Tales from the ARVInn, 3

by: Robert Nalley | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 15, 2024

Chapter 4
ARVInn: Residents--Anna Carstein, In the Key of Life

Chapter Description: Anna was a well-known musician. She was also a rarity--a female victim of the AR-Virus. Sometimes, life just throws sour notes. Making something sweet out of them takes a real talent.

ARVInn: Residents--Anna Carstein, In the Key of Life  

Anna Louisa Carstein had a gift for music from childhood.  She began playing the piano for herself at age 5, imitating music she heard her parents listening to in the house.  Lessons soon followed, and she played her first recital at age 7.  Her home in Fort Wayne, IN, was full of music, as both her parents and her brother and sister all played instruments of some kind.  Although the youngest, she was quickly recognized as gifted and was encouraged to take full advantage of her talent.  While her violin was also very good, she much preferred the piano.  She played everywhere she could, from the church down the street, to her elementary chorus, to a local band at the age of 12.  She was the pianist for most of the choral groups in her high school.  At 18, she attended the Oberlin College-Conservatory of Music, graduating with honors as a piano major in 2045.  From there, she quickly moved to Nashville, TN, where she became a studio musician and teacher.  She considered a concert career, but eventually decided she wanted to be settled and was more of a fan of country music than classical.

Anna became a regular in the studio with any number of artists in Nashville and did some touring with several of them, including appearances at the Grand Ole Opry.  She much preferred being at home to living on the road, so her travels were brief. 

She was in the midst of a new album of country classics as a tribute to piano at the Opry when the AR Virus struck.  She bounced at the age of 7 in late 2059.  Her playing career was interrupted for almost two years while she worked on techniques and strategies which would allow her to continue.  Finally deciding that it was too complicated to continue there on a full-time basis, she began looking for a place to live that could accommodate both her size and her music.

Read the remainder here:  Tales from the ARVInn--Anna Carstein in the Key of Life (mediafire.com)



End Chapter 4

Tales from the ARVInn, 3

by: Robert Nalley | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 15, 2024


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