Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 10, 2024

Chapter Description: Is middle school as scary as elementary school for Sam? Are the kids there going to be friendlier? Sam goes through her day always conscious of needing to keep her secret safe, despite some challenging circumstances. Then, just when she thinks she is out of the woods her new friends have a special invite for her...

Commissioned by: diaperboy187


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Sam was pleased that after the struggle to catch up when she started elementary school she was having less trouble with her morning classes. It was still stuff she was having to re-learn on the fly but it felt more manageable. Going from not being able to read to learning simple words was a bigger leap than what she had to do in middle school. Being able to read most of the textbooks she was given helped tremendously.

Unfortunately, despite the work being a little easier to get a grasp of, Sam had no shortage of worries to occupy her mind. The kids at elementary school were pretty clueless but she quickly noticed that it would be harder to hide her big secret from these older kids. She was more distracted with trying to hide her diapers than ever before. That meant being extra careful when opening her bag and constantly pulling at her clothes to try to better hide her padding.

It wasn’t just diapers though. Becky had been very friendly but that seemed to be more the exception than the norm. Sam found a lot of the other students staring at her or making the snide comments she was used to. It was clear she wasn’t going to magically have a better time just because she had found a friend. The memories of what happened with the friends she had thought she made in elementary school were still very fresh in her mind, it was enough to keep her wary of everyone she passed.

Sam made it through to the morning break without any major humiliations. The work was tough but she felt like she was just about managing to keep up even if it felt like she was struggling more than most of her classmates. Her diaper was soaked though and there was no way she was going to make it through to lunch. She was just on her way to the nearest bathroom when Becky suddenly stepped out in front of her.

“Hello.” Becky said with a smile.

“H-Hi.” Sam replied. The bathroom was just over Becky’s shoulder. Sam looked around her potential new friend at the door as if it was the Promised Land.

“How’s your first morning been? Mr. Ding is such a drag, huh?” Becky giggled.

“Ha! Yeah…” Sam replied distractedly. As much as she appreciated Becky trying to befriend her, she really wanted to sort her diaper out, “Erm, I just need to go to the potty.”

“The potty?” Becky frowned.

Sam froze. She’d let that slip. She had spent so much time talking like a baby it was sometimes hard to remember to stop. She thought for a second she’d blown any chance of being seen as a normal young teenager with Becky before her new friend started to laugh in a friendly way. Sam joined in to try and make it seem like it was somehow deliberate.

Sam walked past Becky towards the girl’s room and pushed through the door. She was grateful that it was empty in there. She was just moving over to one of the stalls when she heard the door open again.

“I’m sure you’ll get used to this place soon.” Becky continued seemingly oblivious to Sam’s desire to be left alone, “You go do your thing, I’ll wait here then I’ll introduce you to the rest of my friends.”

Sam pushed into her stall furthest from the door and felt lost. She really wanted Becky to wait outside but she wasn’t sure how to suggest it without being rude or coming off badly. She locked the door and pulled down her pants to look at the diaper underneath. There was no way it would last till lunch, it would have to be changed then whether Becky was nearby or not.

“I think you’ll love Chloe.” Becky started saying, “She’s the best and so funny! Then there’s…”

As Becky continued Sam’s fingers found the edge of the diaper’s tapes. She started to slowly pull at them but immediately stopped as she heard the adhesive come away from the plastic padding very loudly. She cringed as Becky stopped talking for a moment before carrying on again. Sam had practiced changing her own diapers at home under the watchful eye of Issy, but she hadn’t thought how much harder it would be in a public setting.

“Last month at our slumber party my mom made us all cookies and…” Becky continued to excitedly talk completely oblivious to Sam’s problem. It was actually a bit of a blessing, it meant she didn’t notice anything wrong.

Sam was saved when some more girls entered the bathroom and went into the other stalls. She waited until one of them flushed and as that sound filled the room she quickly ripped all the tapes off as fast as possible. The diaper dropped heavily between her legs and, although she tried to stop it, the padding thumped against the floor heavily. Sam held breath as she winced as if the noise caused her physical harm.

“Everything alright in there?” Becky asked. No doubt she had heard the noise of the wet padding hitting the ground.

Sam had quickly picked the diaper up and folded it closed. She got a strong whiff of her own urine and turned her face away as she placed the diaper on top of the toilet and reached into her backpack for her baby wipes.

“Uh huh.” Sam grunted. This was a lot more work in the confined space of the stall than it was on her bed at home.

Sam wiped herself as best she could. It was difficult but she knew she had to do a good job because if she got a rash or something Isabelle would make her go to the nurse for changes again, something she really wanted to avoid if possible. She placed the balled up diaper and wipes on top of the toilet.

She got a new diaper out of her bag and opened it up. She used her butt to pin the back of the diaper against the wall and pulled the front up between her legs. Every crinkle made Sam wince but she hadn’t heard Becky say anything about it. To Sam it sounded like the loudest noise ever.

With the new diaper taped on adequately Sam breathed a sigh of relief. She pulled up her pants to cover herself up and slung her bag back on to her back. She reached behind her and pressed the button to flush the toilet, she hadn’t needed to but at least give the appearance she had used it. Becky was still there and Sam studied her to see if she was giving off any hints that she knew something was wrong.

Sam went over to the sinks and thankfully one was a little lower than the others and she could just about reach up to use it properly. After that she left the room with Becky right behind her.

“Come with me.” Becky said.

Sam was still feeling elated from her successful change and she happily followed her new friend out on to the playground and over to a bench on the far side. There were two more girls sitting there and they were looking at Becky with recognition, Sam came to a stop next to them. Out there with all the students standing and sitting around she could see that she was very likely the shortest person at the school and it wasn’t even close.

“Sam, this is Chloe and Caitlyn.” Becky said, “My two best friends.”

“Hi.” Sam said with a shy little wave.

The other girls said hello back. Chloe was a little taller than Becky and wore a pair of half-rimmed glasses on top of a small nose on a freckled face. Caitlyn was about Becky’s height with long straight hair reaching halfway down her back. They seemed nice.

“So where did you transfer from?” Becky asked Sam once they were all sat down.

“Erm, we came from another state.” Sam answered.

“Where?” Chloe asked.

“One down south…” Sam lied. She hadn’t thought about this but she had no cover story.

“You don’t have an accent.” Caitlyn said.

Sam could only smile in response and hope it deflected the question. The twenty-two year-old felt like she was in an interrogation and the people on the other side were three young cops looking for holes in a story she hadn’t prepared. Most of the break went on in a similar fashion. The girls wanted to know more about Sam who was trying to be as evasive as possible. In the end she was saved by the bell bringing everyone back inside for their afternoon lessons.

The time until lunch went the same way as the morning. The good news was that she seemed to share a lot of classes with her new friends so she always had somewhere to sit and occasionally, when she needed help, she would try to surreptitiously look to the side to copy their work. Her cognitive skills were still coming back to her, she didn’t think getting a little help was too bad. At lunch she had been able to shake Becky and the others before going into the bathroom for another change.

It was only in the afternoon lessons that Sam heard something from the row behind her that made her freeze. It was English class and she was feeling quite pleased that she could read a lot of the words in the book the class were working on when she heard a couple of girls whispering.

“Did you hear what Susie found in the bathroom?” One whispered.

“No, what?” The other replied equally quietly.

“A diaper!” The first girl said. There was laughter in her voice.

“Ew, that’s so gross.” The second girl whispered

Sam Thought back to her lunchtime change but it had all gone to plan. She had changed her diaper, shoved the used one into a plastic bag and then when it was all clear she had dropped it in the trash. There hadn’t been a problem so surely they couldn’t be talking about her. That was when Sam thought back to her first change and she felt her stomach drop. That morning she had changed her diaper but been so distracted that she had left the used diaper on top of the toilet. She had forgotten to throw it away!

“The weirdest part was that it was a baby diaper…” The first girl whispered.

“Aren’t all diapers for babies?” The second girl asked.

“Well, yeah, or old people…” The first girl snorted with laughter, “But I meant it was baby size.”

“Huh. Weird.” The second girl said, “No one brings a baby to school, do they?”

“No, it must have been a student.” The first girl said, “But who-…”

“Girls! Is there something you would like to share with the rest of the class?” The teacher suddenly said causing the two girls to quickly stop talking.

“No, sir.” The girls chorused.

“Then, Jane, you can read the next chapter.” The teacher replied.

Sam was barely paying attention. But for the intervention of the teacher it sounded like the two girls had been on the verge of working out who had left a diaper behind. Sam was the only person in the whole school who could possibly fit into such a disposable. She needed to be more careful. Everyone finding out about her diapers in elementary school had been awful, she couldn’t allow it to happen again.

Thankfully the conversation wasn’t brought up again and despite everything Sam didn’t notice anyone else talking about it or anyone looking at her more strangely than usual. Isabelle came to pick her up and Sam could actually say that despite the scare she’d actually had a good first day.

The first day was the pattern for the whole week. Sam spent her free time with Becky, Chloe and Caitlyn who turned out to be good friends. The classes were easier than she had expected and, for once, everything seemed to be going to plan. With her improved mood Sam felt like she was making more progress than ever before in getting back to the woman in her early twenties she should always have been.

When Friday rolled around Sam, along with everyone else, was looking forward to the weekend. The day dragged but her friends were excited. Once a month or so they got together at one of their houses for a slumber party. They had spent the whole day talking about all the fun they were going to have. Sam had been invited and whilst she had accepted she planned on telling Isabelle about it and making it so her “mom” wouldn’t let her. That way she could keep her secrets safe whilst not being weird to her friends. Sam made it clear that Isabelle was strict and might not let her go so as to be ready to let the girls down gently.

When the final bell rang Sam joined everyone else in happily leaving the school. For many people it was getting on the yellow school busses but for Sam it was going to Isabelle who was waiting in the usual place. Sam made a break away from the others to get to Isabelle so she could explain the situation before the others made it a lot harder.

However, when Sam saw Isabelle she saw three other moms talking to her. She slowed her run to a walk as she approached. She recognized at least two of the other moms, they were the parents of Chloe and Caitlyn. She could assume the third was Becky’s.

“Issy…” Sam said as she reached them, “Can I spe-…”

“Can Sam come to our slumber party!?” Becky had caught up faster than Sam had planned and she was quick to practically shout the question.

“Becky, don’t shout.” The person Sam assumed to be Becky’s mom said with a chuckle and a shake of the head, “We were just talking to Sam’s mom about it.”

“It sounds like a good time.” Isabelle said as she looked down at Sam, “What do you think?”

Sam felt like she was trapped between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand she didn’t want to disappoint her new friends, things had been going so well and she didn’t want to ruin it by turning her nose up at what would surely be a fun little get together. On the other hand she had secrets to hide. She couldn’t let people find out she was actually an adult and all the awkward questions that would follow and she definitely couldn’t let her crinkly secret get discovered.

“It’ll be SO fun!” Becky was practically bouncing up and down, “We’ll play games, watch movies and mom will order us a pizza!”

“Oh will I?” Becky’s mom said with a laugh. It was playful, it was clear she wasn’t going to disappoint her excited daughter.

“Come on, Sam!” Becky was practically bouncing with anticipation, “It’ll be the best sleepover ever!”

“I… I guess…” Sam said slowly.

“Yay!” Becky actually gave Sam a quick hug.

“Great, did you want to drop Sam off around six?” Becky’s mom said to Isabelle.

“Sure.” Isabelle replied.

“Well, we’ll see you later then, Sam.” Becky’s mom gave her daughter’s new friend a smile.

Just like that everything had been arranged. Sam looked around as if she had been caught in a whirlwind and had lost her orientation. With an exchange of waves and goodbyes everyone separated leaving Sam to walk alongside Isabelle. As soon as they were far enough away from the school and anyone else Sam stepped in front of Isabelle and stopped. She looked up at her caretaker with as big of a frown as she could muster.

“I can’t go to the sleepover!” Sam exclaimed.

“Why not?” Isabelle asked.

“You know why not!” Sam stamped a foot on the floor.

“They are your friends.” Isabelle said, “They aren’t going to care or treat you differently.”

Sam begged to differ. Everyone who found out about her diapers treated her differently afterwards. Isabelle seemed to have some idealistic view of kids but it differed with Sam’s experiences on the front lines. In elementary school she had been shunned by everyone once her diapers became public knowledge and whilst the kids in middle school were a little more mature they were still children. All of them wanting to stand out and be cool, none of them wanting to associate with someone as embarrassing as a baby.

“They WILL care.” Sam said as her shoulders slumped.

“Then they aren’t real friends.” Isabelle said, “Socializing is just as important when growing up as everything that happens at school. This will be good for you.”

Sam could see there was no arguing with Isabelle and walked along beside her. As they neared home Sam felt the need to pee, there was no chance she was making it to the bathroom and didn’t try to hold back as she flooded her diaper. It did make her think about something else.

“What if I need a change?” Sam asked, “I can change myself but I don’t know how I’d stop the others from seeing or hearing me do it…”

“I’ll tell Becky’s mom and she can change you.” Isabelle replied easily, “It’s probably for the best anyway, you’ve been taping them up too loose. Your diapers are practically begging for a leak half the time.”

Sam scowled but had to admit things did feel different when she changed herself. There always seemed like a bigger gap at the legs and whilst that was OK at school when she wouldn’t have accidents in awkward positions it was different if she was lying down or something. The thought of having a leak when with her friends scared her.

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End Chapter 19

Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: Anonymous | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 10, 2024


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