Training Daniel

by: Elfy | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 22, 2024

Chapter 13

Chapter Description: After a little soul-searching Daniel isn't ready to give up on being a big boy yet. He starts practising but wants to keep it to himself so the women don't find out. Unfortunately, Sarah has ways of making him talk...

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Daniel laid on the floor of his playpen staring up at the ceiling. His failures the previous day had rendered him despondent. His overnight diaper was changed after he was lifted out of his crib and then he was taken down for breakfast, once that was done he was placed alone in his pen. He felt like his one chance at proving he could be a big boy had passed and there was no guarantee he would ever get another chance.

On the television there was some cartoon dog going on an adventure. Daniel hadn’t been watching it but he had been listening. It was an episode he had seen so many times he could practically remember every line. In that particular episode the puppy had lost his favourite ball in a large tree and the plot focused on his efforts to get it back. After various plans failed the dog had eventually gotten his ball and was frolicking in the grass with it.

“And what have we learned?” The squeaky-voiced mouse friend of the dog asked.

“To never give up!” The dog replied in an excitable voice.

“Exactly!” The mouse said, “If you fail at something you should always…”

“Try, try and try again!” The dog and mouse chorused together before the credits rolled and the show’s theme kicked in.

Daniel propped himself up with his elbows. He looked at the television screen and considered the moral that had been espoused. Maybe he was being too hasty after all. Sure his family seemed to be working against him and the previous day had been a disaster but what if he could find another way to prove he could be a grown up?

Looking around Daniel wondered exactly what he could do. He couldn’t exactly try to prove he didn’t need diapers again. There was no potty available, he couldn’t physically do it and, perhaps most damning of all, he was already wet. Even if a potty materialised in front of him and by some miracle he was able to use it neither of the women in the house would care when he had clearly already wet himself.

“There must be something else I can do…” Daniel muttered with a frown as he looked around and tried to think, “… Ah!”

An idea struck Daniel like a bolt of lightning. There was something far simpler than potty training that he could do. It was something it seemed everyone above a very young age could do but he had simply never had the chance. He was going to walk.

Daniel crawled over to the side of his playpen and used the bars to try and stand up. He grunted and groaned but after a few attempts he was able to get to his feet. His legs were shaking and he was clutching the bars with his fists but he was upright!

Just as Daniel smiled and was about to whoop with success his legs failed and he dropped back on to his padded butt. He wasn’t going to let that defeat him though. He grabbed his bottle and sucked in some liquids before taking a deep breath and grabbing the bars again. This time he got to his feet a lot quicker and his legs shook a little less.

It was hard work but he lasted a while on his feet before dropping down on to his butt again. He was dripping with sweat from the effort and as he reached for his bottle he found his diaper was very wet as well. It was just as he was about to try to stand up again that Amber walked in, he quickly abandoned his attempt as she walked over and opened the gate to the playpen.

“Lunch time, baby.” Amber said.

“I’m not a baby.” Daniel sulkily replied.

“Of course not.” Amber laughed as she spoke.

Daniel was lifted up and held against Amber’s chest. His head nestled between her breasts as he was carried out of the living room. He could feel Amber’s hand resting under his butt and surreptitiously checking him. It was so casual and there was no surprise from Amber that he was wet, it seemed she was confident he wasn’t going to leak though as he was taken to the dining table and placed in his highchair.

As a bowl of mushy baby food was placed in front of him he thought about telling the others of his attempts. He decided he shouldn’t, he wanted to give the two women as small of a chance to sabotage his efforts as possible. He remained quiet and compliant as Sarah sat next to him and picked up the spoon. He could see her smiling at him, no doubt she was pleased that he wasn’t kicking up a fuss.

Daniel robotically opened his mouth and swallowed his tasteless lunch as the two women talked to each other. He was concentrating entirely on what he was going to do after lunch. It came as some surprise to him when he heard the plastic spoon scraping the bottom of the plastic bowl and realised he had eaten everything.

“Since you’ve been such a good boy for Mommy…” Sarah said as she lifted her shirt to expose one of her heaving breasts.

“I’m… I’m not thirsty…” Daniel offered impotently.

“Amber, could you give me a hand?” Sarah asked.

Daniel was powerless as Amber walked around the table and lifted him out of the highchair. His squirming body was placed across Sarah’s lap. His diaper crinkled as he kicked his legs but his face was already being smothered by his Mommy’s bust. The nipple poked against his mouth and he almost automatically opened up to accept it, a second later the teat was filling Daniel’s mouth and sweet milk was already dripping on to the back of his tongue.

“Good baby.” Sarah gently encouraged, “Fill your little belly.”

Daniel groaned as he sucked on the nipple and felt milk shooting into his mouth. He sucked and swallowed over and over again. He tried to keep his mind on the efforts he had planned for the afternoon but as his tummy became increasingly full it was very difficult to stay concentrated.

Daniel was fed for several long minutes and by the time his face was allowed to pull away from the breast in front of him he felt exhausted and full to bursting. A trickle of Mommy’s thick milk ran out the side of his mouth and he had no energy to resist as he was lifted up and taken back up to his nursery.

Any thoughts Daniel had about continuing to try to walk had abandoned him as he had his diaper changed and was placed into his crib for a nap. He was asleep before he knew it.

When Daniel opened his eyes it took him a moment to remember why he felt different. It was the determination he had to prove the women in his family wrong. The first thing he thought about was standing up again and after crawling to the edge of the baby bed he started work.

Daniel’s diaper was soaked but that didn’t slow him down. He used the sides of his crib to pull himself upright. He found that his legs felt a little stronger, he wasn’t sure if it was his practice or lunch but he felt just a little bit more confident that he could actually do it.

When he felt fairly certain that his legs weren’t going to give out Daniel slowly let go of the bars. He wobbled dangerously but was able to maintain his footing. He smiled broadly as he looked in front of him. He took hold of one of the bars with one hand as he turned to face the foot of the bed. Then, after letting go and taking a deep breath, he tried taking a step.

Several attempts later and Daniel fell back on his ass again. He was panting but delighted with his efforts. It truly felt like he was making huge progress. He had spent his whole life till now being told he could only crawl and would be too weak to ever walk but he was proving Sarah and Amber wrong!

The door to the bedroom opened and Sarah walked inside. Daniel was sitting against the bars breathing heavily and sweating. His Mommy looked at him with a frown.

“What’s the matter?” Sarah asked, “You looked like you’ve run a marathon.”

Daniel didn’t feel ready to reveal what he had been up to. It felt like he still needed time to practice before he could show what he could do. Nonetheless he couldn’t stop a big smile creeping across his face. Sophie pursed her lips, it was clear she was suspicious of something.

The side of the crib came down and Daniel was lifted out. He was taken on the short trip over to the changing table and laid down on top of the padded surface. Sarah opened his diaper and cleaned him in silence but she kept glancing up at his face as if expecting to somehow catch him doing something he shouldn’t.

“What’s going on?” Sarah asked as she dropped the wipes in the diaper pail, “You’re grinning like the Cheshire Cat.”

“Nothing…” Daniel answered. He was a bad liar and he could see Mommy wasn’t buying it.

“Uh huh.” Sarah grunted though it was obvious she didn’t believe him.

Daniel wanted his Mommy to just tape him up in a new diaper and take him downstairs so he could practice walking in peace. He waited but Sarah seemed to be studying him, whenever they made eye contact he could swear she was able to look right through his eyes and see what he was thinking.

“You do know that not telling Mommy the truth is naughty, right?” Sarah asked hypothetically.

Daniel nodded. It wasn’t like he could forget something that had been drilled into him non-stop for as long as he could remember.

“So…” Sarah put her hands on the sides of the changing table and leaned over it, “Tell Mommy what’s going on.”

Daniel bit his lip to stop himself from saying anything. He looked away from Sarah in the hope that she would give up her attack. There wasn’t much chance of that happening.

“Tell Mommy…” Sarah cajoled.

After another few seconds where Daniel remained silent Sarah seemed to lose her patience she stood up straight again and pulled her necklace over her head. On the end of the necklace was the key Daniel loved to see. It was the key to his chastity device.

Daniel watched as Sarah lowered the key and inserted it in the small lock at the top of the rubber cage. There was a small click and the confines around Daniel’s genitals immediately relaxed. Sarah carefully pulled the separate parts away until Daniel’s crotch was completely unrestricted. Not used to the freedom his penis immediately started to expand.

Daniel let out a whimper as Sarah’s hand went down to his dick. With one finger she started gently stroking the underside of Daniel’s shaft causing him to moan. It wasn’t long before he was squirming under her light touches, his body begging for more. With his last milking being so recently he hadn’t expected to be let out of his cage again so soon.

“Tell Mommy what’s going on.” Sarah said softly.

Daniel let out a little moan but didn’t say anything. His resistance was already weakening but he bit his tongue. He wanted to be a stronger walker before being tested on it. If he was asked to perform now it would be like throwing someone who had only just learnt how to doggy paddle into an Olympic swimming pool.

Daniel’s dick was fully erect now and Sarah was casually running her fingers up and down the shaft. Sometimes she brushed her palm over the head which never failed to make Daniel cry out in pleasure. He was trying not to react but it was impossible. Soon his hips were leaving the changing table in a desperate search for more stimulation.

“What’s got you being so coy?” Sarah asked softly. Her fist closed on Daniel’s penis, “You can tell Mommy.”

“I can’t!” Daniel gasped.

Daniel knew he had made a mistake as soon as he opened his mouth. He had essentially admitted that there was something up and now Sarah just had to get him to say what it was. She was very good at getting information she wanted out of him.

It wasn’t long until Daniel was moaning constantly. It seemed like there was a stream of pre-cum running from the tip of his swollen dick and every small touch was send bolts of pleasure through his body. But Sarah was experienced at doing this, she wasn’t going to let Daniel explode unless she wanted it to happen.

“You want to be a good boy, don’t you?” Sarah asked.

“Ugh…” Daniel was cracking. He wasn’t sure how much more of this he could take.

Daniel’s penis felt like it was throbbing even when he wasn’t being touched. Whenever Sarah did take hold of his sensitive organ it left Daniel bucking wildly as he desperately sought more pleasure. He was aching for release but he knew what it would cost.

“Look at this little thing…” Sarah said as if speaking to a baby, “So swollen and hard. All you have to do is tell the truth…”

“I… I…” Daniel gasped. His brain was losing the fight with his body.

Sarah’s hand dropped down to Daniel’s balls. His eyes rolled up as he felt her soft touch. Her other hand wrapped around his shaft and moved very slowly. The double teaming was enough to put Daniel right on the edge.

“That’s it… Tell Mommy…” Sarah said so quietly she was practically whispering.

Daniel was desperately thrusting his hips but every time he thought he might get pushed over the edge Sarah released her grip. She was an absolute expert and Daniel was left a whimpering mess as his dick dripped excitement. The only way Daniel was going to get what he wanted was if he told the truth. He couldn’t hold it in any longer.

“I… I can walk!” Daniel exclaimed, “I’ve been practicing, Mommy! I can walk!”

As soon as Daniel said the words Sarah’s hands left his genitals. He moaned desperately and his hands started travelling sown to his groin only to be stopped by Sarah and put back at his side. He cried out in frustration as he humped the air, his twitching tool flopping around as it desperately searched for a hint of friction.

“Is that right?” Sarah asked. The honeyed tones had gone.

Daniel knew he had made a mistake. Like a valuable prisoner of war given “special interrogation techniques” he had given up the information he had needed to conceal. He looked up at his Mommy through shimmering eyes as she looked out the nearby window seemingly lost in thought. Her lips were pursed and her eyes hard.

“I thought you had given up this rubbish.” Sarah eventually said.

“I can be a big boy!” Daniel replied, “I can walk!”

“Then you won’t mind showing me and your sister.” Sarah looked down at Daniel, “A “big boy” would be happy to prove they were telling the truth after all.”


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And you can see my BRAND NEW subscriber exclusive story "Jimmy's Babysitting Job" where a young college student takes a very strange babysitting job that sees HIM become the baby. Featuring physical and mental regression, diapers and humiliation!



End Chapter 13

Training Daniel

by: Elfy | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 22, 2024


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