Recent Stories


by: iceman Last updated May 4, 2016

How far do you have to look for acceptance

Reversed World 2

by: Themaster234 Last updated May 3, 2016

Timmy hated that his parents always boss him around, maybe it's better that he is the adult and they are the babies

“Origins, Allusions and Symbols of Wayward Girl”

by: Oni Last updated May 2, 2016

Some informative details.

The Lesser of Two Evils, by Vern

by: OldStories Last updated Apr 24, 2016

Which would be worse, keeping a secret at the cost of having no control? Or to have some control at the cost of dignity? Regressed from 16 years old to babyhood with only his parents knowing the truth, this was the dilemma that Randy Pratterman faced. [Story missing a few parts]

The Yankee

by: Neverlander Last updated Apr 8, 2016

The year is 1920 and Detective Ellis' only lead is an anonymous tip, but even that's enough when he's hunting the Yankee. But once he catches up to him, he might just wish he'd stayed home.

my big baby girl

by: mentalregressor Last updated Apr 8, 2016

Mathew and Emily have been unable to have children for a long time, but what happens when Mathew finds something to get the child he wants by using his wife?

Not as dark

by: Sappyolhusky Last updated Apr 2, 2016

Ever think of a world of dark fantisy being real? Think a succubus would ever be into diapers and not be into sex?

Susan's locket

by: Sappyolhusky Last updated Mar 29, 2016

Magical lockets sold for as little as 20$

Magical Memories, by Morpher

by: OldStories Last updated Mar 27, 2016

If Bernard and Sophia want to receive their inheritance, they will have to complete a curiously childish mission in a certain Florida theme park. Fortunately, Miss Viola has traveled all the way from Parkdale, England to help them stay on task…

A.R.S. - The Spirit of Enterprise, by Ingrid Halb

by: OldStories Last updated Mar 22, 2016

The Board of Directors of Tauber Industrial Manufacturing has an ace up their sleeve. They have aquired a certain magic vessel and its attendent genie. A properly worded wish and they could dominate the market place for years to come! They just need to get it right, and there's nothing like a committee to get something right.

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Stories of Age/Time Transformation

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