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Quest game

by: Amixard Last updated Sep 24, 2023

I created a text base game using quest that allows you to regress yourself into a child and explore a daycare with multiple activities and other children to play with. It’s like an interactive age regression story. Sadly, I don’t know how to make it available to the public. If anyone knows how to share a quest game, please let me know.

Rugrats: All Growed up? A Tale of Angelica

by: username Last updated Sep 21, 2023

Angelica remembers her toddlerhood while dealing with teenage stress.

Of Cats' Dreams and Coddled Cutie Cohosts

by: Personalias Last updated Sep 19, 2023

An entry into a podcast contest.

The Great Swapping Showcase!

by: Last updated Sep 15, 2023

Mike and Tristan found a very peculiar public magician that swap attributes between audience members.

Bedwetting Trainer

by: Last updated Sep 8, 2023

Jake decides to reveal his most inner wish to his friend, who, surprisingly, doesn't mind helping him make it come to life.

The Doctor's Office

by: Miles Last updated Sep 1, 2023

A simple scene/short story taking place in the waiting room of a doctor's office. Age regression, diapers, wetting and messing, furry characters.

Wishing You Well

by: Guyver54 Last updated Aug 31, 2023

While on a vacation with her family, a young woman wishes for a connection with her baby Sister. Maybe a mysterious object she finds in the forest may help close the gasp.

Who saved Who?

by: Last updated Aug 28, 2023

A Little is reluctantly adopted by two loving parents, Autism and ADHD lead to an especially……challenging child that despite the difficulty is surprisingly not as upset about “losing” adulthood as most of his other padded brethren are.


by: Last updated Aug 27, 2023

Jamie is a Freshman in college when a new teacher who doesn't tolerate bullies arrives. What will happen when magic gets involved, and secrets get uncovered?

The Worldwide Rewind 2

by: coolpbj Last updated Aug 14, 2023

This is a spinoff of the worldwide rewind

The AR Story Archive

Stories of Age/Time Transformation

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