by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Feb 13, 2025
Chapter Description: Sam's new confidence is tested when she is taken to a party. She quickly finds herself in unchartered waters and out of her depth. Meanwhile, there is someone outside waiting and watching for the perfect moment to strike... --- Commissioned by: diaperboy187
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Sam really had little choice but to go along with what Roxy suggested. They didn’t head to the food court but instead went out to the car. They left the mall with the stereo blaring again. They travelled a few streets before pulling in to a fast food drive through.
“Yeah, we’ll have a number seven large, a four with extra cheese, a number nine and…” Roxy paused to look back at Sam. The small woman was about to open her mouth when Roxy turned back to the window, “And a kid’s meal.”
Sam felt a chill go down her spine as the others laughed. She felt hurt but didn’t know if they trying to make fun of her or if it was just a poor joke. The car pulled up to the next window without any more being said so Sam assumed they were just teasing. They paid at the next window and a few minutes later were picking up their food. The car then continued to a park a few blocks away from Isabelle’s home.
Everyone got out and as the sun was setting they gathered around a picnic table. The food was handed out and Sam scowled at the colourful box that contained her dinner. She noticed that wasn’t all that was coming out. Roxy was pulling out the cigarettes again. When she was offered one she didn’t hesitate to take it.
“Sorry about dinner.” Roxy said as she took a puff, “I thought it would be funny. You can share my fries if you like.”
“I’m good.” Sam replied. She took a puff on her cigarette and almost managed to avoid coughing.
“Here they come.” Jane said as she looked over Sam’s head.
Sam turned around to see a couple of boys coming over. One was on a bike whilst the other swaggered along next to him in a sports jersey. She didn’t know who they were but Jane and Kerry certainly seemed to.
“Alright girls.” One of the boys said, “Who’s on babysitting duty?”
“Whoa, you’re letting the kid smoke?” The other laughed.
“Ryan, don’t be such a jerk.” Kerry said though she had a wide smile on her face. Sam thought she noticed the other girl was smirking.
It was explained to the boys that Sam wasn’t a small kid. It actually took quite some convincing to make them believe they weren’t being pranked. It was a reaction Sam was more than used to.
“Budge up.” The boy named Ryan said as he squeezed in next to Kerry.
Sam noticed Roxy rolling her eyes. The leader of the group of friends looked at Sam and tilted her head to the side before getting up. Sam followed suit, awkwardly holding both the cigarette and her food. She looked back at the bench where Jane and Kerry seemed to be engaged in a particularly heavy make out session with the new arrivals.
“We should leave them to it.” Roxy said, “At least I have someone to talk to whilst they’re busy. I swear every time they’re in the same place this happens and usually I’m just sitting to the side feeling like a third wheel.”
Roxy found a spot on the side of a slope and put her coat down. She laid down and Sam did the same next to her. The only thing interrupting them was the occasional giggle coming from the bench they had just left.
“You know I really thought you would’ve freaked out today.” Roxy said as she ate some of her fries.
“Really?” Sam asked.
“Yeah, I mean, no offence but you seem like a complete mommy’s girl if ever I saw one.” Roxy said.
Sam stayed silent. Roxy didn’t know how complicated that question nor how true it was. Until that day Sam had been practically attached to Isabelle at the hip, besides school and the sleepover this was the only time she had been away from her since she had arrived. It was the first time she had truly been without “adult supervision.”
“So you were testing me?” Sam asked.
“Kind of.” Roxy replied, “But also that haircut really does suit you.”
It was very peaceful. Sam laid next to Roxy and looked up at the darkening sky. For what seemed like hours they talked about whatever seemed to come to mind. Sam could never fully relax, she had to remember her stories about her recent past since she couldn’t exactly tell Roxy the full truth. It wasn’t like she would be believed anyway.
They ate their food, talked about everything and nothing, and smoked a couple more cigarettes. By the time they started feeling a chill in the air and got up they could see that Roxy’s two friends, along with their boyfriends, had wandered away. It seemed quite rude to Sam but Roxy didn’t act like it was anything unusual.
“Come on. I’ll give you a lift home.” Roxy said as they walked back to the car, “Oh, and chew on this.”
Sam was handed some chewing gum which she stuck in her mouth. She hadn’t smoked before but she knew enough to know the goal of the gum was to cover the smell of the smoke. She got into the vehicle and Roxy finally took her back home.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” Roxy said as Sam got out.
“Yeah, see you at school.” Sam replied as she closed the door
Turning to face Isabelle’s house Sam took a deep breath. She picked up the bags of new clothes as she started up the path. She wasn’t looking forward to what was coming next. Indeed the front door opened before Sam even reached it. Isabelle looked at her with thin lips and a stony expression. She simply held the door open and pointed inside.
“What the hell is this?” Isabelle asked as soon as the front door closed.
“What?” Sam played dumb.
“What have you done with you hair?” Isabelle exclaimed
“It’s just a haircut!” Sam’s voice was raised as she took her shoes off.
“And… You got your ears pierced!?” Isabelle covered her mouth.
“So what?” Sam replied dismissively, “It’s my body, isn’t it?”
“What’s in the bags?” Isabelle asked.
Without hesitation Isabelle leaned down and reached into one of the bags. She pulled out a bold red shirt that had a pretty vulgar phrase printed on it. She looked equal parts shocked and angry.
“You have another thing coming if you think you’re wearing these!” Isabelle said as she tossed the shirt back into the bag.
“You’re not my mother!” Sam replied with a yell, “You don’t get to choose these things!”
“I’m just…” Isabelle stopped mid-sentence, “What’s that smell?”
“I’m just chewing some gum…” Sam replied rather guiltily.
“Have you been smoking?” Isabelle asked as her hands went to her hips.
Sam would’ve been impressed with how quickly Isabelle had sussed out everything that had gone on if she hadn’t been so angry. Like a teenager, hearing Isabelle tell her what she could and couldn’t do was just making her angry and determined to do the opposite. She snatched up her bags and stomped towards the stairs.
“Answer me.” Isabelle demanded.
“So what if I have?” Sam yelled as she awkwardly stomped up the stairs, “I’m an adult. I can do what I want!”
“I’m just trying to look after you.” Isabelle said, “You’re still learning and maturing. I’m worried about these new friends…”
“At least THEY don’t treat me like a kid!” Sam exclaimed, “I don’t NEED you anymore!”
Before Isabelle could respond Sam noisily banged her way down the hallway and into her bedroom. She slammed the door closed behind her feeling both liberated and a little guilty. She pushed any thoughts of feeling bad away from her, she was right, Roxy was treating her like the adult she should’ve always been. After so long being kept as a child by Jess and then Isabelle it felt great to do the things she’d been denied.
Sam walked over towards her bed and pulled off her pants. Her pull-up was soaked through, it wouldn’t have taken much to get it to leak. She felt resentment towards it. After arguing about how she was an adult and didn’t need Isabelle the wet pull-up felt like it was making her a liar. She pulled the heavy disposable down and kicked it off her legs before replacing it with a dry one.
Walking in front of her mirror Sam reached up and touched her ear. The site of the piercing was still a little sore but it didn’t hurt as much as she had expected. She swiped her hair out of her face again, a second later it was right back where it started. This look was so different to anything she had experienced before. It was… cool.
The rest of the week followed this new pattern. At home Sam barely spoke with Isabelle, she didn’t even sit to eat with her at dinnertime preferring instead to take her plate up to her room. Isabelle tried to initiate conversation but Sam ignored her. She STILL spoke to Sam as if she was some little kid who needed to be told what she should and shouldn’t do. Day after day Isabelle would tell Sam she was hanging out with “the wrong crowd.” Sam scoffed at her, just because Roxy and the others were a little rough and tumble and not the goody-two-shoes girls Isabelle would pick it didn’t mean they were bad. She thought her guardian was just annoyed she was losing control of Sam.
At school Sam had easily slotted in with her new friend group. She had a newfound confidence since Roxy’s group was at the top of the pecking order, she no longer had to worry about being teased or bullied. Cutting classes became second nature to her, the teachers got mad but there wasn’t a lot they could do. Sure, Roxy and the others were harming their education but Sam already had already graduated high school, skipping class didn’t mean much to her.
Sam was spending all her time with her new friends. She wouldn’t say she had grown used to the taste and smell of cigarettes but she kept taking them when they were offered, partly to fit in but mostly because she knew it annoyed Isabelle.
It was the end of the week that Sam was most excited for. After being initiated and accepted into the friend group she had been invited to a party. A proper grown-up party. There would be no slumber party or watching movies, it would be a bunch of older teenagers doing what older teenagers do. Sam was very excited and when she came home that Friday afternoon she got dressed in clothes that Isabelle disagreed with. A short skirt that she felt was safe enough to cover her pull-up and a shirt that showed a lot of skin. She’d even started stuffing her bra to make her chest look a bit more impressive. It wasn’t very effective but there was only so much she could do when she was as small as she was.
“I don’t know about this.” Isabelle said as Sam came downstairs.
“What’s the problem?” Sam asked as she rolled her eyes.
“These parties can get quite rowdy and…” Isabelle started.
“And?” Sam asked.
“And you’re not… Well, you’re not like the other people that are going to be there.” Isabelle said.
“Oh, really? I hadn’t noticed!” Sam said sarcastically. This was the type of thing that so often annoyed her about Isabelle. Did this woman really think that she didn’t think about her height literally all the time?
“Listen, young lady, I’ve just about had enough of this attitude.” Isabelle said, “If you don’t start talking to me with respect I’ll…”
“What? Use one of the triggers on me?” Sam asked aggressively, “Do they even work anymore?”
“I would never use those for no reason.” Isabelle looked hurt at the suggestion.
“Whatever. I’m going out and I’m going to have fun!” Sam shouted, “You should try it sometime!”
“I…” Isabelle started but Sam had turned away.
Reaching for the doorknob Sam opened the front door and left the house leaving Isabelle in shock in the living room. The caregiver turned to the window to watch as Sam stomped away without even looking back. She wasn’t Sam’s mother, she knew that, but in some ways she had felt like she had been through everything a mom would go through. She had raised Sam from basically square one in the last few months.
Isabelle couldn’t tell if this was Sam going through an awkward development phase or if this was who she really was. After all, Isabelle hadn’t known Sam at all before the suggestions had been implanted. She had long found it hard to connect to Sam in the same way she did any child, but she had grown to care for her a lot. She may not always have done what Sam wanted but she had always done what Sam needed. It hurt to have it thrown back in her face. She sat down on the couch and took a shaky breath.
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Sam's Crawl To Adulthood
by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Feb 13, 2025
Stories of Age/Time Transformation