Recent Stories

Stephen's Lotion

by: 1magus Last updated Mar 21, 2018

Stephen can't seem to figure out why an odd bottle of lotion makes him feel so weird when around his mommy. Or was it mother? (A commissioned tale)

Stephen's Diaperality

by: 1magus Last updated Mar 21, 2018

Stephen wakes up in a fantastical, highly sexualized world filled with other adults who get treated like big babies, toddlers and even pre-schoolers. The world around him shifts and changes almost magically, but why? A Commissioned tale! (Contains suggested incest)

Cindy-rella (A modern ABDL tale)

by: username Last updated Mar 19, 2018

Many recall how the mouse combined the many tales and “standardized” into what we know today. I propose a step backwards with an up to date twist.

Susan's Life

by: username Last updated Mar 11, 2018

Susan needed a break.

Never Too Old To Be Taught A Lesson

by: d2og Last updated Mar 7, 2018

Commission from cowkites. Elizabeth Turner, fresh-out-of-college and feeling in over her head, is a newly hired teacher at the prestigious Vitae Academy. Between her age and her good looks, she's been having difficulty garnering the respect she believes she deserves. To make matters worse, one of her new students is a girl she used to babysit; a girl named Rachel that holds a grudge against her. When Elizabeth does something a bit drastic to get her class under her control, Rachel responds ten-fold and Elizabeth's life changes forever.

A Lesson Not Soon Forgotten by Cowkites

by: d2og Last updated Mar 7, 2018

Story I commissioned. 18 year old Rebecca is tutoring 12 year old Hannah. Too bad she's super rude about it, and too bad Hannah knows a bit of magic.


by: Aria101 Last updated Mar 1, 2018

Creeping along the hallway with a bated breath. Hoping no one notices where to and why you're headed there.

So wet, by Long_Rifle

by: OldStories Last updated Jan 18, 2018

Long_Rifle : "This story is based on the series *So weird*. Very loosely based, as I didn't watch it that much. I don't own the characters, this is just an old story I wrote back when the show was still running as reruns. Contains Female mental regression, and female age regression. And an unfair ending as well."

The Apple Tree, by TabulaRasa

by: OldStories Last updated Jan 18, 2018

One bite, one year off.


by: babiedboi Last updated Dec 28, 2017

Here's a short story that was written by Little Trip based off a long age regression chat we had late one evening. Imagine if every time you had an orgasm (at the hypnotic suggestion of your therapist) you mentally regress further and further. There have been so few M/m regression stories lately...I hope you'll enjoy it!

The AR Story Archive

Stories of Age/Time Transformation

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