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James and Veronica's Medallion Sexytimes

by: OmoriSunburn Last updated Jul 12, 2022

WARNING: This story contains very descriptive sex scene between an adult man and a regressed woman. If you don't like that please don't read A/N: I have read dozens of stories with sex between a regressed man and an adult woman so I decided to make the reverse.

Melissa and Doug

by: Personalias Last updated Jul 18, 2021

A man is put in his place by some very "old fashioned" yet "innovative" punishments.

Daddy & Baby

by: Peculiar Changeling Last updated Jul 16, 2021

I went for a mix of cutesy relationship stuff and heavy kink on this one, as a Daddy and his Little enjoy an evening in together. Enjoy! Support me: Newsletter:

Little Accidents

by: Last updated Jul 13, 2021

Ace is a caretaker at his local daycare, and finds one particular charge is failing at his potty training. Time to take him off his potty chart, but not before the charge gets an idea with some interesting results....

Gamer Pants

by: Peculiar Changeling Last updated Jul 11, 2021

A twenty four hour gaming livestream doesn't sound so bad - until Danny realizes that he didn't account for how he'd take bathroom breaks. After a bit of prodding from his boyfriend, though, he comes up with an unconventional solution. Contains AB/DL content! Mostly just cute, PG stuff, but if you don't like diaper stories, look away! If you enjoy this and want to support my writing, you can subscribe over on Patreon or SubscribeStar. Money goes to feeding me so that I can continue to write!


by: Peculiar Changeling Last updated Jul 1, 2021

Warning - Contains explicit adult content and diaper usage. Primarily DL content. When I got called in late to work, I didn't think much of it, until my cubicle neighbor took out a doll that looked suspiciously like me. Before I could do much else, I found that what he did to the doll happened to me too - and he had very particular ideas about what he wanted to do with it.

Baby Hero vs. Mommy Goddesses

by: BabyBoy1672 Last updated Jun 27, 2021

A secret ABDL superhero that is virtually invincible and unstoppable faces off against two goddesses. How will they flip his world upside down?

The Virus

by: Personalias Last updated Jun 27, 2021

Two Roommates with very different personalities. A virus that supposedly makes people mentally regress. And a case of cabin fever causing them to clash. What could go wrong?

It's Not A Competition

by: Personalias Last updated Jun 26, 2021 Three best buds take a shortcut to buying baby gifts and each get a pack of diapers. Imagine their confusion when they end up wearing those diapers.

A Boy and his Bear

by: Ambrose Last updated Jun 24, 2021

Eager to show that the AR Virus regressing him to a toddler doesn't mean he needs any help, former teenager Ethan decides to remove some of his old stuff from the attic. Doing so he discovers a nearly forgotten old friend!

The AR Story Archive

Stories of Age/Time Transformation

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