Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: Elfy | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 27, 2025

Chapter 27

Chapter Description: Out with the girls, Sam gets some new clothes... and more. She's ready to go home but it seems her new friends have more they want to do.

Commissioned by: diaperboy187


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It felt like Sam’s last chance to change her mind. She followed Roxy out of the bathroom but if she went to her next class right then she would probably get away with a mild telling off. Roxy hurried towards an emergency exit door a little further up the corridor, whilst Sam looked back to where the classroom she should’ve been in was. She was sure all of her teachers, her old friends, Isabelle, her real family… hell, even Jess would be telling her to go to class and be the good girl she was supposed to be. She took one step towards the classroom.

“Sam!” Roxy hissed from the other direction, “Come on!”

Sam turned away from her classroom and hurried as fast as her small legs would take her towards Roxy who was holding the door open. Sam was told to follow Roxy as they went around the back of the buildings to a spot that was pretty well hidden from any prying eyes. Kerry and Jane were already there as Roxy and Sam arrived.

“Wow, Sam, you actually came.” Kerry smirked, “What a naughty girl.”

“Don’t tease her.” Roxy replied with a giggle, “She’s cool. Right, Sam?”

Sam nodded her head but if she was honest she felt wildly out of her depth. The girls started talking and it was topics Sam had basically no experience in and, if she was honest, was making her uncomfortable. The main topic of conversation was sex.

“So Mark really won’t go down on you?” Jane asked.

“Yeah, he says he doesn’t like it.” Kerry replied rather glumly.

“I bet he has no problem with you kneeling between his legs though.” Roxy snorted and shook her head.

“If I were you I’d turn off the tap.” Jane said sagely, “Tell him that if he won’t do anything for you then you won’t do anything for him.”

Sam’s friends had never talked about sex yet alone so openly and honestly. She was starting to realise just how sheltered her upbringing had been. Her friends were laughing and she joined in just to not stick out. Roxy reached into the handbag she carried around with her everywhere and pulled out a small box, she flipped open the top and Sam let out a little gasp of surprise.

“Cigarette?” Roxy asked as she held the box out.

Each of the other girls took a cigarette from the small packet and Roxy handed out a lighter. After Kerry and Jane took their first puffs Roxy turned to Sam and after a second of hesitation held out the cigarettes.

“I… I don’t smoke.” Sam quickly said. The air in their small hidden space already felt like it was being polluted by the noxious smell of tobacco.

“Have you ever tried?” Roxy asked.

“Well, no, but-…” Sam started.

“Then how do you know you won’t like it?” Roxy asked.

Sam was pretty sure she wouldn’t like smoking. She had seen people doing it when she was at school before and had always looked down on them. She had seen people who had smoked for most of their lives coughing violently as they lit up another one. Her mother had been an occasional smoker and the smell had permeated their whole home.

“Give her a break.” Kerry laughed, “She’s only little.”

Kerry blew some smoke into the air and smirked whilst Jane chuckled to herself. She was leaning back against the wall, cigarette between two fingers and looking out towards the school car park, presumably the place they were most likely to get found from. Sam was on the other side and felt a little boxed in, she hated thinking that way though, these girls were so nice to her and potentially friends.

“You should try one.” Roxy said as she held the small packet of cigarettes closer to Sam, “Everyone does it.”

Sam recognised the obvious peer pressure she was being faced with. She had always thought she was too strong for it to really affect her, that she was too fiercely independent to get caught up in stuff like that. Yet as she stood with Roxy and the others she could feel a strong force telling her to go along with it. Just one cigarette couldn’t hurt, right? Smoke it to prove you can hang out with this friend group and then you won’t have to do it again. Isabelle would never have to know.

“I guess…” Sam said slowly, “Just one.”

Sam’s hand shook a little as she took the cigarette. It felt strange between her fingers, slightly soft yet firm. The lighter made a clicking noise as Roxy ignited it and held it out. The end of the cigarette started smoking as it burned orange.

“Just put it between your lips, breathe it in and then… out.” Roxy demonstrated as she spoke. She blew the smoke into the air above Sam.

Sam put the cigarette between her lips. She breathed it in and almost immediately started coughing and spluttering. The other girls laughed as Sam doubled over, her eyes watered and she pulled the cigarette away from her mouth.

“Are you alright?” Roxy asked as Sam stood up straight again and rubbed her eyes.

“Yeah…” Sam rasped. She looked at the cigarette again.

“You’ll get used to it.” Jane said.

Sam wasn’t sure she wanted to get used to it. She paused for a moment and then brought the cigarette up to her face again. This time she breathed in the smoke and did a better job of keeping it in for a second before breathing out. It didn’t feel good, her mouth tasted of ash and she felt the heat from the smoke in her lungs.

“She’s getting it already.” Kerry said, “She’s a natural!”

As the girls all smoked they continued to talk. Sam did her best to blend in but her innocence was pretty obvious to the others. At least they weren’t picking on her, she felt like one of the gang and that felt good. No matter how uncomfortable she felt at times it was worth it to not be an outcast.

“My mom’s such a bitch.” Roxy said after a little while, “I saw this super cute top that I wanted to wear for my date with Paul, I bought it with my own money and then she tells me I can’t wear it out just because it showed a little belly.”

“Doesn’t she know you’re eighteen?” Kerry asked.

“She says as long as I live under her roof I have to abide by her rules.” Roxy shook her head.

“So what did you do?” Jane asked.

“I took the top with me and changed in Paul’s car.” Roxy laughed, “I wish she could’ve seen me when I had my tits out in front of Paul!”

The girls all laughed. Sam knew a lot about having to follow other people’s rules. She was glad she wasn’t the only person who’d had to live with strict caretakers. Though being told not to wear a racy top was a little different from Isabelle’s rules about diapers.

“You know, speaking of clothes…” Jane turned to Sam, “This just will not do.”

“Huh?” Sam frowned.

“You cannot be hanging around with us if you’re dressed like that.” Jane continued with a snort, “You may be kindergartener-sized but you don’t have to dress like one.”

Sam looked down at herself. Her clothing was indeed very conservative, it was the same stuff she wore for middle school, and had been picked out by Isabelle. There was no denying it, she wasn’t dressed like the age she was supposed to be. When she compared her pastel colours and soft designs with Roxy and her friends the difference couldn’t be starker. The taller girls’ clothes were darkly coloured and edgy.

“Yeah, did your mom pick out your clothes?” Kerry asked mockingly.

Sam looked away. Just for something to do she brought the cigarette back between her lips and took another drag. She suppressed a cough as the smoke invaded her lungs. The truth was that Isabelle had picked out all of her clothes. As she was going through elementary and even middle school that had seemed to make sense but in high school it did feel a lot stranger.

The conversation moved away from Sam, a fact she was very happy about, and back towards the girls’ preferred topics: sex, gossip and plans to party. Eventually she was saved by the bell, the small bit of the cigarette that was left was dropped to the floor and trodden on in imitation of Roxy next to her.

“We’d better get back.” Roxy said as she handed out chewing gum to cover the smell of tobacco, “You know what Mr. James is like…”

Sam was happy to get back on more well-known ground for her. Skipping class and smoking were not things she had ever imagined herself doing but she had to admit that, despite the anxiety, she had been having fun. It felt naughty to be doing what she did and she sensed an acceptance from the other girls, it was as if she had proved she could be one of them. As they approached their next classroom Roxy put up a hand and stopped.

“Listen, we’re going to the mall after school.” Roxy said, “You should come. We can update your look.”

“I don’t know if Isa-… Mom would like that.” Sam replied.

“Come on.” Roxy said with a roll of her eyes, “Are you going to do what “Mommy” tells you forever? You’re an adult, right? Why should you have to ask permission?”

Roxy didn’t know how right she was, Sam thought wryly. She was certainly an adult, she was actually several years older than the girls she had become desperate to impress. It didn’t feel that way though.

“I suppose…” Sam said quietly.

“Give me your address and I’ll swing by to pick you up.” Roxy said as she got her phone out.

Sam hesitated for a second before giving out Isabelle’s address. Roxy saved it in her phone and then they all walked into class. They were late but Sam’s new friends didn’t seem to care, they just shrugged off the teacher’s disapproving comments. Sam sat beside Roxy at the back of the class. As she was getting her books out she looked over to see Roxy and her two friends touching up their make-up instead.


“What do you mean you’re going out?” Isabelle asked as Sam took her shoes off.

“I’m going out.” Sam answered, “With some friends.”

“You’ve made friends already?” Isabelle asked with raised eyebrows.

“You don’t have to sound so surprised…” Sam muttered.

Sam had only just got in the door. She had taken the bus home and now knew she only had around half an hour before Roxy was going to turn up in her car. She had barely taken her bag off before Isabelle was asking her about her day. She knew it came from a place of concern but Sam was just annoyed by it.

“Who are these friends?” Isabelle asked.

“Just some girls…” Sam replied with a shrug

“Uh huh.” Isabelle grunted.

Sam started to climb the stairs. She needed to have a shower and get changed before Roxy arrived. She wanted to be ready as soon as possible, keeping Roxy waiting didn’t seem like a good idea. Not least because Isabelle might go out and start talking to her.

“And where are you going?” Isabelle asked from the bottom of the stairs.

“To the mall… god…” Sam’s frustration was obvious.

Sam felt like an actual teenager again. Wanting to be independent but with a guardian who was hesitant to cut the apron strings. She washed herself and then got dressed in the most grown-up outfit she could find which wasn’t saying much. When she went back downstairs she found Isabelle looking through the living room window at the road with her lips pursed.

“I’m not comfortable with you going out with people you only met today.” Isabelle said as Sam lingered in the doorway, “However, I understand that it is important for you to develop a sense of independence.”

Sam nodded her head. Looking at the clock she could see Roxy would be pulling up at any minute. She started slipping her shoes back on as she anxiously awaited her friend’s arrival. When she heard a car pull up at the curb she hurried to the door and reached up to pull the handle.

“Bye!” Sam called out as the door swung open.

“Don’t be back late!” Isabelle walked out to the door as Sam hurried towards the car, “Call me if you need anything! Be safe!”

Sam winced with each sentence. Isabelle’s over-protectiveness was clearly funny to Roxy, Kerry and Jane who snorted with laughter as Sam approached the car. The rear door on the vehicle swung open and Sam came to a sudden halt. The girls laughed again as they saw Sam’s reaction. Next to Kerry and Jane there was a toddler car seat, it was nearly identical to the one Isabelle had in her car.

“W-What is this!?” Sam stuttered indignantly.

“I borrowed it from my mom’s car.” Roxy said. She was grinning wildly, “It’s usually my little brother’s.”

“But…” Sam whined.

“Come on, it’s just a bit of fun.” Kerry said as she beckoned Sam to get into the car.

After everything that had happened Sam didn’t want to just turn her back on the only people in high school who treated her like a normal person. With her cheeks blushing she stepped forwards and climbed into the car. It was a struggle to get into the special seat but Jane assisted her. The straps were done up and Sam did her best to laugh along with the others despite feeling so embarrassed. She certainly didn’t look back at Isabelle.

“It does suit you…” Roxy said from the front seat with a little giggle.

Everyone laughed. Sam felt a little hurt to start with but remembered when her friends at middle school had laughed in a similar way, it had been with her rather than at her. She tried to relax a little bit and joined in the laughter as best she could.

“Alright, let’s get out of here.” Jane said from the seat across from Sam.

Roxy reached forwards to the car’s music system which seemed to be hooked up to her phone. She touched something on the screen and music started blaring so loudly that Sam’s automatic reaction was to cover her ears. The fright caused a small trickle of urine to enter her pull-up but it wasn’t enough to be concerned about. She lowered her hands but saw Jane smirking at her reaction. The bass in the music seemed to make the whole car vibrate and conversation was impossible.

Roxy pulled the car away from the curb and started speeding down the road at a pace Sam wasn’t entirely comfortable with. She tried to sit back in the seat and relax though it was impossible not to be a little tense with all that was going on. Her legs swung in the air as they were too short to reach the floor and she nervously played with the buckle the straps passed through. She just hoped she would appear cool enough for these girls.

Sam couldn’t see out the window of the car, she was too short to do so, but if she could she would’ve seen Isabelle standing at the front door. Sam’s guardian was clearly uneasy with what she was seeing. The girls appeared rough, the music was too loud and the speed they disappeared down the street concerned her. She knew she needed to let Sam have independence, it was perhaps the most important part of Sam’s development. She couldn’t hold the girl’s hand forever after all. The ultimate goal of all this was to allow Sam to go home and have a normal life but the growing pains weren’t over. Sam had always been wilful and rebellious but putting her with these teenagers seemed to really be bringing out that side of her. Isabelle could only hope Sam had the tools to navigate these rough waters.


Isabelle wasn’t the only person watching Sam leave.

In a car further down the road the woman watched with a stony expression. She had seen the girls Sam had been hanging out with, had quickly judged them to be of poor character and known Sam shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near them. It was further evidence, if it were needed, that Sam needed to be back where she belonged.

Isabelle was completely failing as a mother. Allowing Sam, the most delicate of babies, to believe she was a big girl was criminal. Letting Sam go off alone with such bad characters was unforgivable. As she watched the car Sam had climbed into pull away from the curb she did the same. Isabelle lingered almost long enough to cause a problem but she turned and stepped inside just as the woman went past.

The woman followed the girls and felt her heart race. She was so close to her goal, so close to getting Sam and taking her to the nursery where she belonged. She could’ve spun the car in front out right there. In the confusion she could’ve run over and rescued Sam. With the triggers she could ensure compliance, so much of her work making Sam had been undone but she was sure those triggers remained. They were too deep, their roots too strong, to just be forgotten.

The car in front was driven erratically by a driver that was either inexperienced, careless, or both. They drove straight through a stop sign and sped to avoid red lights. Each time something dangerous happened the woman’s grip on her steering wheel tightened. If anything happened to Sam she would never forgive herself, she would never forgive Isabelle for stealing her.

This charade had gone on too long. The woman couldn’t wait forever. She would have to bring Sam home soon. The little girl may not understand it right away but in the long run she would be thankful that the woman cared enough to get her back. She would make Sam see that everything she did was to keep her safe. The poor girl couldn’t cope on her own and nothing showed that better than her poor choice of friends.


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End Chapter 27

Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: Elfy | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 27, 2025


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