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Dog Days

by: skywavesage Last updated Sep 8, 2018

A broke young man revisits his childhood summer job. Story complete. Feedback & comments always welcome, more stories and captions at

A Childish Thing

by: Rufus Mendax Last updated Sep 5, 2018

A short AR poem in two versions, one for those who like having daddies, one for those who prefer mommies. (moderately mature content)

The Magic Rocks

by: Natasha Last updated Aug 27, 2018

Helping out the elderly can be quite rewarding

The Gap Kid, by Tabula Rasa and EgARednu Sphinx

by: OldStories Last updated Aug 26, 2018

"I'm not too thrilled about wearing them at all. I mean, race car briefs? That's got to be a mistake."

Don't let the bed bugs bite, by Libra

by: OldStories Last updated Aug 26, 2018

A man hope the woman responsible for his ungoing regression can help make it stop.

The house

by: antgression Last updated Aug 12, 2018

The text is a link to a google drive file with the story. I am tired of this site replacing all of the characters with symbols

The Wand's Surprise

by: reaperhappy Last updated Aug 8, 2018

A Lesson for Linda

by: LittleTanyaBunny Last updated Jul 9, 2018

(My first story on here... yay!) A story more geared towards babyfurs, I suppose. Linda has extremely bad behavior and must learn from the beginning. How will it work out?

The Shoreline Redemption

by: skywavesage Last updated Jul 8, 2018

An ambitious young mobster goes on a risky undercover mission. Will it be worth the gamble? Added last chapter. Feedback & comments always welcome, more stories and captions at

The AR Story Archive

Stories of Age/Time Transformation

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