Recent Stories

Not The Charm

by: Reina Watt Last updated Mar 18, 2016

Third time isn't always the charm

Becoming her everything

by: mentalregressor Last updated Mar 15, 2016

A young man has been getting more and more annoyed with seeing the "mentally challenged" boy walking around naked outside. But what happens when the boy goes missing and a replacement is needed?

Proof of Age

by: Emma Finn Last updated Mar 11, 2016

A teenage girl makes a bargain to increase her age in the hopes of gaining freedom for her and her boyfriend to be together but being older is not all it’s cracked up to be and she may just have made a terrible mistake. A female to female magical weight-gain and age-progression transformation.

'Ask Anne'

by: skywavesage Last updated Mar 4, 2016

A series of short letters where an advice columnist with supernatural powers helps people out with their everyday troubles. Update: Added third chapter for "The Jealous Brother". Feedback & comments always welcome, you can also find me at

Positive Regressive Dream

by: Reina Watt Last updated Feb 28, 2016

A dream can come true sometimes, not always, but sometimes

Middle of the Night

by: Wandering Soul Last updated Feb 28, 2016

Hi, my name's Bryan. My tale of woe started soon after my girlfriend and I moved in together. CH3 is up.

Regression at the Rawlings Reunion - outtakes and link

by: Groblek Last updated Feb 15, 2016

In my latest eBook, an Entity from outside this world crashes a family reunion, and regresses whole generations into their children's wombs. Here, I've posted several scenes I deleted when revising the final story. Contains AR to unbirth, and lots of it.

CAAR Stories

by: Guyver54 Last updated Feb 13, 2016

One-shots and short stories about different cartoon/and anime character changing either or "real" people changing into character and gaining the ability to change their age

A Fairy Tale

by: filthymind Last updated Feb 6, 2016

An old man has spent his life studying the ancient texts, and now he plans to summon a magical being and claim their powers for himself. But things don't go quite the way he planned...

Fall of a kindom.

by: Sappyolhusky Last updated Feb 5, 2016

An old idea gets a new execution. Longer and hopefully better edited than my other stories.

The AR Story Archive

Stories of Age/Time Transformation

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