The Parents Diaper Pail

by: Themaster234 | Story In Progress | Last updated Aug 2, 2024

Chapter 16
Help from an Alien

Chapter Description: I found an alien to help my family out, she does all my work while I relax and enjoy getting breastfed, what’s the harm in that?

'When are you coming home?' 

'In a few minutes' I said in to the phone. I'm bent over my desk finishing up the reports for the week. My wife Annabelle is at home with our baby, wondering if I'll be home in time for dinner. 'Just a few more reports then I will be done' 

'You better' said Annabelle over the phone. 'Jenny is busy playing with her food, I told her to stop like ten times' 

'She is just a baby, she will grow out of it' I continue talking with her, looking at the photo on my desk. Me with the black hair and goofy smile, Annabelle with her brown hair and looking quite smoking with her body. And our little newborn baby Jenny giggling happily in our arms.

Soon I hung up the phone and went back to work. Everyday it has been stressful for us. The bills are piling up, Annabelle being exhausted from her job, and both us too tired to look after our daughter some days. I lean back and groan. If only there was some way to make life easier for the both of us. 

Suddenly I hear crash from outside my office. No one else is here so it's just me. I got up from my desk and went to the back. There was a massive creator, and in the middle was a green alien. I slowly walk closer, seeing it looks like a green humanoid female, with long green hair. Before I could run back inside, the alien sat up and look at me. 'Uh hi' I said, waving weakly.

The alien walk up to me, smiling as she seem to not understand. I tried to talk but she just gives me a confused look. 'Um, where did you come from?' I ask. But as hard as I tried to look into her pink eyes, my eyes go down to her huge breasts. They were huge, bigger then Annabelle's. She noticed me looking and nodded, holding up one boob so the nipple us in my sight.

As if some deep sudden urge came up. I latched onto her breast. I started suckling down the sweet milk, while the alien cradle me, soon I was laying on her lap drinking the warm liquid as it filled my body. Soon I was pulled off. The alien giggling as she drape me over her shoulder and pat my back. 'BWAAAARPPP!!!' I burped, drooling a bit. 

The alien giggles and started singing a lullaby. I smile up at her, closing my ways and falling asleep to her gentle voice. I didn't know how long I was asleep but when I woke up, I was back in my own bed. "huh?' I said sitting up, still in my work clothes. I sat up and rub my bed, blinking as all of that must have been a dream. I look at the clock at the time, shit I am going to be late. Annabelle walked in, already in her work clothes, 'Finally you're awake, must have been a tough one last night huh?' she asked.

I remembered the green alien, telling my wife about it as she gave me a suspicious look. 'You think I'm crazy don't you' I said.

'I think you are working too hard' she said. 'Why don't you take the day off?' 

'I cant' I told her, 'Scarlet would fire me without a second thought. I'll be fine babe' I got up and gave her a kiss. She smiled as she kissed back, maybe if we got time we can mess up the bed even more but out baby started crying down the hall. 

Annabelle sigh as she pull back. 'Ill get her, you need to get ready' she told me as she walked out the room. 

I sigh, maybe later then. I got dressed in my work outfit and then went downstairs for breakfast. Annabelle didn't have time to cook so we all had toast while Jenny was fed her green mush. I have no idea how babies could enjoy something that looks disgusting. Then Annabelle got up and went to work, having Jenny with her since they can't find a local daycare nearby. While I went into my car and drove to the office, thinking about the alien and where she might be right now. 

I drove and parked the car, then I walked into the building. Heading to my office as I open the door. Papers were still on the desk, the floor is a mess and I got another busy day ahead. I took a breath then sat down, going on the computer for the reports. After a few minutes I started getting drowsy when I hear a giggle. I look up to see the Alien beaming down at me. I jumped up, 'Where did you come from?' I asked keeping my distence. The alien look at me with those warm eyes, she is as big as I remember. 

The alien look at the computer screen, then she started typing. I was about to tell her to leave when I noticed that she is doing the reports for me. And she is doing a good job at it too. 'Wow you are good' I said. The alien giggled, she sat in my chair and started doing the reports. I didn't know what to do. Since she is willing to do my work then who am I to argue. I sat on a spare chair and decided to watch YouTube vids on my phone. 

Soon the day was almost over and my reports were nearly done. I look them over then turn to the alien. 'Thanks' I said. 'With you around I might get a promotion' the alien giggled. 'Say if you don't have any home to phone to, you mind staying here for a bit?' I asked. I know it sounds selfish but I rather just good off then bite myself half to death with work. And if she is willing to do it who am I to argue with an alien being. 

Lucky for me the alien woman nodded in agreement. So I wave goodbye as I went back home. That night I walked in to the sounds of my wife cooking. Annabelle was in the kitchen with a spring in her step. She turn and smiled at me 'Your home early' she said.

'Finished my reports early' I said getting my arms around her, hand feeling her bum. 'You seem more relaxed' 

'I had a easy day' she said. 'Lets just say I had some help' 

I did not asked what she meant. We had the first relaxing night without worries about work. We had our dinner and I played a bit with Jenny before Annabelle took her to bed. Then since we are both full of energy, we went to bed early, strip down to our birthday suits and made love. 

The next morning, I was feeling more energy then usual. Annabelle was already up and taking a shower, I soon joined her for some more love making. Then we both got dressed and headed to the kitchen for breakfast. Annabelle cooked some eggs for us, I ate my meal while she ate gets and feed Jenny her yucky green mash. Once we are all finished I got up and head to my car. Annabelle buckled Jenny in her carseat, then she kissed me goodbye as she drove off to work. Soon I was on my way as well. 

The alien was doing great. She typed away as I sat and watch. 'I don't know what I would do without you' I said. The alien just giggles. I look up at the clock, seeing that it is almost lunchtime. I got up to get something to eat when the alien tug on my sleeve. She then picked me up and sat me on her knee, so I was facing her large breasts. She nodded as she seem to want me to nurse. 'um no thanks' I said trying not to hurt her feelings. 'I want to get some actual food' that made her pout, so without warning her pushed my head onto her nipple, my lips latching on as I drank a bit of her milk. 

I don't know how long I just lay there as she cradled me, the milk was so amazing I couldn't stopped drinking. My mind started getting all fuzzy that I didn't know up from down. Soon she pulled me off, dripping milk from my lips I new and cried as I wanted more, but she just drape me over her shoulder and oat my back. 'BWAAAAPPPP!!!' I burped. 

The alien nodded happily then put me on the ground. I was still high from that milk that I just laid down, drooling as time fly past. Soon I was being shaken awake by her as she pointed to the clock. 'Shit' I said standing up. 'i better get home' work finished an hour ago so I grabbed my things, give the alien a hug as I ran out of my office. 

I got home and walked in, 'Sorry Honey I lost track of time' I said walking into the kitchen, but Annabelle wasn't here cooking dinner. I look around until I hear her voice from the living room

'Over here' 

I walked into the living room. Annabelle was on the couch, her shoes by the door as she was watching tv with Jenny. The baby show we always put on for our daughter is playing. I looked over to my wife, ‘Why aren’t you cooking?’ I asked since she always cooks the food after work. 

Annabelle sigh, ‘I didn’t feel like it today do I ordered us takeout’ she said. ‘You should watch this babe, it is kinda fun singing along’ 

I admit it was kinda fun. I sat next to my wife as we sang along to the songs along with Jenny. We had our food and spent the night binge watching the baby shows, none of us wanted to go to bed but we wanna stay up all night. Unfortunate that soon we heard a hissing noise. Annabelle turn her head and gasped ‘honey you’re peeing!’ 

I stood up, sure enough my pants were wet and the couch was soaked. I didn’t know what had happened but my wife wasn’t angry instead she looked guilty about something as she said that I should clean up while she puts Jenny to bed. I walked into the bathroom and stripped then got into the shower. Soon I was out and putting on my Pajamas as Annabelle was already dressed in her night shirt that goes down to her thighs. ‘Sorry I didn’t even feel the need to go’ I said as I climb into bed. 

‘Honey it’s ok accidents happened’ she said cuddling into me as she rest her head. ‘Now try to get some sleep, tomorrow is Friday so we can relax on Saturday’ 

I grinned. Weekends are perfect for relaxing but we still got some chores to do around the house. I put an arm around her waist as she was sound asleep but I heard a tiny crinkle as she moves. I lift up the covers to see her shirt has risen up her back, instead of exposing her panties all I see covering her cute bum is training pants, bright pink ones at that. I guess she had a few accidents herself. My brain was so tired that I decided to ask about it later and soon fell asleep. 

I was shaken awake the next morning to see my wife standing over me. ‘Honey wake up you wet the bed’ 

I sat up as I clearly did have soaked the sheets. ‘Damn’ I said as I stood up. 

Annabelle folded her arms. ‘We don’t have time to clean it’ she said crossly. ‘I think you need better protection’ 

‘Like your pull-ups?’ I said

Annabelle blushed. ‘They’re not pull-ups they are training panties’ she said pulling down her shirt to hide the pink bottoms. ‘And yes I think you do need them’ 

I can’t argue with that. So I shallow my pride as Annabelle grabbed her purse and pull out an extra pull-up from it. Knowing it would be embarrassing to ask why she has them now but I accepted one and gave her a soothing kiss. 

I was soon back in my office, watching my shows on the iPad while the alien types away at the computer. Sure I feel bad about her doing all the work while I sit on my padded ass watching cartoons but I prefer it that way. I thought about my wife and how strange it is that we are both having accidents. Maybe I should visit her at her office just to see if she is alright. 

I told the alien and she smiled, she got up as she wants to take me there herself. I tried to argue but she insisted probably wanting to meet my wife too. I rub the back of my head ‘I don’t know about this’ but she put her green finger to my lips and smile. Seeing that loving smile push all worry from my mind. 

Making sure no one sees me, I lead the alien away to my car. I was about to get into the drivers seat but she smack my hand and shook her head, instead opening the back door for me to sit in the back. I know there is no arguing with her so I sat in the back while she put my seatbelt on. ‘Thanks’ I mumbled looking away. Feeling like a little kid while she get into the drivers seat and started driving my car. 

Instead of sulking I should enjoy the ride. But how will I explain the alien to my wife, sure I already told her but she didn’t believe me. I grinned as now she has to believe me about a huge green alien who almost look naked. Soon we reached her office and the alien took my belt off. ‘Wait’ I said quickly ‘what should I call you when my wife sees you?’ 

The alien mouthed to me her name. I tried to mimic it to see if I could say it which made her giggle. ‘Maaa meeeee’ I said ‘is your name Mamee?’ She beamed and pat my head. I blushed a bit more as I step out and we both entered the building. Annabelle’s office is private since she has Jenny to watch while she works. 

I walked inside her office expecting to see her hunch over her desk while Jenny giggles happily in the playpen in the corner. But instead I dropped my jaw. Behind the desk with stacks of papers was another alien, bigger and a male this time. He nodded at me as Mamee walked over and kissed him. Guess they are a thing. I looked to the side of the desk as Annabelle squeal and cover her face with her hands. My wife was sitting on a giant training potty, her pull-ups around her ankles as the clothes she wore to work was folded neatly on the desk leaving her in just her pink bra. 

‘Annabelle?’ I said going to walk over to her when I was suddenly lifted up. The alien beamed as she shook her head, wanting me to leave her on the potty so I was place in the playpen with my daughter. Jenny clapped as she beamed up at me. My wife was too busy crying softly as she was stuck on the potty. 

With nothing else to do I sat on the ground and played with Jenny for a bit until my alien help Annabelle off the seat, shaking her head as she didn’t do any of in the pink bowl. The male alien then put her on the desk and got her dressed. Annabelle blushed as she held up her arms for her dress to be put on, then she was put in the playpen with Jenny and me. ‘Hey’ she said feeling ashamed for being caught.

’Hey honey’ I said getting her into a hug. 

‘Why didn’t you tell me you had an alien too?’ She asked, watching our baby play with the blocks. 

‘Why didn’t you?’ I asked her, picking up a car and just rolling it around. 

She blushed, ‘I didn’t want you to think I’m lazy’ she admitted picking up a doll and shook it around. ‘I certainly didn’t want to tell you an alien is potty training me’ 

I didn’t want to get into it, since we are both in the playpen playing toys with our daughter. The two aliens spoke by the desk while we played together. Jenny laughed as she was having so much fun sitting there playing with her parents, I can’t help but feel young again as do my wife. But soon I was picked up and place on my aliens hip. Looks like it’s time to go back to my office. 

I waved goodbye as I was carried out, my eyes were getting heavy, when I look over my shoulder I could see Annabelle laying down with her eyes half open, getting drowsy as well. The last thing I saw was the male alien walking over to my wife and child with a diaper in his hand. 

Before I know it I had woken up in my office. I must have fallen asleep in the car so Mamee must have carried me inside. Did a second I thought I was still at Annabelle’s office but I recognised my desk, with the alien sitting by the computer doing the reports. I stretched then heard a crinkling sound. 

I look down, gasping in horror at the huge diaper between my legs. My pants was taken somewhere I don’t know. ‘Mommy!’ I quickly screamed ‘Mommy!’ 

Mamee walked over hearing my cries, she looked down at me with a worried look. ‘Why am I wearing this? Where are my pants?’ Mamee frown and pointed to the bag, I looked and could see my pants inside, looking soaked. ‘Did I had another accident?’ I asked 

Mamee nodded. 

‘But I don’t want to wear a diaper’ I started to sob ‘People will laugh at me’ Mamee coo as she picked me up, unable to control myself I started to bawl into her green shoulder while she pat my back. Instantly I felt much better, she sat back in my chair and held me close, I look at the nipples on her breast and latch in, wanting more of that milk. Mamee giggled and patted my head as she nurse me. 

After what seems too quick for me, Mamee pulled me off and drape me over her shoulder, giving my back a few pats. I let out a huge burp, even spat up some milk over my chin a bit. Mamee stood up and carried me towards the door, I looked to my watch to see it is time to go home, hopefully Annabelle is home as well. 

Maker carried me through the office, no one seem to pay any mine as we walked out to my car and I find myself buckled in the car seat, Mamee got into the drivers seat. ‘Are you coming home with me?’ I asked her, Mamee nodded happily and started driving. I got worried about a lot of stuff but I relax since Annabelle and Jenny already knows about her, and I feel bad leaving the alien alone on the weekend, maybe Annabelle will bring her alien home that way Mamee gave someone to communicate with. 

We arrived back home, I could see Annabelle’s car in the driveway, I look closer as in the backseat next to the baby car seat was an even bigger one like mine. I had a glance at it as Mamee got me out from the car seat. ‘Thank you’ I said as I waddle to the door, thinking about how to explain Mamee staying here, but when did I decide she would stay here? 

‘I’m home’ I said as I got inside. I looked into the living but only found Jenny sitting in the playpen playing with her toys. I checked the kitchen but it was empty as well. ‘Annabelle?’ I called out as I begin to waddle towards our bedroom, the light was on so I opened the door. 

The male alien was hunch over the bed, on it was Annabelle with her legs in the air, her dress ridden up as the alien was wiping her bum with the baby wipes from Jenny’s nursery, next to her was a rolled up messy diaper. I think I just caught my wife getting her diaper changed. The male alien smiled as he spot me at the door, Annabelle lift up her head, ‘Hey honey, don’t worry Ddie is just changing me’ the alien pulled out a fresh diaper and slide it under her butt. I stood and watch him apply the baby powder on her Vagina and ass, feeling my penis get hard just from watching. 

Now in a fresh diaper Annabelle waddle to me and we embrace, kissing as I put my hand up her dress and feel her padded butt, the smell of baby powder on her. Annabelle giggled as she felt my crotch, feeling it soaked. ‘Guess you need a change too’ she said. 

Before I could reply back with a cheeky comment I was lifted into the air, Ddie held me as he pull back my diaper, then he got me on the bed s as Ned proceeded to change my diaper, while Annabelle waddled out of the room, her diaper making a crinkling sound as she moves. 

Once Ddie put a fresh diaper on me, I got onto my feet and waddle out, still in my shirt and tie as I found Annabelle in the living room, ‘honey wait’ I said to her ‘You do realise that we have actual aliens in our house right?’ 

Annabelle nodded, ‘I know, but they want to help us, look’ she took my hand and we both waddled to the kitchen. ‘See, Mamee is taking care of all the chores for us’ she said.

Sure enough, there’s the female alien cooking us our meal. She was humming as she spot us from the door and waved, her smile making the butterflies in my tummy dance. Annabelle lead my hand as we went to my study. ‘And Ddie is doing all of our bills so we wouldn’t have to worry’ she said, ‘They can help provide for us if we need to’ there was the male alien at the desk, typing on the computer as I would have done.

’Yeah I think you’re right’ I said as we went back to the living room, Jenny babbling up at us. Annabelle bend over and lift up our daughter, holding her on her padded hip. ‘Guess they could stay, after all I don’t see a downside’

’Maybe they can help us with our toilet troubles’ said Annabelle ‘After all I don’t think they would want three babies in the house’

I laughed, ‘No they would not, so what do you wanna do?’ 

She smiled, ‘Well I do wanna watch movies with my husband, how about we browse on Netflix’


She put Jenny in the playpen they we both sat in the couch, cuddling up together with our diapers crinkling as I grab the remote. Annabelle is right, if those aliens want to stay and help us then what was the harm. Who knows soon they would be part of our little family. 


A month went by. I woke up as usual and sat up. It has been a month since the aliens came into our lives, me and Annabelle wouldn’t need to worry about work anymore since they are pretty much doing our jobs. Our toilet troubles have gotten worse so in the end we decided to just keep the diapers. We both have gotten so lazy that we let the aliens do everything for us. I looked over to my wife sleeping soundly at my side, the covers half off her nude body. I admit she does look adorable like that. 

I sniff the air, sure enough that is the smell of a poopy diaper. I removed the blanket off me and looked down, poking at my diaper to see if I did boom boom, but from the feel of it I was clean, I think. I pulled the blanket off Annabelle and looked down to her diaper, I nearly gag as now the smell was worse. Annabelle shifted then lift up her head, groaning as she is still half asleep, ‘Morning’ she mumbled 

’Morning stinky’ I said

She kneel up, finally feeling the mess on her backside as it got smooshed against her feet. Annabelle giggle, ‘Guess my potty training is all gone’ she said

’Who cares, going to the potty is too much work anyway’


I turn to my other side, Jenny yawned as our baby daughter woke up. Drooling a bit while Annabelle lean back against the bars of our crib. We had been falling out of bed so much that Mamee and Ddie had to buy a giant crib for all of us, since it doesn’t make sense to have two cribs. I didn’t mind it, and I know Annabelle loves to stay together with her daughter even though this doesn’t seem right to anyone else. 

The door opened up, we all squeal happily as Mamee came in, wearing Annabelle’s old clothes for modesty. She came up to the crib and coo at us. ‘Morning Mommy’ me and Annabelle said. 

Mommy beamed as she started checking our diapers, she felt the front of my crotch and found it wet, I still have night time accidents but I just don’t care anymore. She then checked Jenny who like me is wet, then she fanned her nose as she put her fingers in the waistband of Annabelle’s diaper and pulled, peering in at the mess around her bum. ‘Stinky baby’ announced Annabelle lifting up her arms with a huge smile on her face. 

’Stinky baby!’ I cheered lifting up my own, it’s a new game we made, when one of us does a poopy we all yell stinky baby do we don’t feel bad about not using the potty. Jenny laughed as she tries to copy us but she is still too young to speak. Mommy then proceeded to change our diapers one by one, first taking Annabelle to the change table while me and Jenny sat in the crib and played patty cake. 

We used to have the big bedroom, with Mommy and Daddy sleeping on the guest bed in the study. But since we kept falling out and they bought us a crib me and Annabelle decided it would be best if they have the master bedroom and we sleep in the nursery with Jenny. We didn’t mind it as the crib is so warm and soft, perfect for two grown adults. 

Mommy finished changing Annabelle and put her on the ground, then she came and picked me up. She made so much silly faces that I couldn’t help but laugh as I was laid on the table. As routine I held up my legs as mommy got to work removing my wet diaper, slide a new one under my bottom and put baby powder on me. 

Soon I was in a fresh diaper and put on the ground, Mommy going to change Jenny next. To think a month ago it was either me or Annabelle doing the diaper changes but honestly we prefer to be the ones getting changed these days. Annabelle giggled as she poke my padded butt, ‘Nice butt’ she giggled. 

‘Nice boobs’ I said staring at her breasts. The downside of sharing a crib with our daughter is that we don’t have the privacy to do our naughty touching. I wish mommy and daddy would get Jenny her own crib. The best I could do is go under a blanket in the playpen and put my hand in my diaper. Annabelle caught me several times but I caught her humping the teddy bear and putting her own hand in her diaper. 

Once Jenny was done, Mommy carried the little infant and gestured us to go out the door. I slowly got up on my two feet and stood ready to waddle while Annabelle was already crawling, I stare at her padded ass as it makes that crinkly sound. Mommy took my hand and led me out the door. Because of how many accidents we were getting the aliens put us in thick diapers that feels like we were wearing ten diapers at once making it hard for either of us to keep our balance or walk. Annabelle just gave up and decided to crawl instead or let mommy or daddy carry her, I prefer to keep walking just to see the proud look on their faces. 

We all entered the kitchen, Daddy was at the table, looking down at us as he stood and picked up Annabelle, my wife giggled as he put her in one of the giant high chairs bought for us. We lost the privilege to feed ourselves when we threw food at each other for fun so we eat in those high chairs while the alien feeds us. Mommy put Henny in her high chair then picked me up and put me in mine. The table locked in place, I place my hands on it as the aliens tied bibs around us. I look down at mine to see a race car. ‘Look I got a race car’ I said to my family

’I got a princess!’ Said Annabelle, I looked to our daughter to see she got a flower on hers. 

We all sat and waited while the aliens feed us bowls of the green mash. I open my mouth and ate it, savouring the flavour as I can’t think of eating anything then this. Mommy made airplane noises to make us all laugh, Jenny was banging her hands on the table for more, while Annabelle spat out the mash in her cheeks from laughing too hard, making a mess on her bib and lips. I bounce in my seat as they feed us more. It’s the same routine everyday, after breakfast the aliens would go to work, I would go with mommy and Anbabelkecsnd Jenny would go with daddy. They would do all the work while we just play with the toys. But today is Saturday which means we get to spend family time together. 

Once we finished, Mommy removed our bibs and cleaned us up. Then we were all taken to the living room. Annabelle was laid under those baby things that dangle toys over you, she giggled as she hits them with her hand, I have never seen her so happy and stress free before. Jenny was in a bouncer seat kicking and drooling while I was seated on Mommy’s lap. I watched as she remove her top, showing her huge green breasts full with that addicting milk we all love. 

I felt myself drooling at the sight, without any hesitation I latched on and started suckling. The milk swam down into my belly, making my head all warm and fuzzy. Mommy patted my head as she looked at the tv, I could hear a baby show playing in the background. I was cradled in her arms as I held on, suckling as much as my lips can hold. Soon I was taken off and drape over her shoulder, mommy patting my bare back. 


I burped up some milk, grinning as my chin is soaked with milk and drool. Mommy laughed as she cradled me. I look up at her smiling face as she wiggle her green fingers, poking my belly and making me laugh. ‘Good baby’ she said. I gaped, that is the first time I heard Mommy speak. Before I could even think of any words to say I heard shuffling, turning my head to see Annabelle crawling up to us, her chin soaked with her own drool as she smile gaply at us, she pointed to her lips wanting some milk too. Mommy giggled and stood, she put me in a bouncer seat next to Jenny while she picked up my wife and started breastfeeding her on the couch. 

Since I can’t think of any words my mouth decided to make its own. ‘Ah ba ga baa, beeeee’ I said thinking I’m making big boy words. Jenny laughed as I made more silly words, I made a raspberry with my tongue at the tv, Mommy and Daddy will be so proud of me. I looked over to see my wife suckling down the milk, Mommy rubbing her bare back. 

Soon Annabelle was burped and put in a bouncer seat next to Jenny. She was making up words just like me. ‘Gaaa buuu baba ga’ said Annabelle spitting drool onto her breasts as she look up at the screen. We all watch the baby show while Mommy goes and do the chores, Daddy is mowing the lawn while we get to relax all day, no bills, no work or worrying about money, just leave it to our new mommy and daddy to take care of our needs. 

In fact we don’t even need to think, just let at gndy such buu ba ba hehe Ning nnnnghh poopy I made poopy!

It has all gone perfectly. I watch my new bundle of joys all together, the male is kicking and sucking his thumb while the female started sucking on her own toes, both now has the same level of intelligent as their infant. This family has no idea if the effect my milk has on the lower species. 

Ddie and I came to this planet looking for a new family, when I found the male I knew instinctively I wanted him as my infant, Ddie found the female quite good as well and they would have their own infant to play with. I earned his trust by doing his work for him, after all it is child’s play. I planned to pour some of my milk in his drink at first, much like what Ddie did to the females morning coffee every morning she walks in, but he seems to be enhanced by my breasts that I couldn’t resist nursing him. 

When he first nurse from my breast I gain all of his memories so I can study them. The effects for first time was incredible, I had him cooing and babbling in my arms, I played with him for a bit before taking him back home, lucky the female was asleep so I tucked him in next to her. Die witness the effects as well when she found him in her office, he told me she was crawling around babbling, as well as had an accident in the back of her panties. When the effect wore off she was so distraught but Ddie comfort her. My day with the name was perfect, while I did his work he stayed on his phone watching videos. 

The next day we made some progress. I breastfed the male at lunchtime, he resisted a bit but I could see the hunger in his eyes as he finally latched on, afterwards I left him on the floor babbling as the milk was affecting his mind. Ddie gave the female her coffee laced with my milk, watching her pee herself again. She was distraught but didn’t argue when Ddie suggested she gets done protection. He told me they agreed that if she keeps having accidents then he will give her potty training lessons the next day. 

Then I found out my male has been having accidents too, I spotted the pull-ups on him as he came into his office while I worked. He wanted to see his female so I took him, after all he has to meet his future father as well. He was surprise to find her in the middle of potty training but as they all sat in the playpen with their infant we didn’t need to worry, after all it is too late to resist my milk. 

On the way back I noticed the male was asleep, and having an accident in his pull-ups. Seeing my chance, when I carried him into his office I had him on the table and changed him out of the wet pants and pull-ups and into a nice diaper. When he woke he was distraught but thanks to the effects of my milk he calmed down to my presence. Ddie had already got the female in her own diaper after scolding her for having too many accidents. It was no surprise to find him at their home changing the female once again. 

Now that we are living in their home we slowly took control of everything. They thought they were being generous but it is thanks to our influence. There was no need to spike the coffee anymore as I started nursing the female as well. We watch the regression take effect as they were falling out of their bed, so we got them a crib to share with their child while we took the master bed. We got them new clothes, new furniture, and of course been getting thicker and thicker diapers to better put them in their place. We moved them to baby food which they seem to enjoy, and better yet they completely decided they don’t want the potty anymore as they find it hard to make it in time. 

Now the regression is complete. They now have the mindset of newborn infants depending on us to care for their every need. The male dribbled as he held up his arms in the air ‘Stinky baby!’

’Stinky baby!’ The female copied, both laughing at their little game. 

I smiled as I walked over to them, time to change another diaper. 



End Chapter 16

The Parents Diaper Pail

by: Themaster234 | Story In Progress | Last updated Aug 2, 2024


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