Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 10, 2024

Chapter Description: After a torturous morning, Sam is called in to see the Principal. She receives some very unwelcome news there. Meanwhile, there is someone eavesdropping outside the window.

Commissioned by: diaperboy187


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Once Sam had sat down Miss. Hunt disappeared inside the office. She came out several minutes later. She started to walk away with Sam’s shimmering eyes following her before she stopped and came back. Sam looked almost straight up into the teacher’s eyes as her body language softened.

“I’m very disappointed.” Miss. Hunt said quietly.

As Miss. Hunt turned and walked away Sam buried her face in her hands. It had truly been the day from hell. It felt like everything that could go wrong had gone wrong and all the confidence she had grown over her time in elementary school had fizzled away. She cried quietly whilst waiting to be called in to the office yet again.

“Sam.” Principal Botham’s voice was immediately recognisable, “Come in.”

Sam sniffed back her sobs as she slipped off the edge of the chair and waddled into the Principal’s office. Mrs. Botham looked a lot sterner than she had earlier, the cheerful soft demeanour of the woman replaced by an icy stiffness. She looked to be all business.

“Sam…” Mrs. Botham started.

“It wath thelf-defenthe!” Sam exclaimed quickly. The speed I which she spoke only making her speech harder to understand, “He’s heard about my dia-… thtuff and wath going to pull my thkirt to look!”

“Will anyone corroborate that story?” Mrs. Botham asked doubtfully.

Sam was going to say all of Ben’s friends had seen it happen but they weren’t likely to tell on their friend. It wasn’t fair. Sam had been just protecting herself!

“In any case, even if that is true, you are a woman. He is a child.” Mrs. Botham said with her hands out, “Are you telling me you saw no other option than violence? I understand your exceptional circumstances but you ought to know better.”

Sam had tried to leave the situation but had been blocked at every turn. Maybe she could’ve reasoned with them? In hindsight she could think of plenty of things she might’ve done to defuse things but at the time she hadn’t been able to think at all. She hung her head.

“Just a few hours ago you promised you would behave.” Mrs. Botham said with a sigh, “But here you are in front of me again.”

“But-…” Sam started.

“You were allowed into the classes here under the assumption you were mature enough to handle them. You’ve let me, Isabelle and yourself down today.” Mrs. Botham said sadly, “Unfortunately I can’t have you risking the safety of other students. I’m afraid you are going to be suspended indefinitely.”

“W-What!?” Sam gasped. She didn’t really know what this might mean for her going forwards but she had never got in trouble at school, for it to happen now was like a hammer blow. She dreaded to think what Isabelle would say.

“I’m afraid so.” Mrs. Botham nodded solemnly, “I don’t know what the future holds for you but I’ve called Isabelle and she is on her way to pick you up. It’s my understanding she is going to enrol you at pre-school again.”

“No!” Sam shouted in horror, “No!”

“Shouting won’t help.” Mrs. Botham warned.

“I don’t want to go back there!” Sam yelled, “I’m a big girl!”

It was as if the threat of being sent back to the pre-school was actively regressing her mind back to that state. In the whirlwind of her emotional mind everything she had learned recently seemed to disappear.

“Please keep your voice down.” Mrs. Botham stood up from her seat.

“You can’t make me!” Sam screamed, “Give me a thecond cha-…”

“S I L E N C E!” Mrs. Botham spoke over the top of Sam though she couldn’t have expected what happened next.

Sam’s voiced died away in her throat immediately. It was like a metaphorical vice had suddenly clamped around her neck. Her eyes opened wide as the realised what the Principal had said. Her cheeks blushed as she slowly opened her mouth to try and speak again.

“Agababa…” Sam babbled, “Agababa fa ma!”

Sam’s eyes watered. The Principal had used one of her triggers and just like that her ability to speak had gone away. Her eyes watered as she saw Mrs. Botham frown at her. Clearly she didn’t understand why the girl who had just been having a tantrum had suddenly stopped and babbled like an infant. She didn’t know about the triggers.

“What was that, Sam?” Mrs. Botham asked.

“Babaga…” Sam muttered.

“Is this supposed to be a joke?” Mrs. Botham asked, “Because this is not a laughing situation.”

Sam shook her head sadly. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she looked at the floor. Even if she wanted to she had no way of telling the Principal what was going on. Mrs. Botham was still frowning in confusion. She stood up and walked around her desk before lowering herself to one knee to be closer to Sam’s height.

“Look, I know this is difficult but it will help you in the long run.” Mrs. Botham said quietly with a little smile, “I don’t think you’re a baby, I just think you need some time to think about what you need to do, OK?”

“Codo… Codo filo.” Sam was trying to form words but the unintelligible sounds that came out of her mouth were incoherent even to herself.

The Principal shook her head. Sam realised Mrs. Botham must’ve thought she was being sarcastic as she babbled after being sent back to pre-school. She wished she could still argue her case or at least explain why she was now talking like a baby. Mrs. Botham stood up and walked back around the desk.

“You can wait in the isolation room for Isabelle to get here.” Mrs. Botham said with a wave of dismissal.

Sam sighed deeply and with her head slumped down she turned on her heels and slowly left the office. After every step she hesitated hoping that Mrs. Botham would change her mind but when she looked over her shoulder she saw the Principal wasn’t even paying attention to her now. She seemed annoyed, like Sam was deliberately making fun of her. Sam would’ve liked to have reassured her that she wasn’t but she couldn’t. She looked back down at her feet as she opened the door and left the office.

The isolation room was usually for naughty students who were being disruptive in class. It was essentially solitary confinement. A small room with nothing but a table and a chair. Any kid sent to that room would have absolutely zero distractions from their work. For Sam it was going to be a holding cell until Isabelle arrived.

Sam went into the room and sat down on the chair. She didn’t look forward to Isabelle getting to her, especially not after such a difficult morning. She felt her diaper blossom with warmth and tried to tell herself that it was just a coincidence and not her losing control of her bladder in fear of Isabelle arriving.

When the door to the room opened a little while later and Isabelle walked in Sam automatically looked down to the floor. She swallowed hard anticipating a lot of anger from her caretaker that she had ruined this opportunity. Isabelle stood there for a few moments seemingly letting Sam just think about what she had done.

“Is it true?” Isabelle asked, “Did you push that little boy?”

“Gababa…” Sam babbled in reply.

Isabelle looked at Sam with pursed lips and a frown. She turned to face the Principal who had appeared in the doorway behind her.

“I told her she was in trouble and she just started to make those noises.” Mrs. Botham said with a shrug, “I don’t think she’s taking any of this seriously.”

That wasn’t true! Sam desperately wanted to tell both the women looking down at her that she didn’t have a choice and it was all the fault of the stupid triggers but she couldn’t. Every time she opened her mouth she babbled uselessly. She suspected Isabelle must’ve known what had happened but the Principal clearly just thought she was some troublesome child.

“Let’s go home.” Isabelle said. She walked forwards and did something she hadn’t done much since Sam had started elementary school, she bent down and picked her up.

Sam buried her head in Isabelle’s shoulder in shame and embarrassment. She could feel her caretaker’s hands pressing against the diaper underneath her short skirt and wondered if it was obvious that she was soaked.


The woman had her back pressed against the wall. She had seen a lot that morning and was filing it all away mentally in case it was useful later. She had been watching Sam every day she was at the school, usually from her car nearby but occasionally getting closer if she was feeling confident. She had mapped out the cameras and knew just where she could go to avoid detection.

The woman had still been in her car when she saw the confrontation on the playground. Her knuckles were white on the steering wheel as she had to fight her instinct to jump out of the vehicle and intervene, to save the girl who needed protection more than anyone. To snatch her up and take her away to the nursery she should never have left.

The girl was upset, that much was obvious from all the way back at the car, and the woman saw it as proof that Sam wasn’t happy. How could she be when she was away from her Mommy? The woman tapped on the steering wheel as Sam was surrounded by boys. Her legs shook as she wanted to get out, run over and carry Sam away to safety. She would be so much happier and safer back at home…

There was a push and a boy ended up on the floor. The woman’s eyes grew wide as the teacher came over. As Sam was taken away the woman got out of her car and started hurrying towards the side gate, she couldn’t stop herself. She snuck through and crossed the quiet fenced off area until she reached the wall outside the office area. She crouched down with her heart beating fast and went round to a window where she heard voices. Thankfully there were no people around this part of the school.

Sam was being told off for fighting. The woman curled her hands into fists and clenched her teeth. That wasn’t fair to the poor little girl. This was exactly why she needed to be kept away from the big kids, she was just too delicate. She needed protecting.

Sam tried to argue her case but she was overawed. That was when the woman heard the Principal say the word. Instantly Sam’s protestations became baby babble and the woman bit her lip. Despite the situation a smile crossed her face. The instructions were still in there. They still worked. Even though the woman was desperate to get Sam she couldn’t help feeling the pride swelling in her chest. That little fact could make everything a lot easier.

When Sam was sent off to another room the woman wanted to follow but couldn’t as it was inside the building. She waited a little bit hoping to hear more discussion about what had happened. Just as she was about to give up she saw Isabelle’s car pull up at the gate. The woman stayed out of sight but waited. Eventually the door to the office opened again.

“Ah, Miss. Friedrich, how are you?” The Principal said.

“I’m well.” Isabelle replied, “I hear there has been a problem?”

“Indeed...” The Principal said.

The woman remained under the window. She still wanted to jump in but now it wasn’t about protecting Sam, it was about getting revenge on the woman who had stolen her. She listened to the Principal explain what had happened.

“I see.” Isabelle said coldly when the Principal had finished, “I understand your decision.”

“Miss. Friedrich… Isabelle, are you sure you’re doing the right thing?” The Principal asked.

There was silence in reply to the question. The woman couldn’t know what was going on in the office and wished she could safely peek in. As it was she remained in place and waited. Eventually the Principal continued.

“It’s just… Sam has been struggling.” The Principal finally continued, “Reports from her teacher say she hasn’t been able to do much of the work given out even with the extra tutoring. Then there is the behaviour problems today.”

“We knew there would be teething problems.” Isabelle replied swiftly, “The idea is to immerse her with the children to re-learn what she lost.”

“I know, I know.” The Principal sighed so audibly it carried through the open window to where the woman saw crouching, “I can’t allow her to come back to class until we can be confident she won’t act out again. This was just an incident between two children but if a parent discovers Sam is actually in her twenties we will be up a creek without a paddle.”

There was a pause. The Woman waited as it stretched on and just as she was about to lift her head to see what was happening she heard Isabelle speak.

“I understand.” Isabelle said.

“It would be my job on the line.” The Principal continued.

“I said I understand.” Isabelle was a little terse, “Suspend her for a week and I promise when she comes back she will be behaved.”

The woman waited for a response but there wasn’t one. Instead the door to the office opened and a second later it closed again. This time she knew there would be no more information to glean and she crept back the way she had entered to get to her car. She dropped into the driver’s seat feeling elated. She hit the steering wheel but this time it was in triumph. She was right! Sam couldn’t cope with being amongst bigger children and Isabelle’s attempts to make her into something she wasn’t, an adult, were failing.

As if to hammer the point home the woman watched as Isabelle carried Sam out of the school a few minutes later. Sam was sat on her hip and loudly crying. The noise awoke something instinctual in the woman, a need to protect. She ducked down in her seat when Isabelle drove past and then once she was sat up again she pulled into traffic feeling more assured than ever that she was right.


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End Chapter 14

Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: Anonymous | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 10, 2024


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