Tales from the ARVInn, 3

by: Robert Nalley | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 15, 2024

[If you receive a 'Server Error,' the chapters can still be reached through the 'Chapters' link.] ............................................................................................................................... A series of tales set in a world where an Age Regression Virus escapes a researcher and has notable effects on the population. Chapters will be separate experiences or descriptions. The life experiences of those who contract the ARV are as varied as life itself, ranging from a select few who were simply 'frozen' at their current age down to some who became toddler size, with all the issues and difficulties one might expect. ***************************************************************************** **Please note that due to the complexity of some of the items, a link to a MediaFire file will be provided. Others will be posted as originally created or specifically adapted to this site.**


ARVInn: World—Alan Woodfield, Guide

Alan sought help at the ARVInn. Either get better or invest in cushions for the world...

Jun 14, 2024


ARVInn: Residents—Alex and Bryant, Entrepreneurs

A father-son duo with business experience and a creative streak...guess what happens!

Jun 14, 2024


ARVInn: Residents--Andrew Wardman, A Gift of Song

Andrew's music career got a new start at ARVInn. After all, that's the house specialty!

Jun 14, 2024


ARVInn: Residents--Anna Carstein, In the Key of Life

Anna was a well-known musician. She was also a rarity--a female victim of the AR-Virus. Sometimes, life just throws sour notes. Making something sweet out of them takes a real talent.

Jun 14, 2024


ARVInn: Residents--Lee and Arthur, Entertainers

Lee and Art took their situations and backgrounds and created a learning experience. It's also a chance to show off a bit, but who's counting, anyway!

Jun 14, 2024


ARVInn: World--Barnstormer Rick

Rick had to climb out of his own despair to move forward. An old friend brought an idea and something new was born. Would it work?

Jun 14, 2024


ARVInn: Residents--Barry, A Life Work

Barry's AR life started off aimlessly. Coming to ARVInn gave him something he needed.

Jun 14, 2024


ARVInn: Residents--Bill Stringer, the Fixer

Bill could fix just about anything--if he could reach it. When you've been around as long as he has, though, you'll find a way to do the work and enjoy living, too.

Jun 14, 2024


ARVInn: Residents--Carlie Marstell, Basketball Pro

Carlie found a new stage for his basketball skills, one which was smaller, but still a big deal.

Jun 14, 2024


ARVInn: Residents--Charlie and Sam, Partners

When Charlie took Sam in, after years of him feeling like a tennis ball, it started a new thing that helped both of them...and a lot of others, as well.

Jun 14, 2024


ARVInn: Residents--Chase Colfax, Ad Kid

Chase was a top model. Becoming a kid didn't change his feelings, but gave a new set of issues. It took a lot of effort to sort things out.

Jun 14, 2024


ARVInn: Residents--Claude Soulier, Gamer

Claude found the atmosphere at ARVInn to his liking...laid back and creative.

Jun 14, 2024


ARVInn: World--Daniel Crain, Off-Grid

Daniel had just settled into a new way of living when he found himself in a really new life.

Jun 14, 2024


ARVInn: Residents--Daniel Holmstadt, Conductor

Daniel's musical career took an interesting turn, along with his height.

Jun 15, 2024


ARVInn--World: Dave Forrest, Attorney

Dave had battles on his hand after the Virus...legal and social. He kind of likes the results.

Jun 15, 2024


ARVInn: Residents---David Chemiski, Chess Master

David plays a mean game of chess, even today. He's just closer to the board now.

Jun 15, 2024


ARVInn: World--Dennie Jauvert, the Thief

Dennie had a rough start to his life. A second chance was interrupted by another rough patch. Remembering where he'd come from and how he'd gotten to where he was were crucial.

Jun 15, 2024


ARVInn: Residents--Doctors Make the Worst Patients

Emergency Room specialist Dr. Adam Whitsend found himself a patient in his own hospital...with a pediatrician. He moved on from there!

Jun 15, 2024


ARVInn: Residents--Dojo

Sensei was a title David liked. The AR Virus put a stop to his work until he found a new place.

Jun 15, 2024


ARVInn: Residents--Dr. Lee Sutherland, Teacher

Dr. Lee's classes had a certain air about them...not every college student can say they're older than their teacher...

Jun 15, 2024


ARVInn: Residents--Eddie J., Child Cause

Little Eddie was a special case for ARVInn. Found on a roadside, he was eventually found in need of special care. The SCF became his new home.

Jun 15, 2024


ARVInn: Residents--Elliott, Chicken Little

Elliott used his farm background to start something that could fill his time. It soon became even more.

Jun 15, 2024


ARVInn: Residents--Eric, The Shuttle Bug

Eric was a quiet guy, but his friendly ways made him a popular figure for those he drove around.

Jun 15, 2024


ARVInn: Residents--Fred, the Sound Guy

Fred had a top level career going. The Virus complicated it, but didn't completely end it. He still gets to do gigs.

Jun 15, 2024


ARVInn: Residents--Gary Lainer, Farm Boy

Gary grew up on a farm and loved it. Coming to ARVInn, he naturally got into agriculture. He loved it when a chance find let him show what he could still do.

Jun 15, 2024

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