Recent Stories

Beavis and Butt-head visit with mad doctor Leo

by: username Last updated Jun 24, 2021

Fanfic of the MTV show.


by: Stolas Last updated Jun 23, 2021

Anthony finds himself the victim of circumstances beyond his control,

No Trespassing

by: Last updated Jun 23, 2021

Never ignore the signs if you're going door to door. Some homeowners have unorthodox methods of treating their guests that ignore them...

The Diaper Bag

by: Personalias Last updated Jun 22, 2021 A professional babysitter in a quiet little town comes across a bottomless diaper bag that can make supplies for any size. ANY size. What's the worst that could go wrong?

the boy who wished of a new world

by: googoodrew Last updated Oct 29, 2021

a boy who lives with a inventer. mr drew is a inventer he made a portal machine to make diffirent worlds. tommy a boy who his asst . accently wishes of a world and get trapped there.

Long Day at the Daycare

by: Last updated Jun 18, 2021

After a long shift at an understaffed day-care, Jimmy is feeling like a quick break is in order... but he gets a very different one than expected.

Teen Cutie

by: username Last updated Jun 18, 2021

Teen Cutie fights for viewer ratings in her never-ending quest to avoid responsibility.

A Trip to the Shrink

by: Last updated Jun 18, 2021

A women brings her husband to a special place.

Rescue Mission to Wonderland

by: Ambrose Last updated Jun 14, 2021

Josh is just supposed to look after his little sister Kelly and her two friends for a bit. What could go wrong? This is the first part of a story I did for Areat. He had this great idea and helped a lot with many scenes as with correcting mistakes. A story with three parts.

The Montford Reduction

by: Alec Leamus Last updated Jun 10, 2021

A young woman takes an expiramental drug to grow taller.

The AR Story Archive

Stories of Age/Time Transformation

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