Recent Stories

Better Late Than Never

by: personalias Last updated Dec 8, 2017

Three women's very identities are put in jeopardy as reality shifts around them. A commission for anonymous

The flight

by: antgression Last updated Oct 29, 2017

Story about man on plane. At first infintialist, then goes into ar. First story. Story is finished

Becoming Alex's Strawberry Twins

by: Groblek Last updated Oct 21, 2017

(Story commissioned by Jared) Jared and his friend meet a hot girl, who turns out to want more from them then they intended to give. (AR to unbirth)

Promotion or Pacifier

by: skywavesage Last updated Oct 15, 2017

Resentful of working for a younger man, Gary plots to send his boss back into diapers. Tried re-posting to fix formating issues (with vended's help) but no luck unfortunately. Story can also be found at

Exchange Ring, by Libra

by: OldStories Last updated Oct 13, 2017

A short story about a babysitter, the baby boy on her care, and a cursed artifact.

Little League, by Time Minder

by: OldStories Last updated Oct 9, 2017

Two men who feel too old to play baseball use a special device.

The Booth, by Libra

by: OldStories Last updated Oct 9, 2017

There has been an old science-looking Booth in the Parker's family basement for years. Who know what it does?

Do you?

by: Reina Watt Last updated Aug 27, 2017

Many of us wish to go back to a simpler time, but do we accept the possible sacrifices that come with it? Do you?

The Imaginary Friend

by: skywavesage Last updated Aug 8, 2017

A teen wins the girl of his desires, but not in quite the way he imagined. Added final chapter. Feedback & comments always welcome, more stories and captions at

Pat and the Nursery

by: TerinasTiger Last updated Aug 6, 2017

On a dare, Pat sneaks into an abandoned building, and whoops! It happens to be an Automated Nursery! A Terinas Tiger story! (Warning! Furry and Feminization content!)

The AR Story Archive

Stories of Age/Time Transformation

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