Birds of a Feather

by: Mr. D | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 10, 2018

Students go missing at a local community college as a group of students get into everyday college drama. Story is complete.

Chapter 1
Chapter 1

Chapter Description: A group of students blow off steam after a day of classes.

“You know, if we get busted for smoking out here we’ll probably get a fine that we’ll never be able to pay off.” Brandy laughed as she took a blunt from Chad.

Chad laughed, “You mean tuition? Good god, if I ever get mine paid off it’ll be a miracle.” He played with the chain on his black, goth outfit.

“You’re graduating this year, aren’t you?” Chelsea asked as she wrung her rain-drenched bleached hair. The rain started to come down harder as she reached for the marijuana, her wet, baggy black attire clung to her skin as she took a hit.

“Better not answer when collections start calling, eh?” Chris joked as Chad shook his head.

“Can you help me with my Algebra tonight, Chad?” Brandy grabbed his shoulders, shaking him back and forth

“Ha, hell no, had to cheat my way through that class,” Chad laughed, “Why don’t you just get a tutor if you care that much?”

“You mean one of those dorky nerds who just can’t face the fact that everyone hates them? No thanks.” Brandy replied, “Not to mention they always speak nerd and don’t really bother explaining anything.”

“Guys, can we call it a night? I’m getting really cold.” Emily interrupted.

“Waa,” Brandy mocked, “Does baby want a blanket? Maybe a change while we’re at it?”

“Dude, chill.” Chris hugged Emily as her face reddened, “We’re all friends here.”

Brandy rolled her eyes, “Whatever. If it’s your bedtime, feel free to go. I’m gonna wait for Jason to come around with the goods.”

“How do you even smoke that stuff?” Emily shot Brandy a look of disgust, “Why can’t we just smoke cigarettes like everyone else?”

The other four burst into laughter, making Emily’s blush go from red to scarlet.

“If Daddy’s princess can’t hang, that just means more for the rest of us,” Brandy sneered, “How much allowance did he give you this week?”

“Brandy, seriously, back off.” Chris challenged, “She’s one of us too.”

“Oh? Were you hoping to get an allowance from Emily’s dad too? Maybe you can get him to give me rent money while you’re at it.”

Chris laughed, “If only, well, come on Emily, let’s go.” He led the belittled girl off into the night.

“Be careful, you guys,” Chad called, “Students have been going missing.”

“I’ve actually heard about that,” Brandy exclaimed before taking another hit. She passed the joint to Chelsea, “They say people have gone missing without warning and no one’s heard from them since. Have you heard anything? Do you know what’s going on?”

“I think it’s just suicides here and there,” Chelsea replied, “The school doesn’t want to go public with it, so none of us hear about it.”

“No,” Chad shook his head, “Students would talk about it. They’re probably just dropouts that have to move back in with their parents…god if that ever happened to me I’d probably never show my face again.”

“Why spook the new girl like that?” Chelsea grinned sheepishly, “I thought we were all friends here.”

“Chris’s words, not mine,” Chad laughed, “We all know he’s the only reason we let her hang with us.”

“Well, I actually have to go back to the dorm…need to find someone to do my math homework before class.” Brandy grabbed Chelsea, “Come, love.” Brandy and Chelsea locked lips as Chad stared at them.

“Dammit, just go. I’ll see if I can get Alex to do it for you.” Chad’s face grew pale as he turned away. Brandy smiled at the hint of jealousy. She knew that Chad was interested in her.

“Thank you! See you tomorrow night!” The girls laughed as Chad stood there adjusting his pants while they walked away.

“Is he really going to do it?” Chelsea asked.

“Maybe not as he said he would, but Chad always delivers. He’s tricked a few nerds into writing term papers for me. I just can’t fail math again, otherwise I might as well drop out.”

“That’s true,” Chelsea agreed, “I barely passed it last semester. Had to bribe someone for test answers.”


Chelsea demonstrated a blow job.

“Eww…well, whatever it takes I guess.” Brandy shuddered, imagining some random nerd having the time of his life. “Is that why that one guy…”

“Yes, that’s why Richie kept trying to hang out.” Chelsea breathed, “Glad he finally stopped showing up.”

“You mean he dropped?”

“Haven’t seen him in class for a few weeks now.”

“I bet that’s a relief,” Brandy laughed, “Still, I can’t imagine a guy like him dropping out.”

“Depression over heartbreak,” Chelsea snickered, “Bet he’s a regular Romeo.”

The pair burst out laughing as they entered the dorm, dripping a watery trail in their wake.

On the way to their room, Brandy slowed down to a stop in front of Emily’s room. She was already fast asleep, her expensive comforter pulled up to her chin.

Brandy snickered, “This is just too good.” She grabbed a cup from the sink, filling it with warm water, before returning to the sleeping Emily.

Chelsea stifled a laugh, but could not suppress a mischievous smirk. “What is your deal with her?”

“She can hang with us all she wants, but the truth is she’s just a preppy little daddy’s girl.” Brandy carefully guided Emily’s hand to the glass of water, “Think of this as her initiation ceremony.” After about a minute the smell of urine permeated the room.

Chelsea darted from the room, mouth covered. With a very light touch, Brandy guided Emily’s hand back under the comforter and emptied the glass at the sink before rejoining her friend. Groans filled the hall as the smell spread and aggravated girls began to look for the source.

Brandy raced down the hall, grabbing Chelsea’s hand as they put distance between themselves and Emily.

“I can’t believe that worked!” Chelsea giggled, “What happens next?”

“We wait,” Brandy grinned from ear to ear, as the sound of a loud, shrill shriek echoed through the dormitory, “Wait and watch, we’ll be casual observers for a little while.” The two girls laughed as the shriek became sobbing while they got ready for bed.



End Chapter 1

Birds of a Feather

by: Mr. D | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 10, 2018


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