'Scaled Down'

by: skywavesage | Complete Story | Last updated Dec 2, 2016

A washed-up pianist tries to masquerade as a child prodigy. Final chapter uploaded. Feedback & comments always welcome, more stories and captions at arstories.deviantart.com

Chapter 1
Chapter One

“Thank you, Mr. Henderson.”

“Now don’t forget to practice hard at home.”

Gabriel gave the boy an encouraging smile as he stuffed his music books into a canvas bag and scooted out of the piano room. So young, so much promise, Gabriel thought with a touch of envy as the door swung shut behind the departing student.

With a heavy sigh, he closed the piano lid, plodded past his faded diploma, and shuffled upstairs. It was nearly three, the kids would be home soon, and his next student wasn’t expected for another couple of hours.

Peckish for an afternoon snack, he slipped into the kitchen and whipped up a platter of fried sausages, cheesy eggs and crisp hash browns. The living room sofa gasped under his weight as he settled down in front of the TV set.

An advertisement flickered on for the local symphony orchestra. He flinched when he saw the featured soloist – Glover Washington, in a low-bosomed satin gown and her trademark watermelon smile. She had been his classmate at the conservatory, but his post-graduation experience had been decidedly less glamorous.

His master had assured him of his potential, but he had failed to muster the self-discipline necessary for the arduous practice regiments. So while others went on to glittering careers at grand concert halls, he had been relegated to giving piano lessons to kids out of his home.

His flexible schedule did allow him to participate in a program that provided free music lessons to under-privileged kids. Over the years, as he rotated thru a string of crumbling inner-city schools and bleak orphanages, he found himself stumbling across the occasional child with prodigious musical talent.

Realizing that the closest he’ll ever get to his dream of becoming a concert pianist would be to live vicariously thru his students, he began to use his volunteer work to hunt for diamonds in the rough. Eventually, he adopted two of the most promising kids he found – a girl, and several years later, a boy – and devoted a large slice of his time and efforts towards training and developing their abilities.

Yet deep inside, Gabriel still harbored an aching desire for the chance, even if just for a short while, to take the stage in his own right. If only there wasn’t the need for all that pesky practice…

“Daddy, we’re home!” The door burst open and a sandy-haired boy with chipmunk cheeks bounded into the room like a Labrador puppy.

Gabriel stood up and engulfed his adopted son in his arms. Chris was his golden boy, the apple of his eye. One of the most musically gifted children he had ever encountered, Chris was already playing at an exceptional level for a seven-year-old, and fast running out of space on his bedroom shelf for trophies and medals.

The front door slammed shut as his adopted daughter Vanessa slunk in behind, dressed in a striped tank top and a pair of candy-colored pedal pushers. Her dark shark eyes shot daggers at her brother’s playful cavorting as she dumped her backpack on the floor.

“Didn’t you say you wanted to practice your new Mozart sonata when you got home?” she asked.

“Right, sis.” Chris untangled himself from his Dad and scampered downstairs. Before long, a tinkling stream of notes drifted up from the piano room.

Vanessa approached Gabriel with a hopeful look. “Did you hear back from the Klavichord Junior Competition?”

“I managed to get… Chris a place in the qualifying round.” he muttered, glancing uneasily at the floor.

“But you promised you’ll give me a chance this time!”

“Vanessa, you know you haven’t won anything in the last 2 years…”

“That’s because you’ve been spending all your time with Chris!”

“Now now, your brother is still young and needs more handholding. And I’ve been doing everything I can for you, but it’s just not working. I mean, Chris is barely half your age, but is already close to surpassing you…”

“That’s total rubbish! I play much better than he does!”

“Darling, you have many other strengths – like how you’re top of your class at school, and your teachers keep telling me how smart you are. Maybe you can become a lawyer instead…”

“But I don’t want to be a lawyer! You know you and I want the same thing! And you promised you’ll help me realize my dream!”

“Vanessa, you’re a big girl now, and you ought to be mature enough to face up to…”

“Daddy!” Chris called out. “Can you help me with this?”

“We’ll talk later, okay Vanessa?” Gabriel said as he charged downstairs to attend to his son. “Oh, and while you’re up there, can you do the dishes, take out the trash and bring in the mail?”


Later that evening, as Gabriel was leafing thru the day’s letters, a glossy pamphlet caught his eye. Printed on the front was what looked like a wrist-worn fitness tracker, but with the intriguing name of Rejuvenation Band. “Adjust your Age at Will!” the boldface tagline promised. “Revisit your Childhood Dreams!”

Gabriel snatched the flyer from the pile and scanned it. He had heard rumors about rejuvenation devices being used for medical procedures overseas, but wasn’t aware they were available for general sale.

His mind whirled with excitement – if he could turn himself temporarily into a little boy, his current ability would allow him to pass himself off as a musical prodigy. So with only the slightest effort, he would be able to win competitions, get invited to play at the most prestigious venues, and sample the fame and adoration he so richly deserved!

Stopping for a moment to stuff the rest of a jumbo-sized Mars bar into his mouth, he wobbled over to his computer with the pamphlet in hand and pulled up the product website. With a few clicks, he placed his order, and the band was on its way.



End Chapter 1

'Scaled Down'

by: skywavesage | Complete Story | Last updated Dec 2, 2016


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