The Dandelion Promise

by: skywavesage | Complete Story | Last updated May 5, 2018

A pair of friends start a new life with the woman they love. Feedback & comments always welcome, you can find my other stories and photo captions at

Chapter 1
Chapter 1

Tim leaned back in his swivel chair, surrounded by a U-shaped skyscraper of textbooks, journals and lecture notes. It was already dark outside, and his head hurt from a day of studying. Probably time for a break and some instant ramen, he thought as he rubbed his eyes.

There was a soft knock on the door.

“Can I come in?”

Tim looked up with surprise. It was his flatmate, Dave. They had met years ago at elementary school and quickly became fast friends. After completing college and winning admission to the same out-of-state postgrad program, they had naturally moved in together.

The past months, however, had been rough. A woman had entered their lives, and they had both fallen head-over-heels for her. Amy was a little older, but incandescently beautiful and delicate as a deer.

Now there was a caustic tension between the erstwhile friends, and sometimes they went for days without speaking to each other. Dave wanted to move out, but the pair had signed a lease with no subletting rights, so they were stuck. It was a little like living alone together.

Tim stood and opened the door. “What is it?” he asked.

“Can… can we talk?”

There was a long silence before Tim finally waved him in. Dave perched on the edge of the bed while Tim sank back into his chair.

“I was jogging thru the campus gardens today.” Dave began. “It’s late spring and the dandelions are in full bloom.”

He paused for a moment and ran his eyes across the frail wooden shelf cluttered with photos and classical music CDs, the oversized poster of an Elysian forest, the dog-eared flyer from a poetry club lying by the windowsill.

“Remember back when we were in third grade?” Dave continued. “We used to escape to the field behind the school to eat lunch together. It was always overgrown with dandelions.”

Memories flooded Tim’s mind. The white concrete schoolhouse with arched doors and stone stairwells, the creaking of swings under the old oak tree, the brightness and laughter of those innocent and carefree times. He fidgeted as Dave went on.

“It was on a day like today. You were grateful for my help with fighting off those bullies, and I was relieved to have made it thru my finals with your guidance. So after lunch, on the spur of a moment, we decided to blow on a dandelion puffball together, swearing to watch out for each other and be best friends forever?”

Dave turned and looked directly at Tim.

“I… I just wanted to say that I’m really, really sorry. Our friendship is worth more than a woman, and…”

“I’m sorry too.” Tim cut in before Dave could finish. “It’s been really painful for me since we started fighting. You’re like the brother I never had.”

“So how about this.” Dave rose to his feet and stepped forward. “Let’s go together and ask Amy to make a choice between us?”

“Deal! And I promise that I will stand by you no matter what.” Tim placed his arm around his friend and relaxed, as if a great weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

“You’ve been working hard all day. To make up for being such an ass, I made your favorite Cioppino. Would you like some?” Dave asked.

Tim’s eyes lit up, and he raced over to the dining table, where Dave ladled an aromatic vermillion broth overflowing with clams, mussels and fish into his bowl. Stomach growling, Tim dug in at once, scooping up the stew with warm, crusty bread as empty shells piled up on the side.

Just as he was feeling full, Tim felt the temperature in the room start to rise. It was as if a fire had lit itself inside his chest, slowly growing with intensity until it made him blush. He staggered to his feet, sliding open the window to let some breeze in. But it didn’t seem to help, his pulse raced and a tingly tremor crept up his fingers. They were smaller, he noticed, and he could see their rugged ridges and bumps gradually receding and smoothing out. Then came a sudden burst of coolness from below as his shorts slipped right off his hips.

“Dave, please help me! Something’s not right…” he cried out as the world lurched around him. Everything seemed to be a wild flurry of light and noise. The room was growing larger, and each passing moment made his shirt looser and flap like a sail around his deflating body.

Dave grinned as he loomed over his diminishing friend. “Amy’s already agreed to marry me.” he said triumphantly. “She still adores you though, and wanted to find a way to include you in our lives, but I wasn’t too keen on keeping a rival around. We discussed, and she suggested that we raise you together as our son.”

“What?!” Tim shouted in despair. “Dave, how could you do this to me? How could you?” His entire body shuddered, light beads of sweat formed on his brow, and his briefs slid ignominiously down to his ankles. A sharp throb began at the back of head, it was getting hard to think.

“Gosh Tim, I never thought I’ll see looking like this again.” Dave guffawed. “You know, you’re such a soft and sentimental fool. I’ve always wondered if you’re still that same skinny, pale, frightened little boy inside. Guess I was right.” he smirked as he yanked his friend’s shirt down around his shoulders, where it fluttered to join the pile of clothing on the floor.

“Da… Daddy will never do so bad things to me!” Tim blurted, a look of shock and confusion flashing across his face. What was he saying? He struggled to focus, but his head felt like mush.

“What was that, my little munchkin?”

“I... I…” Tim’s cherry cheeked face creased with effort, and little tears started flowing from his eyes. “I… feel so cold, Daddy…” he finally whimpered, hugging his slender frame with matchstick arms.

Dave smiled as he pulled out the fleece onesie he had prepared and helped the trembling boy into it. Tim looked adorably doleful, adorned with little smiley teddy bears, his dark curly bangs almost covering a pair of wide, innocent eyes.

“I am sweepy.” the boy yawned and raised his arms up expectantly.

“Of course, Timmy. It’s well past your bedtime.” Dave hoisted up the little boy, who threw his arms around him, clinging on tight for security. He carried his friend back to his room, where he lay the boy down gently on the bed and stroked his back until his breathing became steady.

Dashing back to the kitchen in a fizzy euphoria, Dave tossed a pair of steaks into the broiler and started roasting the carrots and baby potatoes. Everything had gone exactly to plan, and Amy would be here soon for their celebratory dinner. He could hardly wait.



End Chapter 1

The Dandelion Promise

by: skywavesage | Complete Story | Last updated May 5, 2018


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