Becoming Alex's Strawberry Twins

by: Groblek | Complete Story | Last updated Oct 21, 2017

(Story commissioned by Jared) Jared and his friend meet a hot girl, who turns out to want more from them then they intended to give. (AR to unbirth)

Chapter 1
Becoming Alex's Strawberry Twins

Chapter Description: Since I can’t seem to make the archive deal with quotation marks from Word, there’s a correctly-displayed version here

Becoming Alex’s Strawberry Twins

By Groblek

Story commissioned by Jared

Jared swayed to the beat of the music as he watched his friend dance with a cute young brunette in tight pants and a low-cut shirt. They were laughing as they danced, and he couldn’t help feeling a bit jealous of Jeremy. The song ended, and Jared watched as the two of them came over to the table where he sat waiting. He seemed winded, taking deep gulps of air as he sank onto a chair next to Jared.

“Alex, this is my best friend Jared.” Jeremy said between breaths. “Jared, this is Alex. This is her first night here at the club.”

“I’m pleased to meet you, Alex.” Jared said. “How do you like the place so far?”

“It’s fun so far, but I seem to have worn out my guide.” Alex said with a grin, gesturing at Jeremy, who was starting to breathe normally again. “Why don’t you and I dance for a bit while he recovers?” She offered Jared a hand. Jared looked uncertainly at his friend. He wanted to accept, but didn’t want to get in Jeremy’s way.

“I’ve had my shot, Jared. Go ahead, see if you can impress her more than I did.” Jeremy said with an exhausted grin.

“I’d be glad to.” Jared answered, and took Alex’s hand. She led him out onto the floor, and he soon realized why Jeremy had been so exhausted. Alex set a quick pace, leading him through all sorts of athletic gyrations on the dance floor. It had been a long time since Jared had danced like this, and he was painfully aware of the weight he had gained since then. Still, Alex didn’t seem to mind. In fact, the way she ground her lithe body against his as they danced suggested that she’d be open to a more horizontal sort of dancing later.

“Are you doing anything else tonight?” Jared asked as they shifted positions for the next dance.

Alex gave him an enticing grin. “Do I have plans with your friend, you mean? No, he couldn’t keep up with me. Let’s see if you can do any better, hmm?”

She pulled him close and led the next dance, moving at double-time to the music. Jared tried desperately to keep up with her, but found himself panting for breath, and finally had to step back from her.

“I… I just need a little break,” Jared said, leaning forward and bracing his hands above his knees as he furiously gulped air into his burning lungs.

“Aww, and I had such high hopes for you!” Alex answered, dancing in place in front of him. She turned around and bent over, shaking her tight butt in front of his face in time to the music. He could see the edge of her panties from this angle, white with a pair of printed strawberries dancing in front of his face. For a moment, Jared thought he smelled strawberries, then Alex drove it from his mind by turning around, shaking her cleavage inches from his nose. The same pattern peaked out from under the deep neckline of her shirt, strawberries running along the visible edge of her bra. “Are you sure you can’t keep going?”

Jared was saved by the music ending, and Alex took him by the arm, pulling him back towards where Jeremy sat, watching them.

“She wore you out too, huh?” Jeremy said. “I guess we’re both striking out tonight, unless you’ve changed your mind, Alex?”

Alex let go of Jared’s arm and eyed the two men appraisingly. “Sorry, Jeremy. If a person can’t keep up with me out there, they won’t last long enough in my bed for me to be satisfied.”

Jared sighed. Wasn’t that just his luck? “Well, I hope you find someone who can, then. Come on, Jared, let’s go drown our sorrows at the bar.”

“Now, now, don’t be so hasty, boys.” Alex said, stepping between Jared and the bar. “I like you both, even if you can’t keep up on your own. If you’re both good enough friends, we may still be able to work something out. How would you two feel about sharing me tonight?”

Jared stared at her in shock for a moment. “Are you suggesting a threesome?”

Alex nodded. “If the two of you can keep up with me until I’m ready to go home, then yes, that’s exactly what I’m suggesting.” She gave them a saucy wink. “I can promise that it’ll be the most intense sex you’ll ever have.”

Jared swallowed nervously, looking at Jeremy, who seemed similarly surprised.

The music started up again, and Alex shimmied in place in front of them. She leaned forward, showing off her cleavage again. “I know you want to see these girls up close. And to get in here.” She patted her crotch. “So, what will it be? Are you going to tag-team me this round, or do I go hunting someone else?”

Jeremy spoke first. “I’m in if Jared is.” He said. “Come on, buddy, let’s do this.”

Jared blinked in surprise, then nodded. “OK, you’ve got a deal.”

Alex smiled at them. “Great! Come on, Jeremy, it’s your turn! Try to keep up better this time!” She said, dragging him onto the dance floor.

Jared watched the two of them dance while he caught his breath. After a few songs, Jeremy was clearly tiring, unable to keep up with the energetic young woman, and Alex dragged him back to Jared.

“Your turn, Jared!” She said, taking his hands and pulling him out onto the floor. Her dancing was even more sensual now than the last time, and he felt his cock stiffening as she ground her body against his. He knew Alex could feel the way he responded, because she pressed her crotch against him and pulled him in for a deep kiss as they moved to the beat. He caught a whiff of her strawberry perfume again as she pulled away and kept dancing.

After a bit, Jared grew tired, and Alex traded him for Jeremy once more. To his surprise, he was starting to find watching them arousing, as his mind kept imagining what might happen later that night. Then it was his turn again, and Alex again teased him mercilessly with her body, bringing him to the verge of creaming his pants right there on the dance floor.

They traded places twice more before Alex had had enough. She led Jared off the dance floor, but this time didn’t let go of his hand as she grabbed Jeremy’s. “All right, now I’m warmed up and ready to go. Do you still think you’re men enough to handle me?”

“You bet!” Jared answered, a bit surprised at his own confidence. But he was more aroused now than he’d been in a long time. Jeremy echoed his comment, and Alex licked her lips, giving them a predatory look.

“Great! Let’s blow this joint and go back to my place. I’m ready for a different kind of dancing.” With that, she led them by the hands out the door and to her car.


The drive to Alex’s place wasn’t far, though it was in a neighborhood unfamiliar to Jared. He didn’t get much chance to look around, since Alex very insistently led them through the house to her bedroom without stopping along the way. And to be honest, Jared didn’t have much interest in looking at anything but her.

Once in the bedroom, Alex closed the door, and Jared heard a click as she locked it behind them. “We don’t want anyone interrupting this, do we?” She said, smiling at them. They both shook their heads in response, as eager as she was to get on with things.

“Now, let’s get a bit more comfortable, boys.” Alex said, pulling her shirt off over her head to reveal a lacy bra with a strawberry-print pattern on the bra cups. As Jared stared, Alex slid out of her jeans as well, showing them a matching pair of panties. These weren’t the tight thong or bikini cut Jared had expected, but were instead a lace-edged boyshort pair that clung tightly to Alex’s butt and hips while still concealing her most intimate areas.

Alex noticed Jared staring and grinned. “Like what you see? I’ll show you more if you get yourselves naked for me.” She said, and the two men scrambled to remove their own clothing.

Jeremy had his clothes off first, and Jared struggled with his pants as Alex led his friend into the bed. He’d just finished taking them off when Alex pulled a set of silk scarves from her nightstand and started to tie Jeremy to the bed with them.

“Um, what are you doing?” Jeremy asked.

Alex grinned. “I’m making sure you both know just who’s in control tonight. Don’t worry, I’ll make it worth your while.” She said, continuing to tie him up as Jared climbed into the bed. He let himself be tied up as well, and when he was secure, Alex began to take the rest of her clothes off. She put on a little show for them, teasing the men with glimpses before finally taking off her bra and dropping it over Jeremy’s face.

“Hey!” He said, “Don’t I get to watch?”

“In a bit, Jeremy. Right now, it’s Jared’s turn.” Alex responded. She straddled Jared, leaning forward to dangle her breasts in his face as she ground her still-covered crotch against his stiff cock. To Jared’s embarrassment, the stimulation drove him over the edge and he came, spurting his seed all over a large strawberry on her panties.

“Ooh, I see I got you a little too excited there, Jared.” Alex said as she rose up off him and slid the panties off. She looked at them closely and grinned. “I thought it was supposed to be my cherry you’re after, not my strawberry, silly boy.” She said, then dropped the soiled panties over his head. “I’ll come back to you once you’ve recovered, and show you the difference.”

Jared’s nostrils filled with the mingled scent of his seed, Alex’s musk, and an overriding smell of strawberries. Moments later, he heard moans of pleasure come from the other side of the bed as it shook with their sex play. The sounds and smell excited Jared, and he found himself growing hard at the thought of what was happening next to him. Soon the panty-blindfold was removed and he found Alex smiling down at him.

“Oooh, you’re nice and ready for me, big boy! Let’s get you inside before any more accidents happen.” Alex said in delight, sliding her warm pussy down onto Jared’s dick. She rode him with the same energy she’d shown on the dance floor, and Jared was pleased to see her cum before he did this time. Then he spurted his load inside her, and as his dick softened, she slid off him.

“Mmm, that was nice, but I’m only just getting warmed up.” Alex said, giving Jared a quick kiss before dropping the panties back over his face and turning her attention to Jeremy again.

This set the pattern for the most intense night of sex Jared had ever had. Alex alternated back and forth between Jared and his friend, a seemingly insatiable lust goddess. Again and again, Jared rose to the occasion, but each time it took longer and longer for him to get it up as exhaustion began to set in.

When he came for what would be the final time, it seemed to go on and on, his cock spurting load after load into Alex’s insatiable pussy. She rode him until he was utterly spent, then leaned forward to smile down at him with the same manic grin that had attracted him in the first place.

“Aww, I think I’ve finally worn you both out. I guess the fun’s over for now.” She said, a look of regret passing across her face. “It looks like you couldn’t keep up with me after all. Oh well, I guess I’ll have to finish on my own.” She reached her fingers down and snatched the glasses from Jared’s face, plunging his world into a blurry mess. “I’ll just get these out of the way first.” Alex said, and Jared heard his glasses clatter against the nightstand.

Then the pink blob that was Alex rose up above Jared and he heard her moans start up again. The smells of musk and strawberries grew stronger as her moans increased, and Jared realized that she was masturbating atop him. The thought was simultaneously arousing and embarrassing, but Jared’s exhausted body refused to respond.

“Oh, yes! Here I cum, Jared!” Alex cried out, and Jared felt a sticky liquid splatter his face. The smell of strawberries was overpowering now as Alex dripped a mixture of her juices and the loads the two men had deposited within her onto her lover’s face. Then, she pressed herself tightly against him, rubbing the mixture all over his body. Her thick pubic hair rasped against him, feeling like she was giving him a rubdown with a loofah sponge. His skin tingled where it touched him, but the sensation relaxed Jared, and his thinking grew fuzzy as exhaustion claimed him.

“Mmm, I think you’re all done for tonight. Sleep well, little Jared.” Alex said as she draped a piece of fabric over his face. Jared’s last sight before sleep took him was of a printed pair of strawberries coming into focus just before Alex’s panties plunged him into darkness one final time.


The harsh light of the morning sun woke Jared, and he struggled to free his arms and legs from the mass of fabric surrounding him. He heard a baby’s frustrated yell, which was soon joined by a second one. After a startled moment, Jared realized that one of those voices was his own.

“Shh, babies, Mommy’s here.” Alex’s voice came from somewhere nearby, speaking in calm, soothing tones. Her face slowly came into focus as she leaned down and smiled at him. One enormous hand reached down and scooped Jared up out of the pile of fabric. She nestled him next to a breast the size of his head, then reached down the blurry length of the bed and lifted an infant to her other breast, the baby’s hands still clinging tightly to Alex’s strawberry-print bra.

“Jeremy?” Jared tried to ask, but all that came out of his mouth was an infant’s meaningless babble. He shifted, agitated, but Alex tilted her arm, rubbing her engorged nipple against Jared’s lips. His lips parted automatically, and she pressed him tightly against herself until he began to suck. After the first taste of sweet milk filled his mouth, Jared put all other concerns aside and gave himself over to drinking this delicious nectar.


After a time, the flow of milk slowed to a trickle, and Jared felt his hunger finally subside. Alex seemed to sense his change in appetite, because she immediately shifted positions, and he felt his body lift into the air as she stood.

“It’s about time! I was afraid I’d be stuck in bed with you two all morning.” Alex said as she carried them into the hallway. “I always forget just how much this part makes me feel like a dairy cow. Oh well, at least it’ll all be over by tomorrow.”

Jared wondered what she meant by that, but was distracted by his friend’s shrunken body suddenly pressing against his own as Alex shifted them both to the same arm before she opened a door they hadn’t used the night before. What little Jared could make out in his nearsighted vision appeared to be a nursery, an impression that was confirmed when Alex set he and Jeremy down in a wooden crib while she rummaged in a nearby drawer. After a moment, she straightened up, holding something Jared couldn’t recognize. Apparently Jeremy didn’t like it, whatever it was, because he began wailing and crawled to the far side of the crib as Alex turned back to them.

“That’s not going to do you any good, Jeremy.” Alex said to Jeremy as she scooped Jared up in her arms. “I’ll come back for you as soon as I get Jared into his diaper. I refuse to let you two make your messes all over my house.”

Her words didn’t really sink in for Jared until she had pressed a disposable diaper to his bottom. Then, he began to squirm, but it was far too late – Alex deftly fastened it around him with an ease that spoke of long practice. Once she was sure his diaper was secure, she held him against her bare chest, and Jared felt the contact soothe away the worst of his embarrassment. When she set him back down in the crib and picked up Jeremy, Jared found himself staring longingly after her, craving more of that contact.

He didn’t have long to wait, as Alex picked him up once more and carried them both back to her bedroom. The contact must have been as pleasant for Alex as it was for them, because she got back in bed, settling herself into a comfortable sitting position with Jeremy and Jared nestled snugly against her breasts.

Out of the corner of his eye, Jared caught a glimpse of his glasses, and reached a grasping hand towards them, though they were well out of reach. Alex laughed and picked them up, holding the glasses in front of his face.

“Does Mommy’s baby want these? I don’t think they’ll do you much good anymore.” She said, putting them on Jared’s head and holding them in place. The sides of the frames didn’t even make contact with Jared’s ears, but the world still snapped into focus for him as he looked through the lenses.

With his vision restored, Jared could see the three of them reflected in Alex’s mirrored closet doors, and what he saw made him gasp in shock. He knew he’d shrunk down to the size of a baby, but he hadn’t really believed that he’d become one until now. Staring back at him was what looked like a newborn baby boy, peering through glasses far too big for him, cradled in Alex’s left arm. On her right, another infant was nursing from a breast nearly the size of his own head, and Jared realized that had to be Jeremy. Alex smiled down at them both, and Jared could see that she had changed as well. When they had met, he’d have guessed that she was in her late twenties, but now she looked young enough to star in an advertisement warning about the dangers of teenage motherhood.

Jared continued to stare, until a churning sensation in his gut distracted him, making him wail in discomfort. His bowels clenched and he realized too late what his changed body was about to do. A foul smell filled his nostrils as a warm mess poured out of him into the back of his diaper.

Alex pulled the glasses away from him as she stood up. “It smells like you’ve made quite a mess in there, Jared. Mommy had better get you changed into a new diaper.” She carried him back to the nursery, setting him back onto the table where she’d first diapered him. She turned away for a moment, and Jared heard Jeremy let out a cry as Alex lowered him into the crib.

“Hush, Jeremy, Mommy will be right back. I’ve got to get your brother changed out of his messy diaper.”

Jared squirmed on the changing table, feeling the mess in his diaper squishing through the barrier and up onto the small of his back. Then Alex’s hands rolled him over and he wailed as she began to wipe it off with a cold, wet, wipe.

“Stop squirming, baby, you’re just making it worse. Hold still and let me get this mess cleaned up.” Alex said as she continued wiping. Once she seemed satisfied with his back, Jared felt her undo his diaper, and a fresh wave of smell hit him. He recoiled, but Alex deftly pulled away the diaper and wrapped it tightly with an ease that spoke of long practice changing babies. The cold wipes returned, this time in more sensitive areas as she wiped all the traces of his mess from Jared’s butt and between his legs. It was a mortifying experience, especially when she took a wipe to his tiny penis. The fresh diaper that followed was almost a relief, and Jared clung to Alex for comfort when she finally picked him up and took him over to the crib.

There, he was met with a fresh smell of poo, and heard Alex sigh. “Oh Jeremy, it smells like you need a change too. Let’s get this over with, baby.” She set Jared down and took Jeremy over to the table for his change. Exhausted from the ordeal, Jared lay down and dozed off to sleep in the crib.


Jared awoke when Alex lifted him from the crib, swaddling him in a thin cloth before tucking him into a band of fabric she wore wrapped and crossed around her torso. The smell of sex and strawberries filled his nostrils, and Jared was startled to realize that she’d wrapped him in her panties from the night before. Her hands came away, and Jared was surprised to find himself supported by the fabric, held tightly against Alex’s body as she leaned down to pick up Jeremy, wrapping him in another piece of strawberry-scented fabric. Once she had them both tucked away, he felt her lips against his forehead for a kiss.

“There, that’s much better, isn’t it babies?” Alex said as she walked out of the room with them strapped to her. “Mommy’s got some last things to take care of around the house, then you’ll get my full attention.”

She walked back into the bedroom and began tidying, picking up things from the floor and tossing them into a large garbage bag. Jared could barely see what was happening, and decided to ignore it in favor of snuggling closer against Alex’s warm body. Despite the layers of fabric around him, he felt chilled, and his belly itched. He scratched at it, but the pressure of his fingers made the itch hurt, and he whimpered, pulling his hands away.

Next to him, Jeremy began to wail, and Jared could make out a tiny hand pointing accusingly at whatever Alex was holding. She tossed it into the bag, then tucked Jeremy’s hand back into their confining fabric sling.

“Hush now, baby. You won’t be needing any of this again, so I’m sending it all off to Goodwill. Mommy will get you new clothes when you’re ready for them.” Alex said, continuing to work. Jeremy kept fussing until Alex tied off the bag and put it out of sight in her closet.

She then pulled the curtains of the room tightly closed, and carefully climbed back into the bed. As she unwound the fabric sling from her body, Jared could smell her strawberry musk filling the room. The smell triggered something deep inside him, and the itching in his belly increased even as the pain eased.

Jeremy wailed again as Alex lifted him from the pile of fabric and held him against herself. “Shh, it’s all right, Baby. That’s just our bodies making the final connections to make you mine. Everything will be over in a moment.” She kissed his forehead, then held his tiny body down between her legs as she got to her knees above him.

The details of what was happening were lost to Jared’s blurry vision, but he heard Alex grunt with exertion as Jeremy’s wails grew louder, then were abruptly cut off. Alex’s blurred outline seemed to change, bulging out around the middle. Then she reached for Jared and he began to understand the fate he was about to share with his friend.

As he was lifted closer, Alex’s blurry outline resolved into a very pregnant one, with no sign of Jeremy on the bed. The itching in Jared’s belly built into a sharp pressure, then released all at once, and he saw a fleshy cord drop down Alex’s body, disappearing between her legs. Now it was his turn to wail as she kissed his forehead and lowered him past her newly-bulging midsection where Jeremy still struggled from deep within her womb.

His feet were engulfed in warmth as Alex’s pussy welcomed him inside for the last time. Jared tried to fight to stay in the light of the outside world, but Alex’s body overpowered him, dragging his lower body deep inside her with one pull. Her pubic hair scratched his sensitive skin as the second contraction pulled him deeper still, and he grabbed at it with his tiny hands, trying to hold himself outside her body.

“No you don’t, baby.” Alex said, bringing her hand down to break his grip and tuck his hands safely inside her birth canal. The next contraction pulled him in up to his neck, and she paused just long enough to give him hope, shifting position. Her pubic hair tickled his nose as she settled herself against the pillows and took a deep breath.

Alex let all that air out in a moan of mingled exertion and pleasure as her body tightened around Jared once more. His head scraped against her pubic hair a final time on the way into her depths, and he saw Alex blow him a kiss as her labia began to close over his face. She moved again, and he saw the strawberry print pattern of her panties block the steadily-shrinking exit. The light disappeared entirely as her body squeezed him tightly, propelling Jared up and into the warm, wet, darkness of her womb.


Deep inside Alex, Jared felt his body continue to shrink as fluid filled the space around him. Next to him, Jeremy squirmed until he was underneath Jared, seemingly trying to dive back out the way they’d come in, but Alex’s body was shut tightly and refused to yield to either of their struggles.

The sounds of her body were loud, blocking out most of the outside world, but Jared could hear a mechanical buzzing noise start up just before his world began to shake. As Alex’s heartbeat and breathing quickened, Jared realized she was fucking herself with one of her vibrators, with them trapped inside. Her body tensed around his, then released as she came, and Jared felt his body begin to tingle, changing even more.

Jared’s senses began to get muddled, the regression speeding up as Alex came a second time, then a third. He could feel Jeremy’s body changing shape, losing arms and legs as they both regressed backwards through the stages of fetal development. His own sense of self seemed to be changing too, becoming more loosely bound to his shrinking body as bits of himself began to break off.

As his shrinking body shed cells, Jared’s consciousness followed them, and he felt those cells split and change as his main body collapsed into a single fertilized embryo. Then that too split, unconceived at last, and Jared was left to wonder just what he had become.

Alex’s womb shook again, mixing Jared and Jeremy together into a sticky mess. Jared could sense confusion from his friend, coupled with a strange sort of acceptance just before Alex’s cervix opened and the bottom fell out of their world.

The mess of cells they had become gushed back down Alex’s birth canal with a rush, only to strike a fabric barrier. The pressure was so great that the fabric bent, allowing them to flood into it in a gooey mess. Alex’s body stilled, and somehow Jared heard her speak as pressure was applied to the fabric from the outside.

“Hello in there, boys. I bet you’re wondering what just happened. You’ve gone all the way back past conception, and now there’s nothing left of you but a sticky load of cum in my panties.” She taunted, and Jared could feel her hand rub herself through the fabric, squishing him around. “I know you can still hear me, at least for a little while. Sperm stays viable outside the body for about twenty minutes, so we’ve got some time before you fade into a cum-stain. Just long enough for you to get me off again.”

Her hand moved, and Jared heard a moan of pleasure. She was clearly getting off on what she’d done to them. The motion picked up as Alex stroked herself to orgasm, and Jared felt bits of himself leak out of her panties to dribble onto the bed. As they lost contact with the main mass of him, his sense of them vanished.

Alex spoke again as she caught her breath. “Mmm, that’s nice. But I do need to decide what to do with you. I mean, if I don’t want to let you dry into a trophy for my wall, that is. Unlike some of the jerks I’ve brought home, I actually kinda like you two.”

What was left of Jared tensed up, listening closely, and he could feel Jeremy’s awareness do the same. Alex continued, her voice still teasing, but friendly, like she had been when making love to them such a short time ago.

“I suppose I could bottle you up and take you to the sperm bank. I’ve given them donations before, though I don’t know whether they ever used those little swimmers to make babies. You might just sit in a freezer for ages.”

Her hand squished down, stroking herself again, and Jared felt more of himself leak out. “No, that’s no good. If you’re going to get a second chance, I’m going to have to give it to you.” The pressure and motion increased, but no more of Jared leaked out of her strawberry panties. Instead, the pressure pushed his gooey mess away from the edges, back to the center where they’d flooded out, as Alex bucked her hips in pleasure.

“I’ll just have to let you back in one more time, boys. I’m about to be nice and fertile for you, so let’s see just how good little swimmers you’ve become.” Alex said, her labia parting above Jared. “If you can win this race, you’ll get to be my babies for real.” Her hand pushed, and he felt himself squish back up into her, Jeremy mixed in with him. Another push, then another, and his mind left behind the wet stain on her panties as his remaining cells swam for their lives up her welcoming vagina.

He wasn’t sure how long he swam, but eventually Jared began to tire, bits of himself slowly dropping out of the race. Then he smelled something glorious, a strawberry scent ten times as strong as what had leaked out of Alex’s pussy, and knew he had to reach the source. Beside him, he felt Jeremy race after the scent too, and they swam together until they reached a soft round blob deep within Alex. The scent was even stronger here, and it overwhelmed Jared as his body stuck to the blob, then was pulled inside. He felt Jared come along with him, before his sense of the outside world disappeared entirely, and he lost consciousness for a time.

The blob quivered, than split down the middle, separating into two tiny embryos which began to divide over and over. Around them, Alex’s body began gearing up to support a pregnancy, while her new twin daughters slowly developed around the seeds that had been Jared and Jeremy.



End Chapter 1

Becoming Alex's Strawberry Twins

by: Groblek | Complete Story | Last updated Oct 21, 2017


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