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An Empire for The Fallen

by: xxmusiq Last updated Jun 12, 2016

**[Back in 2013 I was newbie to writing and put this story onto this site merely to get out of my head and onto the internet!, There's quite a few grammatical errors and the writing could use some work but I'm re-posting some of the chapters that went missing for the few people who ended up falling in love with this story. However, 3 years later and returning to this site, I'm not sure if I want to get back into writing and finishing it yet.]**** * The story of a man who's life changed. Bryan had always been a man of Pride, Wits, and Brawn, but how will those things fare up against his new situation. ****Chapter 5 Added!

Applied Science

by: appliedman Last updated Jun 7, 2016

A man grows up on the streets and eventually becomes a convicted murderer. A scientist makes him an offer he seemingly can't refuse.

'The Magic Kingdom'

by: skywavesage Last updated Jun 3, 2016

A father and a son get a second chance to realize their dreams. Added final chapter "Living the Dream". Feedback & comments always welcome, you can also find me at

the boy who landed in a nursery

by: googoodrew Last updated Jun 22, 2021

Guy named Drew enters a random portal.and awakes in a giant nursery.

Back to being the baby of the family

by: JohnS52 Last updated May 28, 2016

Sam was always the youngest in his family, but once he unexpectedly start getting younger he learns what it would be like if he was truly the baby of the family.


by: Reina Watt Last updated May 17, 2016

Gamer's don't die, they re-spawn. More or less

Self-Perception, by ChrisMyst

by: OldStories Last updated May 15, 2016

Ben visits his family during a family reunion, and decides to show off some new equipment from work.


by: FHegel Last updated May 7, 2016

A series of short scenes depicting two friends trying out a new dynamic in their relationship.

Dollies, by Morpher

by: OldStories Last updated May 7, 2016

Viola has a new assignment. But who is really the target? [The story take place after Magical Memories, by the same author]

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Stories of Age/Time Transformation

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