Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Feb 13, 2025

Chapter Description: Sam's new confidence is tested when she is taken to a party. She quickly finds herself in unchartered waters and out of her depth. Meanwhile, there is someone outside waiting and watching for the perfect moment to strike... --- Commissioned by: diaperboy187

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As Sam approached the address she had been given for the party she could hear the music thumping and saw people hanging out in the front yard. Sam felt a little self-conscious as she pushed open the gate and started walking up the path to the house. People she didn’t know were staring, some she didn’t recognise from school.

The house was packed with people and the music was so loud Sam could feel the bass shaking the floor. There were people hanging out in groups everywhere as well as some couples making out on the couches of the living room. Among them she saw Jane. The house looked pretty dingy, it certainly wasn’t as well-kept as Isabelle’s had been. Nearly everyone was holding a red disposable cup and some were clearly stumbling drunk.

The air smelt strongly of something very exotic and equally illegal. The house was in a bad state. There were stains everywhere, the couches were ripped in places and there were holes in the wall. She didn’t know whose house it was but it was clearly not being taken care of in any way. It reminded Sam a little of drug houses she had seen on TV shows. Houses that were essentially open door to anyone who wanted to party, much to the detriment of the buildings themselves.

“Sam!” Roxy was standing near a table and was having to shout to be heard. She was waving Sam over.

Sam hurried over to her friend. Roxy was dressed very differently from at school. She was in a dress that didn’t cover very much at all. Her make-up was very heavy and her cheeks glittery. She was wearing tall heels that only accentuated the height differences between the two. In Sam’s opinion she looked a little like the sort of woman she sometimes saw standing on street corners at night…

“Glad you came.” Roxy leaned in close to Sam to be heard, “I thought you was going to flake out on us.”

“Who are all these people?” Sam asked. She was looking over to a group of guys in the nearby corner who certainly didn’t look like they went to high school. They were currently ogling every girl who walked near them.

“Some are from school, some go to college and I don’t know the others.” Roxy shrugged, “Here. You’ve got some catching up to do.”

Sam took a cup from Roxy and looked down at the mysterious liquid within. She looked up to Roxy as the teenager sunk her drink and raised her own cup to her lips. She tipped it back and winced as she quickly swallowed the alcohol within. She coughed a couple of times as she put the empty cup down.

“What is it?” Sam asked when Roxy leaned down.

“I have no idea.” Roxy shouted in reply, “Come on, let’s go dance!”

The party soon became a blur. Sam spent time with Roxy feeling nervous about all the people she didn’t know. More than a few times people stopped to ask who the “kid” was but Roxy quickly shooed them away. Occasionally Sam was handed drinks and she downed it each time. She’d had drinks before but not for a long time and with her small body they quickly piled up.

Sam found herself alone a little later in the evening. She was stumbling around the house with no idea where Roxy or any of their friends were. The last time she remembered seeing Roxy she was going upstairs with a guy who looked several years older than her. She was trying to make her way up the stairs to the bathroom, the alcohol needing to evacuate her body, but the stairs were proving a challenge.

“Need help?” A man Sam didn’t know asked.

“I can do it myshelf…” Sam slurred as she batted away a hand that the man had reached out.

Unfortunately Sam’s drunken mind was very much overestimating what she was capable of. After a couple of attempts failing to get up the first step she started trying to crawl instead. She could hear lots of people around her laughing though she didn’t hear anyone telling a joke. About halfway up the stairs her bladder suddenly gave up trying to wait. She felt a flood of urine pouring into the pull-up.

“Uh oh.” Sam grunted drunkenly as she reached down in a stupor. Her hand pressed against the rapidly swelling padding and she was giving no thought to how she was flashing everyone at the bottom of the stairs her underwear.

Even Sam’s inebriated mind knew this was a problem. It only became a bigger issue when she felt the hot liquid breaking through the weak boundaries of her pull-up and start running down her legs. She looked down and could see the carpet of the stairs starting to darken.

Sam started butt bumping back down the steps. She was swaying dangerously with each drop and she heard more laughter, she didn’t look behind her to see the large wet patches she was leaving.

“Looks like the kid can’t handle her drink!” Someone shouted to much laughter from the others who were watching.

“I’m not a kid…” Sam slurred quietly.

“Did she piss herself?” Someone at the top of stairs yelled, “I’m not cleaning that up!”

“Freaking baby.” That voice came from behind Sam as well.

“I’m not a… Argh!” Sam had tried to twist around to give these people behind her a piece of her mind but as she did so she swayed over and before she knew it she was horizontal and rolling painfully down each step.

There was a collective gasp as Sam bounced off each step on the way down to the floor. She let out grunts of pain that even the alcohol couldn’t completely dull. When she finally hit the bottom she landed face down with her legs open and her skirt pulled up. She was suddenly glad she didn’t really know anyone here.

Sam got on to all fours and crawled towards the front door. The ground felt like it was swaying side to side as if she was on the deck of a ship on a stormy sea. At first the other partygoers had been shocked at her fall but now that it seemed she was alright they were all whooping and hollering as if Sam had done some crazy stunt. She had barely crossed the threshold to the front yard before attention had turned to a woman in another room stripping off.

Crawling up the garden path Sam passed people in all states of debauchery. She saw people throwing up and using the bushes as a toilet, there was couple lying on the ground getting very handsy with each other and a pair of guys who seemed to be having a fight though in their drunken state it was little more than rolling around on top of each other with a couple of people egging them on.

Sam reached the garden gate and used it to pull herself upright. She could feel her saturated pull-up leak even more as pee started running down her legs. She staggered to the side before gaining her balance. There wasn’t really a plan but she felt for certain that she needed to get home. It was only a short walk but even then she was struggling to put one foot in front of the other.


The woman was sat in the car hardly believing what she was seeing. As if she didn’t already have enough evidence that Sam wasn’t being properly looked after she was watching it staggering in front of her. The girl in front of her didn’t look like the Sam she knew, she looked completely different and the woman didn’t like it at all. Sam looked like the sort of girl the woman had always feared she would become, it was why she needed looking after in the first place. The woman looked at the garden Sam had emerged from and saw a lot of people, in particular she saw a girl she had seen Sam hanging out with leaning over the fence and staring in shock.

“What have you done to my girl?” The woman muttered. She wasn’t addressing anyone in particular, more the world that had so tainted the good little girl she had constructed.

The woman had a chance to correct things. She was hidden around the corner at the end of the road and now she started walking behind Sam, she was a long way behind but knew she could still save Sam from the world. All she needed to do was to get Sam back home. Back to her REAL home.

Sam was drifting side to side on the sidewalk and there were a few times it seemed like she was going to fall. The woman was slowly closing the gap on her, she would soon be within her grasp. All she would have to do was grab her.

The woman was only a few feet behind. She reached forwards in the darkness. Inches away she could hear the small woman’s breathing, smell the alcohol, urine and tobacco coming off her. After watching and waiting it was time to reclaim what was rightfully hers…

Blue lights suddenly flashed in the darkness. The woman quickly dropped her hand and walked straight past Sam in the darkness. She could only pray the lights weren’t coming for her even though she had done nothing wrong. Fortunately they seemed to stop at the curb next to Sam. The woman, hidden once again in the darkness ducked behind a tall hedge and listened.

“Hello.” A male police officer’s voice came from the roadside. The woman pushes aside a few thin twigs to see what was happening, “Are you lost? It’s a little late for a little girl to be outside alone.”

The woman could see Sam swaying slightly as she turned to face the officer. She looked almost completely out of it and the officer seemed to notice that as well. He started advancing towards Sam who backed up into the very hedge the woman was spying from.

“Not a little girl…” Sam’s words were muttered and seemed to tumble over each other the same way she was threatening to tumble over on the pavement, “I’m a big girl.”

“Are you… drunk?” The officer was frowning. Clearly he was seeing the same thing the woman saw. A little girl who shouldn’t be out alone, a girl who certainly shouldn’t be allowed to make her own decisions.

“Sho what?” Sam slurred. She jabbed a finger forwards, “What’sh it to you?”

Sam turned away from the officer with an impatient wave and started stumbling down the sidewalk again. The woman kept pace whilst crouched in the shadows of the hedge.

“Hey! What a minute!” The officer called out. He raised his radio to his face, “Dispatch, I’m going to need Child Protective Services. I appear to have a young child alone and apparently inebriated.”

“I’m not a CHILD!” Sam screamed.

The woman’s heart was in her mouth. She couldn’t let this police officer take Sam in, she couldn’t let any government authority get involved. They would find out who Sam really was and take her away. She reached for a heavy looking rock on the ground next to her and prepared to spring out.

Sam turned and walked away again. It looked like she was trying to run but the signals from her brain were dulled by the alcohol. She stumbled a few steps before ending up on her hands and knees.

“Just wait there.” The police officer ordered as he quickly closed the distance.

In the bushes the woman picked up the rock. She prepared to burst out and get what she wanted, what she needed. She could feel her hands trembling with anticipation. One quick act and then she could disappear into the night never to be seen again. Sam safely kept where she should always have been and the woman wouldn’t let her get away again.

“Look!” Sam shouted.

The woman couldn’t see exactly what was happening but she saw the police officer bend down to help Sam up and then take something from her. The woman shifted slightly and the leaves rustled against each other, both Sam and the officer looked into the hedge for a second before turning back to the card Sam had handed the officer.

“This can’t be real.” The officer muttered, “A fake ID?”

“No!” Sam swayed into the hedge before regaining her balance, “My name’sh Sham. I’m an adult. Take me to Ishabelle… She’s tell you…”

The police officer looked at from Sam to the apparent ID card and back at Sam. It seemed like everyone was waiting with baited breath for someone to do something. After a tortuous few seconds passed the officer raised his radio to his mouth again.

“Dispatch, cancel that CPS callout.” The officer said, “They’re no longer required.”

Dispatch confirmed the cancellation and the woman breathed a sigh of relief. The rock she had been ready to use as a weapon was placed back on the ground.

“Come on, Sam.” The officer said, “I’ll give you a lift home.”

The woman watched Sam disappear into the police car which then pulled away from the curb. She turned away from the road and pounded the ground in frustration that she had been foiled. Her goal had been right there for the taking and only bad luck had stopped her. She took a deep breath. There would be other chances.


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End Chapter 30

Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: Elfy | Story In Progress | Last updated Feb 13, 2025


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