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Door-to-Door Moommy

by: TerinasTiger Last updated Dec 26, 2022

[Furry Story] A young stallion thinks he's grown up because his parents are trusting him to watch the house while they're away for a summer. Good thing a new door-to-door service will help him realize what he's got wrong...

Little Tales

by: ReinaHW Last updated Dec 24, 2022

This is a little project I'm very slowly working on that was inspired by the likes of Tales From The Crypt Keeper and Twilight Zone, it's a bunch of short AR stories with each story being it's own contained story with a narrator who spans the full series. Bear in mind that this may take a while to develop so don't expect new stories all the time, they will appear as and when I feel the ideas are strong enough. Whenever it appears on the front page that means there's a new story added to it.

Who Says?

by: Personalias Last updated Dec 16, 2022

Some lost souls find out that there's more to Heaven and Earth than is dreamt of in their philosophies.

A Nostalgic Possession

by: putbackinnappies Last updated Dec 14, 2022

Inspired by the Victorian tradition of telling ghost stories at Christmas (and having read a couple of M. R. James' stories recently)... A collector with a taste for nostalgia invites an unwelcome presence into his home that takes him on a troubling trip back to the past.

Diaper Rick

by: username Last updated Dec 5, 2022

Join us now for a side trip to dimension 137 where we find Summer preparing for another perfectly normal day. (Well, at least by Rick and Morty standards, it's perfectly normal).

Baby Boss

by: Tabii Last updated Dec 2, 2022

Camile, the senior executive of a large medical company, is in a rush to release a new youthening medication to the public. But perhaps she tried it a bit too soon?

Only Child

by: Personalias Last updated Nov 30, 2022

Set in the Diaper Dimension. A powerful Little who was actually raised by Amazons feels like she's on top of the world. But she's not as safe as she thinks from the madness of giants.

Good Boy

by: TheKyleMovie Last updated Nov 24, 2022

When my boyfriend told me he wanted to cum in a diaper, he got more than he bargained for.

Sydney's Wish

by: Personalias Last updated Nov 20, 2022

Sydney doesn't feel like a girl, but doesn't feel like a boy either. How can one feel like themselves when the rest of the world is trying to put them in a box and they don't have the words to express who they are? Maybe a silly wish at an amusement park's fortune telling machine will have the answer.

Second Childhood Reunion

by: Ouroboros Last updated Nov 16, 2022

A group of friends, who met in college, have a reunion with Katherine, who is secretly a witch. The group also has a secret, which they soon share with their new love interests. A story commission for SomeNerdBird.

The AR Story Archive

Stories of Age/Time Transformation

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