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the babysitter

by: spamolotz Last updated May 13, 2024

When a teenager named laura finally gets her first job as a babysitter, things quickly spiral out of control when Laura finds the baby shes sitting suddenly isnt so little anymore. contains temporary age progression and age regression.

trick or treat

by: spamolotz Last updated May 13, 2024

three young woman find themselves having the most boring halloween of there nights, but little do they know there lives would soon change forever


by: spamolotz Last updated May 13, 2024

After returing home for break in college, claire is left dreading reuniting with her older sister and longtime bully jackie. However,a mysterious antidote gifted to her from a friend may just be the key to finally flipping the tables and giving claire the upperhand... contains ar and light elements of pregnancy

The Flower Girl

by: Mellow Sadistic Last updated Apr 30, 2024

Grace is getting married and she’s determined not to let Jessica, her husband-to-be’s ex, ruin the wedding. But if this is her big day, why is she being dressed as the flower girl?

Someone Else’s Dream

by: Tasso Last updated Apr 25, 2024

Sophie wishes for a friend’s dream to come true, unleashing a nightmare for everyone else… [Expect: mental regression, friends-to-diaper lovers, and forces beyond our mortal realm!]

Not Quite a Ruin Day

by: Guyver54 Last updated Apr 23, 2024

All Kevin White-Dove wanted was to spend a day with his lovely wife. But something will happen during this outing that will change many things for the married couple and maybe grant something Kevin had secretly longed for.

Couples Therapy

by: Mellow Sadistic Last updated Apr 18, 2024

After Angela cheats on her husband, she agrees to go to couples therapy with him, but each session with the therapist leaves her feeling less and less like a grown-up.

The Mists of Time

by: Sawine Last updated Apr 7, 2024

Advancements in technology have led to a fun new reality competition!

The AR Story Archive

Stories of Age/Time Transformation

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