Midnight Carnival, by Tainted Sins

by: OldStories | Complete Story | Last updated Dec 11, 2016

Chapter 6
Kids are Cruel

Chapter Description: By Tainted Sins

Midnight Carnival (06/16): Kids are Cruel

"Alright, here it is." Melissa held up a small device that looked like some sort of ray-gun out of a science fiction film.

The disappointment was obvious in the other girls’ faces. "You mean your parents are gone for the night, and instead of inviting boys over we get to look at that thing?" Amy asked sadly. All the girls were fifteen, in the height of their Jr. High career, and little plastic ray-guns were the furthest thing from their minds.

"I invited some guys over." Cindy admitted with a grin.

"Cindy!" Melissa scolded. "I told you I had a surprise that would make it worth missing a night of flirting with boys!"

"And once again, you’ve proven yourself wrong." Cindy smirked, as the other two crowded around her.

"Who did you invite?" Sue asked excitedly.

"Ben and his friends." This answer was greeted by several squeals of delight. They were definitely some of the most popular boys in the 9th grade. And at the moment Ben was between girls. Everyone in the group knew Cindy was after him, they also knew that he was normally out of her league. It wasn’t like she was ugly or anything...just not as well off as the popular kids’ families. Of course a night alone in a house unguarded by parents might just be her ticket in.

"You are so cool Cindy! I can’t believe you did this?"

"Are you nervous?"

"Do you think you will make out with him?"

Cindy answered each question confidently, trying to look big for her friends, but inside she was scared stiff. Ben was such a hunk! She wanted desperately to impress him.

When things calmed down a little Melissa jumped in. "Well can I at least show you this before they get here?"

It was obvious that no one else was interested, but they decided to humor her hoping she wouldn’t have one of her temper tantrums and throw them out. "Okay Melissa, what is it?" Cindy asked.

"It’s an age changing machine."

They all stared at her.

"So when’s Ben suppose to be here?" Sue asked breaking the silence and they all began chattering again.

"Guy’s I’m serious!" Melissa was starting to get mad.

"Look Melissa, real funny joke...but it’s over. What’s your problem anyway?"

"Well Cindy if you are so confident it’s a joke why don’t you volunteer to try it out." Melissa replied, with an uncharacteristically wicked grin.

"Fine. If it will get you back into the real world I’ll try anything. What do I have to do?"

"Just press your thumb on the metal plate." She answered, holding the gun up and gesturing to a section on the side.

"Can’t you just shoot me with it or something?"

"Nope. It has to scan your genetic makeup first. It also has a safety feature to make sure someone can’t get changed without their permission."

"How stupid of me." Cindy rolled her eyes and she pressed her thumb against the cold metal.

Suddenly an electronic voice hummed. "Do you give permission for age regression."

"Yes." Cindy said, beginning to lose her patience. She had to admit though, Melissa had gone all out on this joke.

"Would you like to set a limit on regression?" The robotic voice asked.

"What’s that mean?" Cindy inquired.

"Just say no. It’s nothing but technical jargon the inventors use for testing."

"No." Cindy answered.

"Would you like to include mental regression?"

Cindy stared questioningly at Melissa.

"It is asking if you want your mind to be regressed with your body."

"I might as well get the full experience." Cindy said sarcastically. "Yes."

"How long would you like effects to last." The machine beeped.

"Gee...twenty-four hours sounds good. That’s how much time they usually use in the movies."

"Settings locked in. You may remove your hand." The gun replied with a ding.

"Well that was a big waste of time." Cindy said as she stood up and walked over to the couch. Sitting down she watched Melissa as she fooled around with the various controls. "I thought we agreed we were going to drop this topic if I played along."

Melissa smiled as she finished with the settings. "It’s ready." She said smiling as she pointed the gun at Cindy. "Prepare to be twelve years old again."

Cindy only shook her head and waited, expecting the gun to make some loud bang or shoot sparks or something to scare them. The other two girls looked on anticipating the same thing...but wondering what if it really worked?

Melissa pulled the trigger, causing the gun to emit a soft hum and a green beam of light. When the noise stopped Sue and Amy looked on amazed.

The changes were apparent almost instantly. Cindy’s tight fitting T-Shirt was no longer very tight as her recently budding breasts began to shrink away. The curves in her hips melted away, leaving a boyish ass. Her legs got skinny, and she lost quite a bit of height. Her face softened and took on a touch of childhood innocence that made the sexy makeup she was wearing look ridiculous. In the end her clothes hung on her limply, her breasts were little more than bumps, and her face held a bewildered and frightened expression.

"Check out the seventh grader!" Melissa cried out triumphantly.

"I can’t believe it worked." Sue said in amazement.

"Please change me back!" Cindy squeaked in her juvenile voice as she stared down at herself.

"Sorry Cindy. The machine can only regress. It can’t age. You are going to have wait for the effects to wear off."

"When will that be?" Cindy asked urgently.

"Well, you set it for 24 hours... Remember?"

"But Ben will be here before that!" She whined, sounding much like the little girl she now looked like. "I can’t let him see me like this!"

"So what do we do now?" Sue asked.

"Well...I suggest we have some fun with the little seventh grader." Melissa answered with a smile.

"What?!" Cindy cried, but they seemed to be ignoring her at the moment.

"You both have said to me how you’ve gotten sick of her attitude. She always has to decide what to do, and what’s cool. Most importantly, she always gets the guy. Well I think its about time we taught her some humility...for her own good of course." Cindy explained.

Both girls smiled in response.

Cindy didn’t need to hear anymore. She jumped off the couch and bolted for the door. But not taking into account her loose clothes cost her the advantage. Her skirt fell around her knees causing her to tumble to the floor. She didn’t get another chance as the other girls were soon holding her down.

"What are you running for Cindy? If you want to leave, we’ll let you leave. But you really shouldn’t be wearing those older girl clothes." With that she felt her loose panties pulled down, exposing her boyish backside.

She fought as best she could, but pretty soon she felt the embarrassment of being completely nude in front of a group of older girls. Cindy flushed as they got her to her feet, all of them giggling and laughing madly.

"Haven’t filled in down below yet ’eh Cindy?" Amy asked, smirking as Cindy looked down to see it was true. "No wonder you were always avoiding the showers in seventh grade. I thought it was just because your boobs were small...but I guess that was probably a part of it too."

This caused Cindy to grimace. She had been so self-conscious back then, and had worked so hard to avoid humiliation. But now she had both her awkward body back, and all those old feelings...worst of all she had some people who now intended to exploit it.

"What are you going to do?" She asked in her small frightened voice.

"Well you wanted to go outside right? So we are going to send you outside."

"No please don’t!" Cindy fought fiercely, but was no match for the three of them. She soon found herself being pushed outside. She tried to scramble back in, but they gave her a push and slammed the door in her face...leaving her stranded with not a stitch of clothing.

Knowing it wouldn’t do any good, she tried the door and found it locked. It was around 7:30 at night, still a decent amount of light out, and her house was a fifteen minute drive from here.

Cindy was about to head to the backyard to hideout when she heard her friends yell from the inside. "We’ve set the gun to five years old. We’re going to count to thirty, and then we’re coming after you."

Cindy took a quick look around. There didn’t seem to be anyone around so she started running down the sidewalk, not knowing anything else to do. As she streaked down the neighborhood she would occasionally duck behind a bush or a fence if she thought she heard someone coming.

It was a fairly open area and someone could potentially appear from just about any side of her. She couldn’t believe how exposed she felt! And what made it worse was the fact that she couldn’t just tell herself this wasn’t really her body anymore and that she would be back to normal in 24 hours (she hoped.) Instead, because she had chosen that stupid option on that stupid ray-gun she felt exactly like she would have at twelve, running down these streets in the buff.

Cindy was about to dart across the street when she heard voices from around the corner. Oh no! It was Ben and his buddies! Turning around she ran back the other way looking for a bush or something she could hide behind. The first thing she came to was a large tree, so she quickly scrambled up it just as the boys made the turn.

Neither her grip nor the branches were very stable. She didn’t dare breath as the boys passed by underneath, she could only close her eyes and hope. Cindy waited for a long while, even after the voices had died down in the distance. That was too close for comfort!

She told herself she just needed a minute to pull herself together and then she would find a better place to hide. Clinging to the unstable branches in a very awkward position she forced herself to take a couple of slow breaths. In and out. In and out.

"Hey Mikey, go get your camera! There’s a naked girl in the tree!"

The shout forced her eyes open and she quickly looked down to see a group of boys between the ages of seven and ten staring up at her with large grins spread across their faces.

"Get out of here you little brats!" Cindy yelled down at them, but none moved. She was now bright red, but it wasn’t caused by anger. "I said go away! I’m still big enough to spank your little bottoms!"

One of the younger boys decided to throw a rock at her for that last statement. She dodged out of the way just in time to avoid it, but the sudden motion caused her to lose her balance. As she fell she panicked and grabbed at anything she could get her hands on, which ended up being one of the lower branches. She soon found herself dangling from the large limb. It took both hands to keep her from falling, so she could only hang there as her young legs wiggled and kicked with fright.

A flashing light told her Mikey had arrived with the camera, but she could do nothing about it. Looking down the ground still seemed too far below to just drop...but a few more minutes of hanging and she realized she might not have a choice in the matter.

"What in the hell is going on?" She heard the familiar voice of Ben who soon chased the kids off before allowing them to answer. Apparently he had found no one home at Melissa’s house, so they had started the journey back. "Cindy is that you?"

Cindy had run out of options, and was quickly running out of strength. "Yes." She whimpered.

"Dude, look at her. She’s like a little kid or something." She heard one of his friends whisper.

Ben ignored him and called up. "Go ahead and drop and I’ll catch you."

It didn’t sound like a very good plan to Cindy, but there wasn’t much left to do. So she closed her eyes, counted to three, and let go. The fall lasted only a second and then she felt herself landing into Ben’s arms. The impact sent him toppling over, but neither one was seriously injured.

Lying on top of him in the grass she realized this was not a good position to be in for the sake of modesty. She was about to climb off him and cover herself as best she could when a shadow fell over her.

"Having fun Cindy?" Melissa asked, pointing the gun at her.

"No Melissa! Please don’t!" But it was too late. Already her ears were filled with the familiar hum and her body was engulfed in a faint glow of green light.

Ben could only stare in amazement as the naked twelve year old-who was just on the boarder of womanhood--lying on top of him quickly shrank down to a childish five. Her body shrank and lost all signs of maturity, her once straight hair shortened into a bundle of cutsy curls, and her face lost whatever sex appeal it had by becoming short and slightly pudgy.

Little Cindy didn’t want to, but she couldn’t help bursting into tears. She couldn’t believe what was happening to her! Meanwhile Ben quickly pushed the child off him and got to his feet, frightened that whatever happened to her might accidentally be transferred to him.

Melissa could only laugh. "Don’t worry Ben. The gun isn’t tuned into you, it can only affect Cindy at the moment."

"You built an age regression machine?" One of Ben’s friends asked in awe, while several of the younger kids who had been watching the girl in the tree appeared out of their hiding spots.

"Can you make her any age you want? Like even a little baby?" One of the ten year olds asked.

"No, my Dad built it. And yes, I can do any age." Melissa answered, for some reason failing to mention the fact that she could not make her any older.

More questions were asked and answered as a couple more kids showed up. Everyone seemed to be ignoring the tantrum Cindy was throwing on the ground. "I don’t wanna be a wittle kid!" She would shout, banging her small fists into the ground.

After a while though, Melissa decided that it would be best if they went back to her house. It would do no good if an adult came around to investigate the noise and ruined all their fun. Pulling the screaming child up off the ground, and giving her a few swats on the rear to quiet her down, she invited anyway who was interested to come with them.

When they reached their destination, Melissa commented on what a mess Cindy had made of herself. Soon the poor little girl found herself in the bathtub, being washed by the smirking Sue in front of all the guys who cared to watch. Meanwhile in the hall Melissa continued to answer questions about the gun...actually she didn’t know all that much about the thing so she was forced to make up many of the answers, but that didn’t seem to bother her audience.

The only thing Melissa claimed she could find for Cindy to wear was a frilly pink princess outfit she had worn for Halloween around that age. There was quite a bit of protesting on Cindy’s part, but in the end she found herself sitting on the couch in the ridiculous outfit, pouting.

"It doesn’t look like you are going to be spanking anybody now." One of the ten year olds commented with a smirk. When Melissa asked what he meant by that, the kids went into an explanation of Cindy’s previous threats. Her only defense now was to stick her tongue out at the boy, but after she did it, she realized how childish she must look. Unfortunately, her brain just wouldn’t let her act any other way.

"So, you still haven’t learned your lesson huh Cindy? You still think you can push people around. Well we’ll see what you think after that little behind of yours is bright red." Melissa answered evilly, causing Cindy to make a run for the door.

Even though she no longer had oversized clothes to foul up her plan, her little body was no match for the group of boys that filled the room. She probably couldn’t have gotten out at her correct age, and certainly not at five.

One of Ben’s friends was the one who ended up getting the firmest grip on her, and after they elected Lester-the boy who had brought up the subject in the first place-to do the spanking, he was the one who dragged her over to the ten year old.

This was especially humiliating for Cindy. She knew from her frequent visits to Melissa’s house that Lester was the boy next-door. Originally he had developed a sort of far away crush on Cindy, and for a while he didn’t realize that all the giggling between her and her friends while he looked on was at his expense. The climax to their little relationship came when Cindy was helping Melissa baby-sit him and his little brothers. He had finally managed to muster the courage to give her a flower which she had laughed at and replied "Sorry little boy but I think I’m a little out of your league." The comment was devastating and he had made a vain attempt to run away from home. When they finally managed to track him down and drag him back, Cindy added insult to injury by spanking him outside in front of all of his friends.

Well it didn’t seem she was going to be spanking him anymore. She squirmed around on his lap, fighting for freedom, but Lester was far too tough for her now. Soon she felt a draft as Lester lifted the puffy skirt and pulled her little white undies down to her ankles. She began to plead and moan, saying she was sorry, promising she would be a good girl from now on. But the apology came too late, and soon the little goofy neighbor she used to baby-sit and make fun of was slapping her bare bottom repeatedly.

Of course there was no stopping the tears, as much as she would have liked to have kept that amount of self-respect. She cried and moaned as everyone laughed at the snobbish girl finally getting what she deserved.

Eventually though, this too got tiring. At least for everyone but Lester. By the time she had gotten her panties back up and was rubbing her sore bum there was already talk flowing through the room of regressing her further.

"Make her a little baby!"

"Ya! Make her pee her pants."

"That would be cool!"

Cindy stomped her feet and whined and complained, but this only served to sway the vote against her. Before she knew it she was once again staring into the wrong end of that dreadful ray-gun. There was no time to react, the terrible green light already had her, and she felt the dress she was wearing begin to quickly loosen.

Everyone stared in awe as Cindy literally shrank out of her dress. She was drowning in pink ruffles, and within a matter of moments you could no longer even see her amidst the costume.

Cindy was crying, all she could see was pink. She felt herself lose control in the worst way, and then she felt her tiny foot enter her mouth as she began to suck on it. The more she tried to think grown up thoughts, the more her mind softened. Soon she was babbling a bunch of nonsense. The world around her was confusing, so she began to cry.

Melissa watched as Amy retrieved Cindy from the soiled dress and took her upstairs to get her cleaned up again. Everyone else followed. Except for Ben that is.

"I was wondering about something Melissa..." He began.

"What’s that?"

"Well the thing is, you know about the big football game at school right? Well I was wondering if that thing could maybe make me a couple of years older. You know, give me a bit of an advantage against the other kids. Just until a week from Monday. That will get me through all the practices and the game itself."

Melissa was about to explain to him that the gun could only make people younger, not older. But then she stopped herself, and began thinking how popular Ben was...and how he hadn’t ever bothered to give her the time of day until now. "Why of course Ben. I’d be happy to help you out. Just stick your thumb on this metal plate here." She said with a smile.



End Chapter 6

Midnight Carnival, by Tainted Sins

by: OldStories | Complete Story | Last updated Dec 11, 2016


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