guy

by: Ouroboros Last updated Apr 24, 2021

A thirty-something man gets a job, but it comes with odd rules.

On the odd rituals and habits of natives on Huntington Beach

by: username Last updated Apr 24, 2021

Dude! Let's imbibe tasty buds and dig some gnarly waves. Righteous!

The strange long trip

by: username Last updated Apr 24, 2021

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...

Final Tester

by: Ambrose Last updated Apr 23, 2021

The scientists behind the youth-drug enter the final phase with a last set of trials. What fate awaits the unwilling testers? This is the last of five chapters. If you liked it, feel free to comment. It is the sequel and last part of the saga I began in Jumper and Losing Weight.

Kasumi's surprising reunion

by: username Last updated Apr 23, 2021

This story is based on a picture I found on Danbooru (picture link in the chapter). Kasumi meets up with Ash and finds that he hasn't aged. I'm by no means a Pokémon expert, so there will be bits that don't jibe with the canon.


by: username Last updated Apr 22, 2021

Bobby is a happy, healthy person but something seems amiss.

On the subject of fairies and c̶u̶r̶s̶e̶s̶ blessings.

by: username Last updated Apr 21, 2021

Harold is suffering from old age. Can a fairy blessing help him?

In memory of Scottish Wildcat

by: username Last updated Apr 21, 2021

The cat burglar is feeling somewhat ancient these days. Maybe she needs a little pick-me-up?

You bet your life!

by: username Last updated Apr 21, 2021

Jefferey gets a do-over. I wanted to do a grittier story this time around.

Tales from the Halls of Justness "It's a world mad mad mad"

by: username Last updated Apr 20, 2021

The Rejuvenation Device is perfected. Let's play with it!

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Stories of Age/Time Transformation

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