Recent Stories

Special Delivery, by Posti

by: OldStories Last updated Mar 17, 2017

The married friends of a single man send him to a company called Special Delivery.

The Slide, by Ungulate

by: OldStories Last updated Mar 14, 2017

There's nothing preventing a mother to go down a park's slide, right? She just need a youthful spirit, and the body may go with it.

The Switchboard

by: CrashIchimonji Last updated Mar 13, 2017

A married couple liven their sex-life with a device of unimaginable possibilities. (Story is being redone right now. Changes will come for the first chapter soon.)

Mammas, Don't Let Your Cowboys Grow Up To Be Babies, by Bambino Rojo

by: OldStories Last updated Mar 12, 2017

Back in the western days, a young cowboy go with his friends to a local brother, hoping to finally get some.

'A Forgetful Day'

by: skywavesage Last updated Mar 3, 2017

A man slowly adjusts to his new reality. Added Last Chapter: Night. Feedback & comments always welcome, more stories and captions at

Remember When..., by Tainted Sins

by: OldStories Last updated Mar 3, 2017

Being the older sister isn't such a secured position when it's Halloween and your little sister's gothic group of friends like to pretend being witches.

Coming of Age

by: Grana Last updated Mar 1, 2017

A new freshman finds himself in a life he's not ready for. (Chapter 5 added)


by: ChronoEclipse Last updated Feb 9, 2017

A couple of teenagers get zapped by a mysterious ray at CVS in the middle of a fun road trip. Primarily Female AP but some brief male/female AR and male AP as well.

Worked Up

by: mad0charles Last updated Feb 9, 2017

One day, Katherine decided to take her daughter to work with her. However, they wouldn't leave the same way.

The AR Story Archive

Stories of Age/Time Transformation

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