South of the Boudoir, by ARthur

by: OldStories | Complete Story | Last updated Jan 2, 2017

Chapter 4
South of the Boudoir, Part 4

Chapter Description: By ARthur

Well, at least Uxia had fun. For the next two nights, Uxia hosted parties in Valene’s apartment. All sorts of obnoxious people turned out for the free food, liquor, and drugs; all involuntarily paid for by Valene through Uxia’s repetitive forgeries. In the process, furniture got thrashed. Burns appeared in the carpets. Lamps, stereos, and even Valene’s Barbie doll were stolen.

Despite her paying the tab, Valene was forbidden attendance to these parties. Uxia explained that they were adult parties, so as her ’young daughter,’ she was exiled to her bedroom under orders to be in pajamas and in bed by 8 p.m. But the parties still came to her. Guests tripsed in and out of her bedroom. On one occasion, Valene was pushed out of her bed by a couple looking for a place to makeout.

Valene had been reduced to an easily ignored petty annoyance in her own home.

While Uxia spared no expense on herself, she was very stingy when it came to Valene. The girl’s meals consisted mostly of off-brand canned pastas and convenience foods. While Valene ate Spaghetti-Os, Uxia had gourmet dinners delivered.

Uxia also was determined that all eyes be on her; not the little girl whom she dragged with her. On the second morning, Uxia ordered Valene into the bathtub, where she scrubbed her thoroughly to remove the last vestiges of face creams and other toiletries that might improve her complexion. She further used a strong shampoo to take the curl from Valene’s hair. Once dry, Uxia pulled Valene’s hair in back of her head, tied a white-bowed ribbon around it to form a ponytail, and then trimmed the hair to an arbitrarily shorter length. "Hey, ’daughter’, people will think, once they compare glamorous me with plain you, that you probably inherited the regressive genes of your father," Uxia giggled.

The third morning, Valene found a strange woman cleaning her apartment. "Who is this woman? And what happened with Mrs. Tolliver?" Valene demanded. "I fired her," Uxia said. "Mrs. Garcia is cheaper, and she can double as your babysitter while I’m away."

"How dare you!" Valene yelled. Uxia frowned deeply. "Is my little daughter showing temper? If you are, I can always extend your return to childhood," she sneered. "Forget I said it," Valene shrieked as she tromped to the next room.

Spotting the telephone, Valene decided it was time to get some help from a real friend. Looking around to verify that the coast was free, Valene dialed a number familiar to herself.

"Hello, Marjorie? This is Val," Valene whispered.

"Val? You sound different," Marjorie said.

"You don’t know how different. I need your help. Can you come to Ocean Point Towers, Suite 1801 right away?" Valene asked. "I’ll be right over," Marjorie answered.

Valene shivered when she looked up. It was Uxia, who pushed down the hang-up button.

"I thought I told you that you couldn’t use the telephone without my permission," she glowered. Uxia swung and hit Valene’s pint-size rump with a rolled up newspaper as she ran away.

Valene waited all day for Marjorie to arrive to rescue her, but she never arrived. "Must still be mad at me for interrupting our friendship when I inherited the money," Valene sniffed, fearing that she had ditched a true friend for the new one that was now trying her damnedest to control her life and fortune.

That evening, Uxia packed her gym bag and headed for the health club. Mrs. Garcia came to babysit. Valene was excited to hear she’d be treated to a Mexican dinner, but only received tamales from a jar.

Valene was sitting on the sofa watching television when Uxia returned and sent Mrs. Garcia home. Soon, Uxia returned to the door and whispered, "Coast’s clear." In lumbered Rob.

"It was 12 long minutes! I missed you, darlin", Rob told Uxia as he buried his face into her cleavage.

He began to kiss Uxia everywhere on her face and shoulders except her lips. Uxia took Rob by the lapel of his shirt and walked him into the boudoir. She turned to smirk at Valene as she closed the door.

Getting over her mortification, Valene ran to the boudoir door, but it was locked from the inside. She first tried pounding on the door, but decided her girl-size fists weren’t making much noise. So she rifled Uxia’s bag and swiped one of her own credit cards, which she stuck in the crack of the door to manipulate the lock. Succeeding, Valene ran to the foot of the bed, where she found the two still in the process of removing each other’s clothing. Jumping onto the bed and landing painfully on Rob’s legs, Valene, by now in tears, cried, "Stop it! You can’t do this to me!"

"Oh, yes I can," Uxia, now only in her underwear, said as she grabbed Valene’s arm and excruciatingly marched her from the bedroom.

"You can’t steal my man. Rob is mine. And as soon as I get the antidote-" Valene tearfully yelled.

But her tears were silenced when Uxia coldly replied, "There is no antidote."

Now totally aghast, Valene quietly responded, "No antidote?"

Uxia copped a crooked smile. "Never was," she said. "I only told you that so I could solidify my seizure of your wealth and possessions.

"Don’t look so dumb," Uxia told Valene. "I knew you had a fortune. It took me weeks to strike up an acquaintance with you so I could steer you toward taking a double dose of that Izumiwakai water. I thought it would take several more weeks to get you interested, but you were so moonstruck with Rob the Hunk that you bit within hours of our meeting. You were so easy to manipulate. And now look at you. A little girl who no longer controls her wealth or destiny. I have your wealth. I control your destiny. I even have your boyfriend, thanks to this new body you bought me. And there’s nothing you can do about it, except maybe go back to grade school."

Seeing Uxia snicker in her face was too much for Valene. With her hard-rubber-toe sneaker, she gave Uxia a forceful kick to the ankle. Momentarily wincing, Uxia exploded in a mass of motion that pulled Valene over her knees and removed one of Valene’s shoes.

"So you like hurting people with shoes," Uxia said. "It’s time you learned that you’re just an insignificant little girl," she added as the shoe’s heel made initial contact with Valene’s pantied bottom. "Eeeeeee!" Valene screamed.

"And this will teach you what to expect from now on if you cross me, or don’t obey me," Uxia said as she lowered the shoe in harder blows 11 more times on Valene’s rump.

Finally released, Valene scrambled under her living room lamp table and tearfully trembled as Uxia returned to the boudoir, smirked, and then toss her bra out the door before closing it. This final gesture to show who was in total charge hit Valene hard. She was utterly devastated. Rob was finally in her boudoir, but with another woman. And Valene herself was just a gangly unattractive little girl.

As loud giggles and shrieks reached a crescendo inside the boudoir, Valene tried again to call Marjorie. A recorded message said that her number was forbidden on that phone. Uxia had used the phone’s memory feature to discover Marjorie’s number, and had it blocked out!



End Chapter 4

South of the Boudoir, by ARthur

by: OldStories | Complete Story | Last updated Jan 2, 2017


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