The Gypsies Curse

by: Tabii | Complete Story | Last updated Oct 19, 2021

A happy couples date night takes a turn for the worse when Tom is cursed by a gypsie. New to story writing but I will be adding much more! If you enjoy them please check me out on devientart under Transformationtabii for even more! Thanks!

Chapter 1
The Gypsies Curse

Chapter Description: A night of fun goes wrong when a man is cursed into a second childhood. Will his wife be able change him back?

Carly and her husband Tom laughed as they walked down the boardwalk together. The warmth in the air was complimented by the cool breeze of the night and the crashing of the moonlit waves resonating a calm into the atmosphere. The happy couple had just enjoyed a lovely time on their Friday date night, where they spent the evening at the Carnival on the pier, downing junk food, playing games and riding rides. The date seemed perfect, complete with a kiss at the top of the ferris wheel while the moon gazed down on them. As the night settled down to its end the pair walked along side the water, embraced at the hands with Carly's head resting gently on her husbands shoulder, sharing a stick of cotton candy. Carly loved their date nights more than anything. It reminded her of their teenage years in high school and the magic from them never seemed to disperse. Even 10 years later they felt like the first time, and she wouldn't trade these moments for the world.

"I told you I would win you that teddy bear." Tom laughed. "Once you figure the game out theres nothing to it, it's all about knowing their gimmick." Carly giggled in response. "Well it took you long enough to figure out the "gimmick" I think you spent like $40 on that game. We could have went to the toy store and got one that didn't smell like cigarettes for less than half that price." Carly teased giving him a little nudge with her head. "Aww don't be like that babe." Tom said with an endearing grin. "Didn't you hear him crying up there on that shelf? Think how sad he would have been if we didn't bring him home with us. He would have been crying all night with nobody to care for him. Besides, just look how much he loves you!" Taking the stuffed animal out of her hands Tom shoved it into her face, using it to give pretend little pecks on her cheek as he made kissing noises, causing Carly to jerk her away giggling like a little girl. "Stop, stop! Okay, I get it! I love him too now will you please cut it out!" Once the onslaught of fluffy kisses finally came to a stop Carly took a deep breath to regain her compsure. Looking up from the stuffed bear she met her husband's gaze, connecting with his light brown eyes that always seemed to welcome her in. Inching closer she rested her head back onto her husbands shoulder and gave his hand a little squeeze.

As they made their way further down the boardwalk the street light dimmed as they traveled further and further from the carnival and soon it was only the moon acting as their guide. In the distance however a new light seemed to peak over the horizon, and instead of a dull monotone light they seemed to glisten like a christmas tree. "What do you suppose that is?" Carly asked. "I don't know." Tom replied. "I don't remember anything ever being here before." As they made their way closer, the lights illuminated a small red tent, which appeared to be made out of a type of cloth. The lights strung all around the tent, draping over it like vines on a tree. "This definetly wasn't here before." Muttered Tom. Sitting at the dark entrance of the tent, and elderly woman sat preached on a rocking chair, the pupils in her dark eyes shrank as she focused in on them and her lips twisted until the wrinkled shape took form of a smile. For Carly the woman seemed to come into her view almost instantly, and her breathe ditched her as she jumped back. The old womans cheek bones stretched even further upwards at the girls reactions. After reconsiling with her breathing Carly stepped forward to greet the woman. "Im sorry! I was so focused on the lights I didn't see you there! I didn't mean to be rude." The older womans mouth opened slowly, and just enough so that her deep cackle could escape its grasp. "Oh that's quite alright dear. I know how...alluring... my lights can be." Tom stepped forward to match his wife. "We've never seen this over here before, what is it?" He asked. "I travel all over." The woman replied. "With me whats here today might not neccesarily be here tomorrow. As for what it is I think it would be easier to understand if I told you who I am. My name is Madam Ethelinda. I am a traveling Gypsie who can tell the fortune of those that happen upon my camp. Why don't you come inside and I'll give you a demonstration. The couple looked at each other "Could be fun." Carly said, smiling sheepishly. Tom didn't look so sure but after a pause finally gave her a nod. "Sure, we'll give it a shot.

The inside of the tent looked much bigger than it did on the outside. The walls were lined with old trunks, antiques, blankets, and old jewlery. In the center of the room was a round table with a small glass orb in the center, tarot cards, and a few brass candle holders. " Come in come in please sit down." The pair made their way in, sitting down at the table accross from her. "Okay, so what do we do?" Asked Tom. Without moving her head the Gypsies eyes made a steady turn towards him. "Tonight I will do a little bit of palm reading for you. Hold up your hand and turn it towards me, and don't move." Obediently Tom followed the womans instruction. The Gypsie grabbed onto his hand, a little too tight, as her long fingernails dug into his skin. "Yes yes good..." she cackled as she traced the lines in his palm. "Your future....seems to be heading towards a storm....See much despair...frustration...and fear in your future." Carly started shifting in her seat, looking over at her husband in worry. Tom on the other hand seemed to be getting annoyed with the woman as his teeth closed tighter against each other and his eyebow furrowed. "Yes your future looks bleak at the moment....but it's also clouded. I'm afraid I cant see anymore." With that the woman released her claw like grip on Toms hand and her eyes seemed to gain more color, as if coming back into the room. Tom let out his breathe. "What, that's it?" The woman stared back at him. "That was all that was available to see." Tom raised himself up from his seat. "Listen Lady, we're just trying to have a fun time, we don't want your doomsay bullshit. Couldn't you have just made up something nice like we will win the lottery or something?" Madam Ethelinda was not pleased with his response. "I assure you all my visions are real. I would not lower myself so far as to give you a false reading." "Whatever lady, we're leaving." Tom said, grabbing Carly's hand as she started to get up herself. "Very well..." said the gypsie. But there is a matter of payment..." Tom snorted in response. "Payment? We aren't paying you jack for that, we aren't falling for your scam Lady." Madam Ethelinda grew visibly furious at his reply. "You dare deny payment to Madam Ethlinda!? You are a rude and ignorant man!" The old woman started chanting in some other language, all while staring daggers into his eyes. "You will pay! You will pay! Eventually everyone pays Madam Ethelinda! I curse you! I curse you!" The womans screams were broken apart by her own weezing cackle. "Curse you....curse you...CURSE YOU!" The couple looked on in genuine terror before making a run outside. The screams of the woman always on their heels as the banshee like shreiks broke the silence of the once quiet night.

They rode the bus home in complete silence. Both of them were very clearly shakin by the experience. The look on the shouting womans face burned into Carly's mind. The pair seemed to collect themselves a bit upon arriving home. "Well...that was an experience." Carly said, forcing out a chuckle." Tom looked up and returned her smile. " You're telling me...that old bitch was off her meds. He laughed. "Sure was creepy as hell though!" Carly's face flushed a little more as color started returning to her face. "Right? And was was all that stuff about cursing you? That crazy witch should be in a psychiatric ward!" Tom laughed. "Or maybe she just escaped from one." The two giggled together until they were able to calm their nerves. "Well..." Carly said. "We don't have to have her ruin our night do we?" Carly leaned into John kissing him passionately on the lips. Tom put his arm around her waist, pulled her closer, and matched her enthusiasm. After a moment Carly pulled away. Looking into his eyes she grabbed ahold of his hand and gave a gentle tug, leading him to the bedroom.

Waking up, the events of last night seemed like a dream. It was a wonderful night but still Carly couldn't get the imagine of the screaming Madam Ethelinda out of her head. "Ughh, honey are you awake?" Tom yawned in reply. "I guess I am, but a little more sleep never hurt anybody." Carly turned over and gave him a little shake. "Come on honey we have things we have to do today. Remember you told me you were going to mow the lawn today and go to the store with me." Tom let out a deep groan. "Fine, I'm up, I'm up." Rolling out of bed wearing only his boxers, he planted his feet into the floor and stretched out. "Can you go grab the mail while I get breakfast started?" Carly asked, wraping herself into her bathrobe. "Yeah yeah, let me pee first though." Tom replied as he headed into the bathroom. "Tom, do you want eggs or pancakes?" The question lingered as no reply came from the bathroom. "Tom! Eggs or pancakes!" Silence. "Tom!" She yelled out as she walked towards the bathroom. "Tom are you listening to me?" Carly opened the door to no sign of her husband. "Tom?" A small babble caught her attention. Looking down her eyes filled with disbelief. Laying on the bathroom floor , on top of her husbands boxers was a small baby boy who looked to be around 7 months old, naked as the day he was born. "What the fuck?"

Carly stood in the doorway in absolute shock. Her head darted around the room looking for any sign of her husband. "Tom! Is this some kind of stupid joke?" She yelled. "Tom! Who the hells kid is this? This isn't funny!" But the the only reply were the sounds of the cooing infant as he sat on the floor looking up at her. Carly ran downstairs searching for any sign of her husband but to no avail. Running back upstairs she stared down at the baby and noticed his eyes. They were the same beautiful light brown eyes she peered into every night. Carly went pale. "Tom?"

Carly paced around her room in a state of panic "No no no no this isn't real, this can't be real!" The memories of Madam Ethelinda once again flashed into her mind. "No! Curses aren't real! This has to be a dream!" Carly looked back in on the baby who was now laying on his back with one leg up sucking on his toes. Suddenly a stream came from his small appendage and splashed onto the floor infront of him. "Damnit!" Carly ran for some tissues and started to wipe it up as he finished. The baby still happily sucking away at its toes as she attempted to clean up the mess. As she started to clean she paused, and after a moment let out a sob. Carly looked up at the infant who had the same eyes and same hair as her husband and a few tears dripped down her cheek. "That really is you, isn't it Tom?"

Carly finished cleaning up the floor and wiped down Tom as well. Picking him up she plopped him on her bed while she went to his drawer and got a t shirt to tie around his waist. There was a small struggle with a lot of little kicks but eventually she was able to tie it into something atleast resembling a diaper. After that, she placed him on the floor and watched him for a while. He could roll over and pull up onto his hands and knees but the crawling part was a bit shaky. He tried to pull himself foward but just wasn't quite there yet, managing just to scoot his little legs across the bed about half an inch. "Tom are you in there?" Carly asked but to no response. To her he seemed to look and act just like any other infant. "Okay I need to calm down and figure this out. I just need to go down to the boardwalk and beg Madam Ethelinda to change him back.

Carly got dressed and made her way downstairs with baby Tom in hand. After grabbing her purse she made her way down to the bus stop. As she waited she looked off into space, thinking of a way to make sense of all this and replaying all the events from last night and this morning in her head. Tom seemed to be enjoying himself as he sucked on his hand and played with his wifes hair. Finally, the bus arrived and she got on making her way down the aisle. As she sat down she noticed the woman in the seat next to her looking her direction. "Excuse me miss, did you not bother to dress your baby this morning?" The woman said a bit coldly. "Oh um...I just didn't realize I was out of diapers...I'm actually on my way to get some now." Carly said a bit nervously. "Well see to it that you do! That is no way to care for a child!" The woman scoffed. Carly simply nodded and looked out the window, waiting for her stop. The bus ride seemed to make Tom restless as he started whining and eventually his whines turned into an all out wail. While some passengers looked over in annoyance others kept there head down attempting to ignore it. "I'm sorry!" Carly said as she attempted to calm the child. Rubbing his back she bounced him in her lap "It's okay baby! Shhhh, don't cry, I'm here!." The infant started to quiet a bit until finally he burried his head into her chest and settled down. Carly rubbed her hands through his hair "There, thats a good boy."

After getting off the bus Carly made her way up the board walk, scanning everywhere for the red tent until finally she spotted it, just where it was the night before. She slowly walked up to it and used her free hand to push asside the curtain entrance. As she entered, the eerie familiar voice called out to her. "Well if it isn't Carly.....oh and is that little Tom I see? Well didn't he turn out just precious! Much nicer than he was last night! Come in, come in I've been expecting you." It was Madam Ethelinda.

"So it was you!" Carly yelled out. "You did this to him!" Little Tom teared up upon seeing the old womain and let out a weak little cry. Carly held him tighter in an attempt to comfort him. The gypsie sneered. "But of course, this is what happens to fools that don't heed my threats. What a rude man he was last night so I thought he should start over to learn some manners." "Please...." Carly whispered morosely. "I'm begging you, please change him back! My husband can't be a baby please I'll do anything!" "I want my payment!" The old womans became more aggressive. "I want what I am owed!" Carly reached for her purse immedietly. "Of course! Of course I'll pay! How much do you want?" Madam Ethelindas mouth wrinkled into a grin. "Well normally my fee is only $10, but those who run without paying should owe more, don't you think? I think $100 would be fair." Carly opened her wallett and began pulling out all the bills she had. "There! That's $100, take it!" The old woman snatched it from her hands and gave it a quick count before putting it away. "There, now was that so hard?" The gypsie cackled. " turn him back!" "Oh dear I can't do that."Ethelinda said as a matter of factly. Carly's mouth dropped in disbelief. "What?! But I payed you, you said you would!" "I said no such thing." The gypsie replied. "Even I can't turn him back. But I can put an end to his curse. The initial curse last about a week and had you not come back before then it would have remained permenant. We must let the curse play out for that week before it leaves him." "A week! Tom's gonna stay like this for a week?" The gypsie shook her head. "Not exactly. The curse is made to happen once a day. Every morning around 5 am he will grow back to his true age, but he can regress back randomly at any time throughout the day. This will happen once a day until the curse ends." Carly sat there a little more hopeful. She would atleast be able to talk to him again, even if just for a little bit. "Oh and one more thing. He musn't be told about the effects of the curse or can become permenant."

Carly made her way down the pier. Tom held onto her tightly, still seemingly scared from the meeting with the old gypsie. "One week that's not so bad..." Carly shuddered at the thought of what would have happened had she not come back. As she walked a loud "FRAAAP" sound broke her train of thought, followed by the wail of an infant. "Oh no...Tom..did you just?" The babies cries grew louder as small tears rolled down his cheeks. Carly checked his make shift diaper and her fears were confirmed. Tom had just soiled himself.

A small bell rang as Carly walked through the doors of the supermarket. By this time the smell had become rancid and she was doing all she could to prevent herself from gagging. Tom had settled down a bit now but was still a little teared up. Going straight to the baby aisle she grabbed some diapers and wipes before quickly making her way to the womans restroom. She would have to pay later because this took priority. Opening the baby changing station, she laid her husband down and removed the shirt wrapped around his waist. The makeshift diaper wasn't very effective as the poor fitting of it caused the mess to not only go up his crotch, but onto his stomach and lower back as well. The smell and sight of this mess forced Carly to turn away and gag. Covering her nose with one hand Carly tried to clean up with the other but Tom made it impossible. Enjoying his time naked and the diaper change the little baby kicked his feet happily, giggling as he looked up at his wife with his hand in his mouth. "Dangit Tom!" Cant you hold still?" Giving up, Carly let go of her nose and held her breath. She took a wet wipe and cleaned out his little bottom the best she could. Turning her attention to the front she wiped off his belly and gently scrubbed his little privates until he was clean. Tom giggled the whole time and reached up to grab hold of her hair to which Carly responded by lowering her hair and waving it in his face, much to his delight. And for the first time since this all began, Carly allowed herself to smile. "Gee Tom you sure are cute. Kind of a stinky little baby though" she giggled. Tom continued to beam up at her with his toothless smile. As she readied the diaper underneath him a group of teenage girls walked into the bathroom, stopping when they caught sight of the little infant. "Oh my god! Look how cute he is! The girls rushed over to gush at her little husband. "He's so cute! What's his name?" Carly was uncomfortable with the situation but tried to remain polite. "Uhhh his name is Tommy." The girl made faces at the baby and Tom seemed to love them. "Look how small he is...down there." One of the girls giggled. Ouch. Even Carly felt the pain from that remark. Closing the diaper she taped it up and bid the young teens farewell. Carly finished her shopping, leaving the store with some diapers, baby wipes, a baby seat, baby formula, some onsies, a pacifier, and a bottle.

After she made it back home she took him into the bathroom, filled the bath with a small layer of water, took off his diaper and dropped him in. She watched the naked infant play a for a bit, smiling as he splashed around and tried to crawl his way over to the faucet. "Okay baby, play times over, lets wash you up." Carly took a damp wash cloth and gently rubbed it over his skin, making sure to get every nook and cranny. After he was bathed she took him out, dried him off and put him in a new diaper. As she carried him downstairs into the livingroom when he started to act a bit fussy. " What's wrong Tommy? Huh maybe you're hungry, we havent eaten all day. I could use a little something to eat too. Hold on a minute and I'll warm you a bottle." Sitting the baby boy down on the kitchen floor she began to make his formula, making herself a sandwich as it warmed. When it finished she tested the heat before scooping up Tom and making her way to the recliner. Cradling him in her arms she let him latch on the the bottle and rocked him slowly. She couldn't stop herself from smiling about how cute he was. " Alright. Since you're doing that I'm going to see what's on TV. Turning it on, the channel was already tuned to ESPN where a big game played in the background. "Hmm if you were big you would be watching this right now.....well you don't seem to be too interested in it now." Carly laughed as she turned the channel. She flipped through them for a little while until one channel seemed to catch Tom's attention. Cocomellon played on the screen and baby Tom laughed as the animated family sang wheels on the bus for him. "Really Tom? She laughed. "Even as a baby you still get control of the TV.....well....I guess it's not so bad."

It was around 4 55 am. After Carly rocked Tom to sleep she stayed up all night waiting for this moment. Would he really grow back? Carly gave him one last diaper change before placing him on their bed, leaving him in just his birthday suit. 4 59 am...almost there. After waiting for what seemed like an eternity something started to happen. His body seemed to stretch out and he started to get bigger. Hair grew all over his body until finally her naked sleeping adult husband lay spawled across the bed. Carly quietly tucked him in before laying down next to him. She stared at him for the longest time overjoyed to have him back. Her eyes grew heavy until she fell asleep herself.

"What?!" A shout woke Carly up. " It's Sunday? How can that be." Carly got up fast delighted to hear her husbands voice again. "Oh Tom, you're back!" Tom looked at her in confusion. "Back? Where have I been?" He asked. "Oh...ummm..don't you remember? You got real sick all the sudden and had to lay back down. You slept most the day!" Tom looked suprised. "Really? I don't remember any of it! I must have been really out of it!" Carly faked an expression of surprise. "What you don't remember any of it? Well thats too bad because I babied you all day!"

The rest the day Carly was almost joined at the hip with Tom, waiting for the moment when he would eventually regress back. "Umm everything okay?" "Oh , um , yeah you just had me scared all yesterday so I can't help it if I'm a bit worried." Tom brushed aside her hair and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Well thanks for worrying." He said with the most kind smile Carly had ever seen. "Hey Tom..." she began. "Why don't you take off the rest of the week and have a little vacation..just the two of us." "Really why so sudden?" Tom asked. Carly tried to reach for an excuse. "I just really want to be with you right now...that's all. Can't you just take a little time off for me?" She pleaded, creeping close to him with the best puppy dog eyes she could muster. Tom laughed. "Well I can't say no to that. I guess a little time off wouldn't hurt. Hear let me give the boss a call."

The rest of the day continued on with no sign of the curse. The couple went about their day as normal and greatly enjoyed each others company. Carly began to wonder if Madam Ethelinda was wrong about the curses length and it already wore off. John came up and gave her a passionate kiss. "Whoah whoah" she giggled. "What brought this on?" Tom moved in closer to her with a grin. "Well seeing how it is my vacation now I was thinking we could continue where we left off the other night." "Oh really?" She giggled. "And where exactly was that?" "Well, I think it was right around here." Tom said as he pulled her down on the couch with him, kissing her lovingly.

The couple had moved the the bedroom now and Carly had stripped off her clothes. She lay at the top of the bed with her legs spread eagle waiting for her husband. Tom finished stripping and hopped onto the end of the bed. Seeing him Carly held back her head and closed her eyes. Suddenly the weight at the end of the bed seemed to dissappear. Carly waited a moment but when nothing happened she opened her eyes and looked up. Tom was nowhere to be seen. Carly sat up a bit to get a better view when she saw it. At the end of the bed right past her hips lay her husband, regressed back to infancy. The little naked baby was on all fours trying his best to crawl towards her. Carly let out a deep sigh, dissapointed but couldn't help but laugh at the situation. As she scooped him up she couldn't help but notice his tiny wee wee was still a little stiff causing her to giggle. "Sorry lover boy but we're gonna have to do a rain check." Laying him on his back she hovered over him. "But you know...I can still give you kisses!" Carry began a barrage of kisses all over the babies face and belly. Causing him to burst into fits of laughter. As she continued to hover over him her breast dangled above him and he began reaching at them. "Ohh? Is that what the baby wants? Well atleast that part of you didn't change. Here you go baby!" Carly dropped her breast onto the infant, burying him in her bosom. As she was about to pull up she felt something latch onto her nipple. "Hey! Tom, cut that out! I'm not nursing I don't have any milk!" But the infant continued to suckle. Carly smiled as she rested down beside him. As he continued to suckle she pulled him closer into a hug and ran her fingers through his hair. "You know, I don't think this week is going to be too bad at all.




End Chapter 1

The Gypsies Curse

by: Tabii | Complete Story | Last updated Oct 19, 2021


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