Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: Elfy | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 27, 2025

Chapter 34

Chapter Description: In the second to last update Sam is picked up from school and after "failing" high school yet again she fears the worse. What will Isabelle's judgement be? EDIT: Apologies this update is a little shorter than usual. I've been battling migraines this week and It sets up the final one very well, which will be a bit longer than usual.

Commissioned by: diaperboy187


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If Sam had been able to make a rational excuse at that moment she would’ve claimed she was calling Isabelle “Mommy” simply because it beat trying to explain the real situation. However, Sam was so upset she felt she just needed comfort and in that moment she didn’t want Isabelle, the woman who had been methodically helping her to grow up, she needed “Mommy”, the Isabelle who had shown those moments of comfort and wise words when she needed them.

“OK, erm, come on through.” The lady said.

The door opened and Sam walked through. She was led to a small room at the back of the reception that had a few chairs and a table. She sat down and gave the receptionist her name so Isabelle could be called. Left alone, she was finally able to gather her thoughts a little bit. She thought about whether this was a good idea, maybe it wasn’t too late to tell them not to call Isabelle after all. If her care giver found out that Sam couldn’t handle high school for even an hour after being given a second chance then maybe it would be decided she couldn’t grow up at all. Maybe this was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

It quickly became clear that there was no going back though. Sam could hear the receptionist talking to Isabelle on the phone and then a minute later she stuck her head into the small room to tell Sam she was on her way. Sam was still sniffing quite a bit but the tears had stopped. She sat in silence waiting for Isabelle to come and deliver judgement on her. It felt more like it would be a coup de grâce.

When Isabelle did eventually arrive Sam looked up to see her looking anxious. It seemed like the taller woman was going to come straight through to see Sam before the receptionist called her to the side. Sam was left in suspense for a little while longer.

There seemed to be a lot of discussion going on. Sam couldn’t make out what was being said but she recognised Isabelle’s voice. Sam was starting to wonder exactly what was going on when Isabelle stepped out of a side office with a rather stony expression on her face. She was followed back to the room Sam was in with the receptionist and a teacher Sam didn’t recognise behind her.

“Sam, your mother thinks you should go home after this morning’s incident, OK?” The teacher said in a sympathetic voice.

Sam nodded her head. It had been decided. For the second time she was going to be taken out of high school and relegated to something that she could handle. She hung her head and felt like crying again. Isabelle would surely use the most extreme trigger and regress Sam for good. Heck, maybe she would be sent back to Jess. It had been abundantly clear for a long time that Isabelle didn’t like looking after children. And after everything that had happened that was clearly what Sam was. A child. Maybe the prolonged regression had messed her up or maybe she had never been particularly mature in the first place but she didn’t belong in high school now.

“Come on.” Isabelle said.

Sam slid forwards on the chair and felt the soggy pull-up squash like a sponge between her legs. She dropped down to the floor and with her head bowed she walked past Isabelle and towards the side entrance of the building, the one that went straight from the reception to the car park. She didn’t say a word as Isabelle unlocked the car and she climbed inside.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Isabelle asked quietly in the silent car.

Sam still felt like she might burst into tears if she opened her mouth. That she had truly screwed up her last chance. She shook her head as her eyes glistened with tears. Isabelle seemed to accept that answer as a second later the engine stuttered to life and the tyres crunched on the gravel as the rolled out of the car park.

Sam shifted uncomfortably and felt the wet padding between her legs. A constant reminder of what had happened, she wondered what was happening back at school. The news of the baby being embarrassed must’ve spread all over by now. Maybe it was best if she never went back, perhaps she would be better off as a permanent baby where she couldn’t hurt herself or others.

Thinking about her home and her family Sam sniffed back the tears. She had worked so hard to get back to her “real” life but maybe she had been living this way for so long it had become her normal. She started to wonder if there were parts of her that were just broken beyond repair. The usually short journey felt a lot longer than usual.

Once they were back home Sam got out of the car and walked to the front door with her head bowed. Isabelle unlocked it and they walked in, before Sam could get the news she knew was coming she walked upstairs and went to her bedroom and threw herself on to her bed. She didn’t even bother changing out of her soaked pull-up, it seemed pointless and she would have to get used to being wet most of the time soon anyway.

Obviously Isabelle was letting Sam have some space as for the next half an hour there was silence in the house. Sam barely moved a muscle the whole time. When there was a knock on the door she didn’t say anything but heard it open anyway. Footsteps came across the room and then the bed by her head sank down.

“It seems like maybe high school was a step too far.” Isabelle finally said, “But I’m proud of you for trying.”

Sam screwed up her face. The mattress underneath her was damp from tears. Whilst what Isabelle said did actually make her feel a little better it was like pouring a bucket of water on a towering inferno, it just wasn’t enough.

“Does… Does that mean I have to go back to pre-school?” Sam asked haltingly, her voice muffled by the covers underneath her.

“Pre-school?” Isabelle repeated, “Sit up, Sam. I can hardly understand you like that.”

Sam pushed herself into an upright position and sat on the edge of the bed with her feet dangling over the edge. Isabelle was right next to her and because her body weight was so much greater than Sam’s it caused the small woman to almost slide into her.

“I… I couldn’t do it!” Sam sobbed as the tears started again, “I tried! I really, really tried!”

“Sam…” Isabelle started.

“I want to be mature so much!” Sam continued as she wiped at her eyes, “But I keep messing everything up!”

“Sam, please…” Isabelle said.

“I’m broken!” Sam exclaimed, “I’m never going to be able to grow up! I should ju-…”

Sam was suddenly cut off by something incredibly unexpected but not at all unwelcome in the situation. Isabelle had suddenly wrapped both her arms around Sam and was now holding her tightly. The usually stoic caretaker cuddled Sam tightly as she shushed her soothingly. Sam was taken aback at first but quickly melted into the hug. The tears came even harder and Isabelle didn’t let her go until all the crying was done many minutes later.

“Sam, you’ve really got the wrong end of the stick here.” Isabelle said softly.

The grip on Sam eased and she wiped her eyes as she turned to see that Isabelle was actually beaming. It was the biggest smile she had seen on the usually stony faced woman and from the way her eyes were a little red it seemed to Sam as if maybe Isabelle had shed a few tears too, missed by the smaller woman in her own crying.

“W-What do you mean?” Sam asked.

“When I got to the school, before I came to get you, I was shown the security cameras.” Isabelle said, “They had sound. I heard those girls goading you, I heard them trying to start trouble… and I saw you walking away. I watched you trying to stay away from them like I asked, I saw you try to deescalate things.”

“So?” Sam shrugged sadly, “It didn’t work.”

“But you tried!” Isabelle almost laughed as she said it. She put a hand on Sam’s back, “Sometimes shit happens. What happened to you this morning was awful, I’m sorry you had to go through that. But whilst we can’t always control what life throws at us we CAN control how we react to it. Today I saw you react as maturely as you could.”

“I wet myself and cried.” Sam said with a furrowed brow, “It doesn’t sound mature to me.”

“In the situation you were put in I think most people would have a similar reaction.” Isabelle said, “But what I saw you do in that corridor proved to me that you’re maturity is exactly where it should be.”

“You mean…” Sam could barely breathe. Surely Isabelle wasn’t going to say what she thought she was going to say.

“I think you’re ready to go home.” Isabelle said with the biggest smile yet.


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End Chapter 34

Sam's Crawl To Adulthood

by: Elfy | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 27, 2025


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