Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 10, 2024

Chapter Description: Sam is getting ready for middle school. First, a visit from one of Isabelle's friends to help with getting some clothes to fit and then it is off for Sam's first day at a new school! This update is twice as long as usual!

Commissioned by: diaperboy187


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Sam woke up the next day knowing it was her final day before she was officially a middle school student. At first Sam wasn’t sure what had woken her. Her diaper was wet but that wasn’t unusual for overnight so she didn’t think that could be it. She usually woke up early since she was put to bed early but the way she had startled awake made her think something in particular had woken her.

Just as Sam was about to lay her head back down to go back to sleep she heard a knock at the door and sat bolt upright again. It was quite unusual for Isabelle to have visitors, in fact in the whole time Sam had been there she couldn’t remember guests visiting. It was one of the things she was always thankful of since it meant less awkward situations.

“Hello! Come in, come in.” Isabelle’s voice carried up to Sam’s bedroom as she answered the door.

There was some muffled conversation that Sam couldn’t make out that was punctuated by laughter. When she heard footsteps on the stairs she lifted the cover up and hid underneath it. She laid down and tried to flatten herself as if she could disappear if she was horizontal enough, the air in the enclosed space tainted by the smell of her wet diaper. A few seconds later the door to the bedroom opened.

“Sam? Are you awake?” Isabelle asked.

Sam didn’t respond. She remained hidden hoping that Issy would somehow forget she was there or at least think she was asleep and leave her alone. The footsteps came closer and Sam could barely suppress a whimper as Isabelle pulled the covers away for her. Without a word the caretaker reached down with one hand and cupped the obviously wet diaper.

Sam was lifted off the bed and carried over to the changing table. One of the few remaining remnants of when her room had been a full-blown nursery the changing table was still needed every day. No matter how Sam’s potty training was going it seemed like she simply couldn’t stop wetting herself when she slept.

The wet diaper was opened and Sam was cleaned up. Isabelle had changed so many diapers by this point that she had become somewhat of an expert. For Sam there was no embarrassment left about being seen naked in front of Issy, it had happened so often by this point that it felt completely normal.

“Who’s downstairs?” Sam asked as a new diaper was unfolded and slipped underneath her.

“A friend of mine.” Isabelle replied.

“You… You aren’t going to take me downstairs are you?” Sam nervously fiddled with her hands.

“Of course I am.” Isabelle pulled the front of the crinkly disposable up over Sam’s crotch, “She’s been dying to meet you. In fact she’s hear specifically to meet you.”

Sam didn’t understand. She didn’t really know what Isabelle had said to her friends to explain why she suddenly had a baby in her life. Was she supposed to act like a baby? Did this friend know the truth? As Sam was lifted up in her fresh diaper she expected to be dressed. Instead, she was taken out of the bedroom.

“I’m naked!” Sam hissed desperately as she tried to scramble out of Isabelle’s arms.

“No you’re not. You’re wearing your diaper.” Isabelle replied.

That rather seemed like missing the point to Sam but before she could complain further they were heading towards the living room. As the door was pushed open Sam buried her head in Issy’s chest and closed her eyes. Childishly she hoped if she couldn’t see whoever was there then they wouldn’t be able to see her either.

“Sam… So nice to finally meet you. Isabelle has told me so much, she positively gushes about you!” It wasn’t a voice Sam recognized.

Slowly Sam turned her head to the side. She saw a woman who seemed to be the same age as Isabelle, after a second she quickly hid her face again. Sam heard the stranger laugh a little, she didn’t know what was going on but hated that she was only in a diaper. And what did she say about Issy? That she “gushes about you”? That didn’t sound like the Isabelle Sam knew at all.

“Sam, this is my friend, Susan.” Isabelle said, “She’s a seamstress. She’s going to help with the fitting of your new clothes.”

Sam would’ve rather hid under her covers or somewhere but she was pulled away from her hiding place on Isabelle’s chest to be stood on the ground. Sam wobbled slightly, she was only wearing her diaper and her arms went up to cover her what little development she had on her chest. She looked at Susan rather worriedly but the other woman was smiling, she seemed to find nothing unusual about the situation.

“Don’t worry, sweetie.” Susan said as she knelt down in front of Sam, “I just need to take some measurements, OK?”

It quickly became clear to Sam why she had been left almost naked. Susan had brought out a measuring tape and started to take all of her measurements. Sam was instructed to stay in place as Susan did her work. The whole time Susan and Isabelle chatted as if this was all completely normal. Sam just hoped this would be over soon.

“Alright, I’m going to need you to stay in the room, OK?” Susan said as she retreated to the couch where a lot of Sam’s new outfits were waiting.

Sam looked at Isabelle. She really hoped her caretaker would excuse her but instead she simply nodded and told Sam to play. With shoulders slumped in embarrassment Sam sat on the floor next to her little dolls and dollhouse. She hated how everyone was acting like this was normal and she didn’t understand why she couldn’t go back to her bedroom now that Susan had her measurements.

“Let’s try this…” Susan said as she stood up with a shirt that had been heavily modified.

Sam raised her hands as the shirt was pulled over her head and, to her surprise, it seemed to fit perfectly. When Isabelle had pulled that shirt off the rack at the store it had seemed to Sam like she would’ve had more like using it as a tent than clothing but Susan had worked her magic on it.

“Not bad.” Isabelle said as she watched Sam pull at the shirt a little.

“I can make it better.” Susan said as she took the shirt back.

Sam picked up her dolls again but noticed a problem quickly rising. She needed the bathroom and standing up like she had done had only seemed to shift things closer to her exit. Her bladder started aching very quickly. Her training potty was tucked around the side of the couch and was just out of Susan’s sight. There was no way Sam could ask to use it with this stranger here. When she looked over at the pile of clothes Susan was working on Sam knew there was no way she could hold it all in until the guest left.

Sam had been dressing up her dolls in new outfits when she froze in place. She stared at the floor just in front of her as she started to wet her diaper. The warmth washed around her and she shivered slightly, the padding was noticeably swelling up. It was only when she had finished that she went back to playing with her toys. It didn’t seem anyone had noticed what she had done even if she could see the top of the wetness indicator strip changing colour.

“Alright, this should be right.” Susan said a couple of minutes later.

Sam raised her arms without turning around expecting the shirt to be pulled over her head. Instead, she was lifted suddenly to her feet and her wet state was unceremoniously revealed to the other two women. Sam looked way from the armchair where Isabelle had pursed her lips.

Nobody said anything about Sam’s obvious accident as she was made to try on most of her new wardrobe. By the time Susan was done Sam had wet herself again and was on the verge of leaking, the padding drooped heavily and she hadn’t once mentioned needing the potty.

“That should do it.” Susan said after Sam had tried on a pair of jeans, “I think that’s everything. It’s a start at least, I expect this little girl will be demanding more clothes sooner or later.”

“Thank you again.” Isabelle said as she stood up, “It’s so hard to find clothes for Sam, I’m sure you understand.”

“Not a problem at all.” Susan knelt down in front of Sam, “And good luck at school tomorrow.”

Sam didn’t say anything as Susan stood up and was taken to the door by Isabelle. She remained in place with her wet diaper on display waiting for Isabelle to come back. A few seconds later she got her wish when Isabelle re-appeared and leaned on the frame of the door.

“You didn’t say you needed the potty.” Isabelle said accusingly.

“I couldn’t!” Sam argued, “Not in front of Susan…”

“And you thought soaking your diaper was better?” Isabelle’s eyebrows raised.

Sam shrugged her shoulders. It had seemed better at the time though her decision may not have been the best with the benefit of hindsight. Regardless Isabelle came walking over and lifted Sam into the air.

“I can walk…” Sam mumbled sulkily.

“Little girls who wet themselves get carried like babies.” Isabelle said.

Sam pouted and let out a grunt of embarrassed frustration. Her face turned red but she couldn’t exactly argue with Isabelle’s assessment, she had wet her diaper just like the baby she had been in the recent past.


“Did you hear what Chloe did last night? Oh my god!”

“Hey, can I see your homework?”

“Who’s the kid?”

Sam felt like the smallest fish in the sea. To be fair she was definitely the smallest person in the school corridor and it wasn’t particularly close. She was a lot shorter than everyone around her and she swallowed nervously as she followed the note she had been given towards her new Home Room. She looked around anxiously and saw many eyes staring back at her.

Underneath Sam’s baggy pants her diaper crinkled. The sound was easily lost in the noisy hallway but she was already feeling self-conscious. Thankfully that very morning Sam had been able to change her wet overnight diaper under the supervision of Isabelle, as a result the school nurse hadn’t been told about Sam who was expected to be able to change her own diapers. It felt like just a little bit more independence.

But as Sam’s diaper warmed underneath her clothes she didn’t feel like she wanted that independence. She felt a very childish need to be picked up and told it would be OK. She should’ve gone to the bathroom when she felt the need to pee but she was too distracted and anxious. In her bag, along with everything she’d need for her classes, she had her spare diapers and everything needed for changes. She prayed none of these kids looked in there.

More than anything Sam felt overawed as she looked around at all the other students. Mostly young teenagers experiencing the turmoil that everyone goes through at that age many looked down at Sam and frowned. She wasn’t like them and it was as if they could sense it. It was more than just the height difference and despite being twenty-two years-old Sam felt much younger than everyone she passed. She had expected middle school to feel different to the elementary school she had just left but she hadn’t thought the difference would feel so big.

Eventually Sam found her Home Room and, after standing on tip-toes to open the door, she walked inside. There were some students huddled around a desk but otherwise the room was empty. Sam wasn’t quite sure where all the other students sat so she wasn’t sure which desk to go to. In the end she awkwardly stood next to the teacher’s desk. She tried to look busy as she waited for the teacher.

When the bell rang the door opened and students started walking in. They seemed very boisterous as two boys play fought whilst the girls behind them rolled their eyes. Sam gripped the straps on the backpack that was almost as large as her a little more tightly. The teacher was one of the last ones to enter.

“Ah, you must be Sam. I’m Mr. Smith” The teacher said.

“Hello.” Sam replied shyly, “I’m just wondering where to sit…”

“Oh, I think that desk there next to Becky is free.” Mr. Smith pointed at a desk in roughly the centre of the room.

Sam walked past a couple of rows of desks. She could feel the eyes of the curious teenagers following her. She chanced to look up at the girl who was apparently called Becky but where she expected a scowl or mockery she saw the young teenager smile and wave her hand a little in greeting. Sam was so shocked she didn’t even smile back as she reached her seat and hopped up.

Sam was getting quite a unique experience. She was basically speed running school and it allowed her to see the differences between them. It was surprising to her that despite the students being taller and the language being a little more mature everything else seemed very similar to elementary school. After the register was read out the students were essentially free to do whatever they liked until the bell for the first period.

“Hi, I’m Becky.” The girl next to Sam immediately introduced herself.

“Sam. Nice to meet you.” Sam tried to sound more confident than she felt.

“Are you new to the school? I don’t think I’ve seen you here before.” Becky asked.

“Yeah, I just transferred here.” Sam replied. She didn’t need to say that she had transferred from several grades below.

“Cool.” Becky smiled, “You’re welcome to hang out with me and my friends at lunch. I transferred here last year, I know what it’s like.”

“Thank you. That’s… cool.” Sam replied. She supposed that if she was going to be in class with girls of this age she would have to learn the language a little bit.

The bell for the first period rang. It startled Sam enough that she felt a fresh trickle of urine soaking into her diaper. She certainly hoped she could get to morning break before her first diaper change as planned. She slipped off her seat doing her best to cover her padded rear and stop anyone from discovering her secret as she left the room and made her way to her first lesson.


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End Chapter 18

Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: Anonymous | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 10, 2024


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