Tales from the ARVInn, 3

by: Robert Nalley | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 15, 2024

Chapter 23
ARVInn: Residents--Eric, The Shuttle Bug

Chapter Description: Eric was a quiet guy, but his friendly ways made him a popular figure for those he drove around.

Tales From The ARVInn—Eric, The Shuttle Bug

Eric Lewes (11/2021) is a familiar, smiling face to many at ARVInn.  He’s been driving a shuttle around the campus ever since coming there in 2071.  He’d never married and was AR’d at 33, so when his Mom passed away, he left north Texas and went in search of a new life.  ARVInn hadn’t been on his radar before, but after knocking around various places for a couple of years, it felt right.

He’d always been fairly quiet, but decided to just open up and go for it at ARVInn.  Before he knew it, he was actually being requested by name by some of the regular riders, who’d enjoyed his open friendly manner.  He’s one of the five who handle call-in requests for rides to various places around campus that are outside the regular routes.  It means he’s constantly moving between random places on or near ARVInn.  The golf carts and utility vehicles he uses are just right for his size, he says, being smaller and slower than full-size cars or trucks. 

Now that he’s been here for almost forty years, he’s decided that he kinda likes it and ‘just might stay.’  He appreciates the efficiency apartment he has in the central campus and the convenience of the layout and services available there.  Other than driving his carts around, he also enjoys the occasional round of golf and nice long walks/jogs around the area, often by himself, but frequently with one of the many friends he’s made here.  He’s also come to enjoy his youthful energy and the ability to climb the trees that his prairie upbringing didn’t have and racing others up the rocky outcrop that everyone calls ‘Big Cliff.’   It’s a great way to stay fit and combat the hazards of a mostly sit-down job, he says.

Eric Lewes (11/2001)

ARVInn, 2010


Image: Comstock from Freeimages.com



End Chapter 23

Tales from the ARVInn, 3

by: Robert Nalley | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 15, 2024


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