Recent Stories


by: wigibiscut Last updated Feb 4, 2016

Mario and Luigi have been kidnapped and held hostage! Only something's off...

Robot Nanny

by: Themaster234 Last updated Jan 27, 2016

When Belle bought a Robot Nanny to look after her son, she never thought she would be taken care of as well

The Hunter

by: Mr. D Last updated Jan 25, 2016

Some time in the distant future, monsters and demonic forces invade our world. One Hunter, named Adrul, is a sword for hire who hunts monsters and Witches for the bounties placed on them. On his quest to eliminate the Witch Lucinda, Adrul quickly learns he is at the bottom of the food chain as far as hunting goes as he is about to face defeat at the hands of his quarry. CH6 is up.


by: JohnS52 Last updated Jan 23, 2016

The prison system and the adoption care system found an unexpected connection.

Time for a Change: By Personalias

by: personalias Last updated Jan 1, 2016

John is a teaching intern trying to change how he is perceived with a change of wardrobe. Sadly for him he will be successful, just not in the way he had hoped. Full Story


by: sumner Last updated Dec 31, 2015

A super quickie inspired by reviews of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. [No Spoilers.] Happy holidays, 'errbody.

The Error, by LittleMatt

by: OldStories Last updated Dec 30, 2015

Tom is eager to establish his new status as an early teen. But in this new town he's arrived in with his mother, everyone from the teachers to the students have very weird habits and expectations for students his age. With even elementary schoolers this far up, Tommy soon discover his life becoming way more babyish than he expected. [Unfinished]

A Christmas Tale - A Diaper Dimension Story

by: aus_dpr Last updated Dec 29, 2015

Christmas at this house is mostly the same, though with a few little twists...


by: magicgirldiapers Last updated Dec 27, 2015

A troubled teen falls victim to a science experiment when he is offered a choice for his future. **Chapter 6 posted 12-27-15**

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Stories of Age/Time Transformation

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