Training Daniel

by: Elfy | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 22, 2024

Chapter 22

Chapter Description: The penultimate update! It's a bumper update as Charlotte comes to visit and brings with her a bag of special tricks. She teaches Amber that positive reinforcement can be more effective than negative reinforcement and that a happy baby is a well-behaved baby.

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Daniel barely had time to look away from his Mommy before Charlotte was round the table and lifting him out of his highchair. He yelped in fright as he was held suffocatingly close to Charlotte, her heaving chest threatening to swallow him whole.

“So good to see you, Charlotte.” Sarah said, “How’s your mother?”

Sarah stood up with a smile and kissed Charlotte on each cheek. For a brief moment Daniel legitimately couldn’t breathe as he was squeezed between the two giantesses. Fortunately he wasn’t stuck for long and as Sarah pulled away Charlotte adjusted him so he was sitting on her hip. He looked across the room with a red face to see Amber scowling by the door.

“She’s fine.” Charlotte replied to Sarah, “Having problems with her back again. You know how it is.”

“Don’t I just.” Sarah chuckled as she put her hands under her gigantic breasts.

Daniel felt uneasy on Charlotte’s lap. The family’s cousin was a bit of an enigma to Daniel who never quite knew how to feel around her. She teased him relentlessly but was also quick to deny him or even punish him. He got the feeling she liked being unpredictable to Daniel, that she liked him feeling on edge around her.

“Right, well, I must be on my way.” Sarah said.

Everyone said their goodbyes until Daniel was left with just Amber and Charlotte. He noticed Amber didn’t seem very happy at all with having her cousin there. She was still leaning against the doorway and looking in disapprovingly. There were several tense seconds of silence after the front door opened and closed.

“Well, I should probably change the baby.” Charlotte eventually said cheerily.

“Uh huh.” Amber grunted, “Just so you know mom doesn’t want Daniel being milked.”

“Well, she’s left me in charge so I’ll take care of all that.” Charlotte replied with a smile.

Daniel saw Amber scowl even harder than she had been before. If he hadn’t been so concerned about himself he would’ve found Amber’s annoyance funny. Charlotte carried Daniel past Amber and up the stairs. His heart was hammering with concern, he found himself wishing his Mommy was still there, at least he knew what to expect with her. He noticed the bag slung over Charlotte’s other shoulder and wondered what she had brought with her.

“We’re going to have lots of fun today.” Charlotte said airily as she climbed the stairs.

Taken into the nursery Daniel trembled slightly. He was placed on his changing table and his wet diaper was opened to reveal his caged privates underneath. Charlotte had babysat Daniel before and knew precisely where a spare key was, in the top drawer of the dresser next to a lot of the toys his Mommy and Amber occasionally used on him.

“Let’s get this out of the way.” Charlotte said with a wide smile.

The key was inserted into the lock and after a small amount of fiddling there was a click and the lock came away. As the different pieces of clear rubber were removed Daniel felt his genitals expanding automatically as if trying to make up for lost time.

“Aww, look at little Daniel growing so big…” Charlotte leaned down on the edge of the changing table so her face was level with Daniel’s genitals.

Daniel whined as he felt his dick twitching and filling with blood. When he looked down he saw Charlotte watching it with a look of interest, she was smiling a little as it started bobbing up and down in the air.

Daniel winced as Charlotte leaned forwards and flicked at the stiff tool. A drop of pre-cum gathered at the tip and slowly slid down the smooth head. Charlotte laughed whilst Daniel blushed furiously. As much as he loved to be milked he knew that Charlotte’s methods were rarely simple and she was unlikely to stop at one climax. The way she acted so nice and smiled throughout the whole ordeal always gave Daniel the creeps.

“I’ve got some great new toys to try.” Charlotte said as she leaned down to her bag.

Daniel gulped. When she stood back up it was with a very curious looking device indeed. The most eye-catching part was undoubtedly the long and reasonably thick penis-shaped dildo but behind the balls there were two supports with bulbous ends that Daniel could only guess at. He gulped nervously.

“No need to be nervous.” Charlotte said as she looked up at Daniel’s face, “We’re going to have so much fun playing!”

Daniel loved being milked. It was one of the few things he could look forward to in a life otherwise dominated by babyhood, but as he saw Charlotte’s smile grow wider he found himself wishing he was just going to be put in a new diaper and taken back downstairs. How strange, he thought, that he would wish to be under Amber’s control instead.

Charlotte opened the bottle of lube that was in Daniel’s chest of drawers and started squeezing it on the fake cock. That answered any questions Daniel might’ve had about where it was going to go, not that he had many in the first place.

“Just relax, OK?” Charlotte said as she put the lube down, “I promise you’ll absolutely love it.”

Daniel whimpered as Charlotte folded his legs back as if he was having a diaper slipped under him. The position opened his hole a little and a few seconds later he felt the tip of the new toy nudging his entrance. He whined and panicked slightly resulting in his sphincter tightening. Charlotte kept cooing and encouraging him to relax and he did his best to do so.

It felt like the biggest thing Daniel had ever had back there. His butt was occasionally used for his milkings but never enough to truly get used to the feeling. He felt the head of the fake phallus stretch him before it popped in causing Daniel to moan, mainly in relief. The toy slid in slowly and Daniel could feel every millimeter of progress. Sometimes his sphincter would try to tense but it was held open by the new invader.

“What a good boy.” Charlotte said as it continued to go in.

“It’s too big!” Daniel exclaimed. It didn’t feel like it was ever going to stop!

“Nearly there.” Charlotte muttered, “You’re going to love it.”

Daniel whined but just when he thought it was going too far it stopped. Daniel could feel the plastic balls against his skin, the toy must’ve been fully inserted. He took several deep breaths as he tried to relax.

“Now this is the clever part…” Charlotte said.

Daniel felt Charlotte’s hands against the bottom of the dildo. She wasn’t pushing it into him or pulling it out though, instead it felt like she was adjusting the two small off-shoots. Daniel jumped when he finally felt them against his sensitive balls. Their touch was as light as a feather and caused no pain but Daniel was very worried about what they were for.

Just as Daniel thought nothing was going to happen he felt a sudden vibration. He immediately gasped and arched his back causing the dildo to penetrate just that little bit more. The vibrations quickly stopped and Daniel was left on his back again panting slightly.

“W-What was that?” Daniel asked with wide eyes.

“The latest in pleasure technology.” Charlotte chuckled, “Would you like to know how this works?”

Daniel nodded his head. As much as he knew it would probably end badly for him the pleasure of that intense vibration was something he wanted more of and his desperately twitching cock wouldn’t let him say no.

“It’s very clever.” Charlotte said, “In the base of the dildo there is a pressure sensor. When it is activated the little buds next to your balls vibrate but as soon as the pressure is off they stop. The little jolt I just gave you was a test. Do you understand?”

Daniel looked up at Charlotte and dumbly shook his head.

“Then allow me to demonstrate.” Charlotte said.

Daniel saw Charlotte reach down with her hand and press at the base of his anal intruder. No sooner had he felt the dildo pressing deeper into him than the vibrations started again. He was quickly arching his back and moaning until Charlotte stopped pushing. As Daniel panted he now understood what was happening. The vibrations only happened when the dildo was being pushed into him. He reached down and experimentally pushed it himself and felt the vibrations come to life. He was just getting into it when Charlotte swatted his hand away.

“No using hands, baby.” Charlotte said with a mischievous grin, “Let me help you.”

Charlotte pulled out a strange device that looked homemade. Daniel lifted himself up on his elbows to see it get clamped to the edge of the changing table. There was a wooden block on a rod just above the padded surface and as Charlotte adjusted something the block came closer. It stopped just an inch away from the dildo base.

“But we don’t want to make it too easy for you.” Charlotte said as she fiddled with the base of the toy again, “Where’s the fun in that?”

Charlotte stepped back after a few seconds. She nodded her head and gave Daniel the thumbs up whilst she dragged the rocking chair into the centre of the room to sit down and watch. Daniel felt a little embarrassed as he scooted down the table and pressed the base of the toy against the block.

The vibrations came to life and Daniel bit his lip and groaned. Then just as quickly as they started they stopped. Daniel frowned, he was definitely still pushing the dildo in. He tried pressing a bit harder and winced as the toy pushed deeper. Still nothing.

Daniel planted his feet on the table and pushed away from the block. When he lowered himself back on to it he felt another brief buzz before it stopped. As Charlotte laughed at his confusion and frustration he realised what must be happening. Charlotte had trained the settings so each push would only give a small burst of pleasure…

Daniel knew what he had to do to get the vibrations he was desperate for. His brain told him not to debase himself like this, his engorged and throbbing dick sent quite the opposite message. He pushed with his elbows forcing the toy against the block and then lifted off again, before the buzzing stopped he pushed against the block yet again.

“I think he’s got it.” Charlotte giggled, “Clever boy!”

Daniel started blushing furiously as he lowered himself back down again. He had to keep moving to keep the stimulation going, pushing up and down, pressing the toy against the block and being rewarded. The pleasure was intoxicating. Soon the dildo didn’t feel as big anymore and his dick was oozing clear excitement that dripped down no to his belly.

“You always wanted to be a big boy.” Charlotte laughed, “Look at you now, doing very grown up things!”

Daniel could only moan as he kept the movement going. His arms and legs were getting tired, they weren’t used to exercise after all. He was getting close though, he didn’t care what he looked like when his excitement was growing and growing.

The door to the nursery opened. Daniel was barely paying any attention to anything that wasn’t directly causing him pleasure but he his head rolled to the side to see Amber walking in. He could see her looking shocked and a little angry. He didn’t pay attention for long though, he was too busy impaling himself on the sex toy that was giving him pleasure. He could feel sweat underneath him lubricating the padded table top.

“What are you doing?” Amber’s voice sounded accusatory.

“Having fun with Daniel.” Charlotte replied simply, “You should stay and watch the fireworks.”

“You shouldn’t let him do that!” Amber argued, “He shouldn’t be allowed to cum!”

“Why not?” Charlotte asked innocently.

Daniel was only half-listening as he continued to push himself on to the toy and feeling the vibrations on his balls pushing him ever closer to the edge. He had just enough awareness to realise how strange it was for the two women to be having a conversation right next to his sordid activity.

“It gives him bad ideas.” Amber said, “And mom said…”

“Your mom left me in charge.” Charlotte smiled condescendingly, “Just let me worry about all that.”

Daniel looked to the side and saw Amber scowling at her cousin. It was very clear the two of them had very different ideas on exactly what he should and shouldn’t be allowed. Really he knew it was that they simply had different ways to toy with him. Daniel felt himself reach the edge and he threw his head back and moaned as his limbs trembled.

“You should stay and watch the fireworks.” Charlotte said to Amber, “I think they’ll be going off right about…”

Daniel moaned. It didn’t matter how humiliating the situation was nor that he was being watched, all that mattered was the vibrations that were about to make him explode. He grunted as he ignored the tiredness in his limbs to make one last effort going as fast as possible. Finally he buried the toy as deep inside himself as possible and held it there. For a second he was held in suspense as if standing on the edge of a cliff. Then, all at once, all the potential energy was released.

“Ah!” Daniel gasped as it felt like the tip of his penis explode.

Sticky milk spurted out of Daniel like it had never had before. He felt his ass clench around the toy inside him as his balls tensed and fired out his excitement. Daniel jumped as he felt a long ropey strand hit him on the face. The next few pulses landing on his chest and belly as he slumped down against the table and he breathed heavily as his climax passed.

“There we go.” Charlotte said with some happy clapping.

Daniel’s eyes were half-closed but he heard Amber grunt her disapproval and storm from the room. He found it hard to care after such an orgasm, he was still tingling when Charlotte sauntered over. Daniel could see she was smiling widely.

“We’re going to have lots of fun today.” Charlotte said.

Daniel remained motionless until he felt the toy in his butt getting jostled. He let out a tired groan as it slipped out of him. He suddenly felt very empty indeed. As Charlotte busied herself with her bag of toys Daniel’s head lazily lolled to the side. He could feel his sticky milkies pooling on his skin.

“I’ll clean you up.” Charlotte said in the tone adults reserved for small children.

Daniel felt a baby wipe rubbing against various points on his body and jumped when it touched his very sensitive dick. He let out a whine as Charlotte thoroughly made sure all the fluid was cleaned away. When she dropped the wipe in the diaper pail at the end of the table Daniel breathed a sigh of relief. As glad as he was that he got a chance to make milkies he was equally exhausted. When his legs were lifted up and a diaper slipped underneath him he felt glad that it was over and he hoped he could have a nap.

It didn’t take Daniel long to feel that this diaper was different to what he was used to. It was much thicker for a start. Even dry it forced his legs apart with seemingly inches of padding. The most noticeable difference between this diaper and his regular ones was a curious pouch-like area at the front. He felt Charlotte carefully tuck his uncaged dick into this small space as she lifted the padding up and taped it closed.

“I think you’ll like this.” Charlotte said as she gave the front of the diaper a friendly rub.

“Huh?” Daniel replied with a frown.

“You’ll see.” Charlotte giggled, “For now I think the little baby is thirsty.”

After the exercise Daniel had just gone through he couldn’t deny his thirst. He was hoping for a bottle of refreshing juice but when he was lifted up it wasn’t to go to the bedroom door. Instead, he was carried to the rocking chair. He very quickly realised what was going to happen.

“Your Aunty Charlotte has been taking some special supplements for this.” Charlotte said as she unbuttoned her top.

Daniel didn’t miss Charlotte referring to herself as his aunt even though she wasn’t. He didn’t have long to think about that though before the large woman unhooked her bra and let it fall open. The breasts inside spilled out and Daniel could only be amazed at the orbs of flesh that were right above him. Despite being a similar age Charlotte’s breasts were somehow even bigger than Amber’s, a fact Daniel would’ve hardly thought possible if he wasn’t witnessing it right in front of him.

This wasn’t the first time Charlotte had breastfed him. Daniel hadn’t experienced that on a few occasions but, unlike the two women he lived with, Charlotte never had any milk. She simply didn’t feed enough for her body to start producing it. Immediately Daniel could see that something had changed as he saw a pearly white drop of liquid hanging from the end of the nipple right above him. It swung for a couple of seconds and then dropped right on to his face.

“Come and have a nice feed from your Aunty...” Charlotte said as she lifted Daniel’s head up.

Daniel was tired from his exertions and couldn’t have resisted even if he wanted to. His mouth opened as the long teat approached his lips. He felt it slip past the entrance to his mouth and go deep into his mouth before resting heavily on his tongue. He immediately tasted a mixture of sweaty skin and sweet milk, the latter prompting him to start sucking as an automatic reflex.

“That’s it.” Charlotte said, “Have a lovely drink.”

Daniel sucked on the breast as naturally as a true baby would. He drew the long nipple into his mouth and worked his lips and tongue efficiently to cause the thick milk to spurt out. He swallowed which only encouraged more milk to flow.

As usual he started to feel full relatively quickly. The huge reservoir pumped into his stomach but it started to have a curious effect. His eyes opened and he looked up at Charlotte questioningly. She smiled down and stroked his hair.

“Feeling it already?” Charlotte asked.

Daniel was certainly feeling something. A tingling was spreading over his diaper area with the epicenter seeming to be right in his balls. It was travelling up to his penis and then down to the tip that was still sensitive from the exploits on the changing table. He moaned around the nipple as the pleasure seemed to make him crave more.

“Oh yeah, you’re feeling it.” Charlotte said with a smirk. She used the hand not cradling Daniel’s back to pat the rear of his diaper.

“You shouldn’t feed him so much.” Amber’s voice came from the doorway. Daniel had no idea how long she’d been standing there as his mind focused increasingly on his pleasure.

“Relax.” Charlotte replied without looking away from Daniel, “We’re just having some fun.”

“Yeah, well, Mom says we shouldn’t-…” Amber started.

“Your mother left me in charge.” Charlotte interrupted, “So why don’t you calm down. You can come over here and join your brother if you want.”

Daniel couldn’t see the look of disgust that came across Amber’s face but he couldn’t miss the string of expletives she unleashed before storming away. Charlotte simply chuckled again as she looked down at Daniel’s face, nearly completely lost under her pendulous breasts. She cooed softly, encouraging Daniel to drink more, for whatever reason Daniel wanted desperately to comply. He found that the more he drank the better he felt.

When Daniel’s body realised it was being flooded with milk his bladder let go. He felt the familiar rush of heat travelling down his body and was resigned to yet another wet diaper when he felt something totally unexpected. The front of the padding started to vibrate as the warmth of his pee spread throughout.

The surprise caused Daniel to cough and splutter. The little pouch at the front of his diaper was hugging his penis from all sides and now the whole thing was vibrating as he pissed into it. Charlotte saw the tell-tale reaction and placed a hand on the front of the disposable.

“I see you’ve found these special diaper’s little trick.” Charlotte patted the growing warm patch, “Every time you use your diaper like a good little baby you get a nice reward.”

Daniel was red in the face as he finally stopped peeing. The vibrations carried on for just a few more seconds before they died away as well. He was left panting around the nipple. The diaper barely even felt wet, it must’ve been the most absorbent thing Daniel had ever worn. If it truly was going to vibrate every time he used it he…

Daniel sucked from Charlotte with renewed vigor. He was tired out from the changing table but his still sensitive genitals had never felt anything like those vibrations before. He wanted more and that meant he needed to fill his bladder again.

Before Daniel’s head was pulled back from the breast he had wet himself again. True to Charlotte’s word the diaper started vibrating and left Daniel moaning until his bladder finished. When his head was pulled away he could feel sticky sweat all over his face but his half-lidded eyes were lost in wanting to experience even more of those wonderful sensations.

“One down…” Charlotte said as she turned Daniel around, “One to go.”

Normally Daniel would want nothing more than to stop by now. His tummy was full having drained a breast bigger than his head, the prospect of a second usually had him whining. This time he was moaning. He needed more liquid in his body. He wanted his kidneys to work overtime and he did his best to hold his bladder muscles open as he desperately chased the vibrations.

In the back of his mind Daniel knew that he was acting against his own interests in doing all this. He had been so desperate to prove he was a big boy but now he was desperate for more milk so he could use his diapers. The last pretenses that he had that he wasn’t a baby were falling away and when he looked up at Charlotte’s grinning face he knew that she could see it.

“Your little tum-tum is looking a bit full…” Charlotte said as she held Daniel’s head inches from the tip of a nipple that was already dribbling milk, “Maybe one breast is enough, hmm?”

“No!” Daniel cried out, “I…I want more!”

“Silly baby, that’s not how we ask for things, is it?” Charlotte tutted, “Tell Aunty what you want…”

“I want…” Daniel could feel the heat rising in his face. He should’ve known Charlotte would dangle a carrot just out of reach and make him debase himself to get at it, “I want your milk! I want Aunty’s milk from her big boobies!”

Charlotte laughed and Daniel stuck his tongue out as he saw another drop of milk dropping past his face, precious liquid wasted. Charlotte slowly brought Daniel’s face forwards but she didn’t bury him in her cleavage like he usually was when he was fed. The nipple remained just outside his lips and no amount of sucking motions from Daniel would change that.

Another drop of milk beaded on the end of Charlotte’s nipple. Daniel stretched out his tongue to get at it, the sweetness of the thick liquid exhilarating him. He wanted more, he needed more, he needed to keep himself full to keep experiencing those wonderful vibrations.

“When I got these aphrodisiacs they told me they were strong and that I could pass it on through my milk.” Charlotte said as she watched Daniel’s desperate attempts to latch on to her breast with curiosity, “But they didn’t tell me how strong it would be.”

Daniel was barely listening. He was focused firmly on the breast that was kept infuriatingly out of reach of his desperate lips. Finally, after what felt like a tortuously long time to Daniel, his head was pressed forwards and he started sucking as hard as he could to make up for lost time.

“Woah, easy there…” Charlotte said, “It’s all for you, baby. It isn’t going anywhere, you don’t have to rush.”

Daniel felt like he did need to rush. He needed to get all of that milk out of Charlotte and into his diaper. As he swallowed the fluid he felt a small trickle leak out of his bladder, it was enough to give him a scant few seconds of vibration. He shuddered in enjoyment.

Daniel sucked hard and did his best to hold back his rapidly filling bladder. He knew he was reaching the end of the milk available to him and he was desperate for more. He pushed his face into the boob and even used his hands to knead it in an attempt to coax more liquid out.

“I think you’re done.” Charlotte said as she lifted Daniel away from her chest.

“No!” Daniel moved his head forwards with his lips in a sucking motion but Charlotte held him away and giggled.

“Let’s head downstairs.” Charlotte said as she covered herself up and stood with Daniel on her hip.

As they were walking downstairs Daniel’s bladder released and as he wet the big diaper he felt the vibrations hitting him hard and fast. He moaned as he leaned against Charlotte’s shoulder, wantonly showing just how much pleasure he was receiving. Charlotte chuckled at his sluttish behaviour as she carried him to the playpen in the living room and placed him inside. Amber was sitting in the armchair on the far side of the room reading a magazine and looked up as the others came in.

Daniel was placed in the pen and immediately reached down to the thick diaper. His recent wetting had caused the vibrations but that was quickly coming to a stop. He needed to hydrate more for more fun. He crawled up to the bars closest to Charlotte and reached through whilst making sucking motions with his mouth. She simply smiled and waved at him.

In desperation Daniel got on his hands and knees and crawled all the way across to Amber and did the same motions. She looked at him in confusion. He didn’t usually ask for breast feeding, yet alone seem as desperate as he currently was for it. She looked up at Charlotte.

“What did you do?” Amber asked with a frown.

“Just gave him some incentive to be a good little baby.” Charlotte replied, “You know positive reinforcement is a lot more effective than negative.”

Amber just grunted in response. Daniel whined in frustration. He knew he was embarrassing himself but he was barely thinking about that. He was desperate to get more enjoyment from his diaper. He didn’t know what to do.

“I’ll tell you what Daniel…” Charlotte said as she leaned forwards from the couch, “I’ll get you a nice bottle of milk if you ask nicely for it.”

“Can I have a bottle please?” Daniel said tentatively.

“No, silly.” Charlotte chuckled, “Ask PROPERLY. Ask like a baby.”

Daniel sighed. In any normal situation he wouldn’t even think about doing what Charlotte was asking for. He could feel himself already blushing. He could see what was happening, Charlotte was training him to be a good little boy and as much as he wanted to deny it he had to admit it was working. He screwed his eyes shut and took a deep breath.

“Pwease Aunty Charlotte!” Daniel lisped like an infant, “Pwease can baby Daniel have his baba?”

Charlotte burst into laughter as Daniel bowed his head in shame. The childishness he forced into his voice and the embarrassing things he said ran completely contrary to what he really wanted. He wanted to be big but he was being rewarded for being little!

“Of course you can.” Charlotte said as she stood up. She looked up to Amber and winked before leaving the room.

Daniel turned to see Amber watching Charlotte leave. His sister was looking annoyed though whether that was because she disapproved of how Daniel was being treated or more upset that it seemed to work he couldn’t say for sure. Daniel didn’t have long to study Amber though, Charlotte had quickly returned with two full bottles of milk.

Daniel eagerly snatched them away as soon as he could and started sucking on one. If he didn’t think it would get him into trouble he would’ve unscrewed the top and drank it all directly, anything to get it into his bladder as soon as humanly possible.

“See?” Charlotte said, “Give him a little encouragement and he’ll do exactly what you want.”

Daniel didn’t look to see what Amber’s response was as he was too busy sucking down his milk. As soon as he finished the first bottle he moved on to the second despite feeling bloated. Once the second bottle had been finished off he dropped it on the floor and let out a loud belch that made Charlotte giggle. He looked down at his tummy and could see it poking out, inside he could feel the churning as his body digested everything.

“How does that diaper work?” Amber asked.

As Charlotte explained the various mechanisms Daniel impatiently waited for his body to fill his bladder. He wasn’t listening to what Charlotte said but when she finished he looked up to her with pleading eyes.

“You want more?” Charlotte asked with fake incredulity.

Daniel rapidly nodded his head. He felt full but that wasn’t going to stop him.

“Maybe you should play with your toys like a good little baby first.” Charlotte suggested.

Daniel groaned but turned to crawl over to his toys anyway. He saw Amber frowning at him but quickly looked at the various toys and activities available. He found a bucket that had various shapes cut into the lid ad a bunch of blocks that fit the shape. He pulled it away from the rest and faced towards Charlotte to make sure she could see he was doing it.

Emptying the blocks Daniel started putting them back in to the bucket but Charlotte seemed a little bored. He was just thinking if there was something else he could do when his bladder told him it was ready. With impatience he relaxed all his muscles as soon as possible.

The hot urine started streaming out of him and as it did so the diaper sprang to life. He threw his head back and looked at the ceiling as the vibrations seemed to go right through him. He moaned as his hands went down to press the front of the padding against his sensitive junk. He felt like he was on the verge of exploding into his diaper when his urine ran out. His moan of joy turned into a whine of frustration as the vibrations died away leaving him dangling on the edge of ecstasy.

“So close…” Charlotte said with a big smile. It was as if teasing Daniel was her favourite hobby.

Daniel slumped forwards panting and somewhat sweaty. He needed more liquid!

Daniel knew that acting like a good baby got him rewarded from Charlotte so he crawled over and started babbling whatever baby talk came into his mind. He looked up at the woman with a pleading expression, a part of him hated how he was acting but he was just so horny that he was willing to do anything to get off.

“Sorry, baby, I’m all tapped out for the moment.” Charlotte replied.

Daniel let out a moan of defeat. He tried to bub the front of the thick padding but he could hardly feel it. He fell back on his backside feeling tears welling up in his eyes. Like a baby being denied a special treat he was pouting. Then he suddenly thought of a potential solution. He turned over so that he was on his hands and knees and saw Amber still sitting in the corner of the room. As fast as he could he crawled across his playpen until he was in front of her.

“What?” Amber said dismissively.

Daniel whined. He babbled again, the shame and humiliation lost in a mind consumed by his need to feel the vibrations again. He dropped on to his back with his feet in the air and pulled one forwards to stick his toes in his mouth in the same way he’d seen babies on the television do. He heard Charlotte giggling.

“You should reward him.” Charlotte said to Amber.

“Why?” Amber replied, “He hasn’t done anything.”

“Hasn’t he?” Charlotte asked with raised eyebrows, “You and your mom want him to act like a baby, right? Well, he’s doing it, and if you give him a reward…”

Charlotte rolled her hand to suggest it was obvious. If Daniel’s infantile antics were rewarded he would be much more likely to continue them in the future. Daniel couldn’t argue. If it felt as good as this all did he would be doing this all the time. A small trickle exited his bladder and even the weak vibrations were enough to have him moaning. The toes in his mouth slipped out as he spread out on the floor raising his hips. His eyes closed as he tried to prolong the moment.

Daniel’s eyes were still closed when he felt two large hands take hold of him by his waist. As he let out an exclamation of surprise he opened his eyes to see Amber leaning over him. She was watching him curiously as she lifted him off the ground effortlessly. Daniel had heard what Charlotte had said about the positive reinforcement and in his drug induced excitement he was willing to put on a show.

“Gaa gaa goo goo!” Daniel babbled. He even allowed some drool to come out of his mouth as he reached his arms out for Amber.

“This is weird…” Amber said as she took a step back with Daniel in her arms and sat down in her seat again, “He’s never been so… co-operative.”

“I’m telling you.” Charlotte said from the other side of the room, “If you give him a little encouragement he will be like putty in your hands. All boys are like that.”

Daniel wasn’t listening. He had been turned sideways and was laying across Amber’s lap with his face near her breast which was still covered by her blouse. To show how much he wanted her liquid he nuzzled his face against her and made sucking motions. Amber unbuttoned her blouse as Daniel’s mouth watered and then lowered her bra.

That was all Daniel needed and he practically rammed his head against Amber’s boob as he opened his mouth and let the long nipple slide in. He eagerly sucked and after a few unrewarded efforts he felt the familiar warm and thick milk bursting on to his tongue. He sank into Amber’s arms as drank greedily.

Just like with Charlotte he was impatient to empty every drop he could from Amber and he brought his hands up to knead the fleshy orb until he was chided and told to stop. Just as he was emptying the last drops of milk he wet his diaper and moaned loudly with the nipple still filling his mouth. The vibrations sent him into ecstasy but it just wasn’t enough to send him over the edge, it just left him panting and needing more. He scrambled to turn around to Amber’s other breast and latched on without any help from the woman he was drinking from.

“Geez…” Amber said as she adjusted Daniel to a more comfortable position.

Daniel sucked that glorious milk knowing that every little drop of it was going to his bladder. He drained Amber’s breasts in record time and was put back into the playpen. At some point Charlotte had refilled the bottles and he eagerly drank those down as well. His belly was bulging out from everything he had drank but if more had been available he would’ve pounced on it.

After a few minutes Charlotte picked Daniel up and cuddled him close to her. He was happy to babble and act like an infant in the hopes of getting more liquid, preferably from those huge breasts he was currently pressed up against.

Daniel’s bladder was slowly filling yet again and he did his absolute best to hold it all back for one big flood of his diaper. It looked like Charlotte noticed that as well as she sat him on her lap facing her. She chuckled as she rubbed Daniel’s bulging belly. She kept making comments about what a good baby he was being and it was almost hypnotizing.

When Daniel’s weak bladder muscle gave out he bit his lip and grunted. The diaper came to life and in his need for more stimulation he started rubbing against Charlotte like an untrained dog humping their owner’s leg. He moaned and twisted but as he felt the flow of urine weakening he was left frustrated once more. It was never quite enough to give him the climax he felt he was constantly on the verge of. Charlotte chuckled and placed Daniel back against her chest.

For several minutes Daniel was wrapped in a cuddle from the visitor but all he could think about was his penis. He felt a rumbling in his tummy and dismissed it, if he needed to poop himself it was going to happen, the potty was obviously not an option but then his mind suddenly clung to an idea. If wetting himself was causing these great sensations then maybe pooping himself would to.

Daniel didn’t need to think twice. If it meant a chance to reach orgasm, no matter how small, he was going to do it. He pushed down to try and speed up the process. His tummy muscles straining as his whole body tensed.

“Ooh, I think the baby needs to make pushies!” Charlotte said as if this was something to be excited about. She placed him back on the floor.

Daniel moaned in embarrassment. He could feel some shifting in his guts and prayed that what was about to happen was going to be as good as when he wet himself. Slowly but surely he could feel his bowels filling and his ring starting to expand to let it all out. He dropped lower into his squat position and closed his eyes. His face went red as he pushed.

A log of poop surged out of him causing a gasp to exit his mouth. He felt it pushing against the disposable and curling in on itself. At first there was no response and Daniel felt immensely disappointed. He pushed again and a softer rush of excrement filled up the space in the back of the padding. When that happened he felt the vibrations come to life. With a gasp Daniel’s hands went down to the front of his diaper and pressed the underwear closer to his body.

“Gaagaa…” Daniel moaned thoughtlessly as he acted like the biggest baby he could be, “Googoo!”

Drool rolled out of Daniel’s mouth as the buzzing on his sensitive organ increased. He realised the reason the first turd hadn’t activated the toy was because it was too solid and knew what he had to do. He lifted his legs and let his butt fall on to the floor. The poop was squashed against the diaper and the vibrations grew more intense. Daniel moaned as he rolled back and forth on his ass squashing and spreading the poop in his underwear and getting rewards with more pleasure.

“Looks like he’s having fun.” Charlotte commented with amusement.

Daniel was lost in his own world. He brought his thumb up to his mouth and started sucking on it as he continued to bounce in his mess. Finally the vibrations weren’t stopping and an orgasm was rapidly building. There was a pressure behind his sensitive balls that was growing and growing, it felt like the dam would never break.

“Bababa!” Daniel was lost to the noises he was making as he trembled all over.

Finally the orgasm burst out of him and he practically screamed as his testicles were pulled closer to his body. He felt his milkies explode out of him and into the diaper. After being left so pent up by the aphrodisiacs and teasing it felt like his whole dick exploded. His vision went white and he swayed as he pumped his load into the front of the padding. By the time it subsided he felt completely drained and his heart was beating a mile a minute.

As Daniel drifted back down to Earth he realised the vibrations hadn’t stopped. Pooping the diaper seemed to have turned the vibrations on permanently and it wasn’t long until he was humping the padding again.

“He can’t get enough!” Charlotte laughed.

“Making him horny is hardly difficult…” Amber mumbled in reply.


If you've enjoyed this and want to find out how the story ENDS on the links below!



End Chapter 22

Training Daniel

by: Elfy | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 22, 2024


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