Tales from the ARVInn, 3

by: Robert Nalley | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 15, 2024

Chapter 2
ARVInn: Residents—Alex and Bryant, Entrepreneurs

Chapter Description: A father-son duo with business experience and a creative streak...guess what happens!

  1. ARVInn: Residents--Alex and Bryant, Entrepreneurs

Alex Cargill and his son, Bryant, lived together after the death of Kayla, Alex’s wife and Bryant’s mother, managing the family business, an appliance store in upstate New York.  They had done well, even through the disruptions caused by the AR Virus.  By 2068, they were feeling confident that it had missed them and were making plans to enlarge their business.  At 25, with a business degree, Bryant felt he could handle the increased responsibility.

Late that year, their plans were derailed, as Alex returned from a trade show and fell ill.  Within a day, he was diagnosed with the virus.  He emerged from the hospital eight months later as a 12-year-old, but with a very bad attitude toward his condition.  His anger served to end discussions about the future and left Bryant to manage the business as best he could.  He stepped up and over the following year kept the store functioning well.  His father, on the other hand, was remote and depressed enough that he nearly succeeded in a suicide attempt.  Bryant worked with his dad’s doctor to get him counseling and began spending most of his off-work hours helping implement the therapist’s suggestions. 

They decided to downsize and moved into a ‘bachelor pad’ efficiency condo.  The closer quarters meant Alex couldn’t hide himself away as easily and was forced to interact.  It took something over two years before Alex was released from treatment, during which time Bryant led the company, but continued trying to pull his dad back into the business.  His return to full participation wasn’t the same as before, due to Alex’s reduced size, but he did take on major responsibilities and the store continued to succeed. 

Read the remainder here:   Tales from the ARVInn--Alex and Bryant, Entrepreneurs (mediafire.com)



End Chapter 2

Tales from the ARVInn, 3

by: Robert Nalley | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 15, 2024


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