Recent Stories


by: Personalias Last updated Sep 9, 2021

A Sequel to Fair is Fair. Marion is enjoying her new baby girl, but then her own meddling mother gets involved.

Fair is Fair

by: Personalias Last updated Sep 4, 2021

Set in the Diaper Dimension where Amazons adopt anyone smaller on them on evidence of "immaturity", Gwendolyn (an Amazon) finds herself in a position she never thought she'd be in when she has an accident at work.

The Change of the Seasons: The Long Sweat

by: RegressingAger Last updated Aug 30, 2021

The first entry in an imagined four part series. The lives of two brothers are changed forever when the summer season begins in their strange little valley town. Even without this being my first AR story, I would gladly welcome any comments, suggestions, critiques, or constructive criticisms via the reviews section or by PM.

I Wish...

by: babyrc Last updated Aug 24, 2021

An unfaithful and greedy middle aged father’s life is forever changed after a chance encounter with a genie.

Exchanged (Diaper Dimension)

by: Baby Sofia Last updated Aug 22, 2021

Two years ago Stacy visited a newly discovered dimension, with his parents, on an adventurous summer vacation. He was astounded by how the other dimension's technology was decades ahead of his own! During his senior year he applied to Emerson University in the city he had visited. He was excited and hopeful of learning more about their technology as an exchange student, and hopefully bring it back to his own world. (Story set in the Diaper Dimension)

The Baby Bet

by: Peculiar Changeling Last updated Aug 21, 2021

Grace has a problem with her housemate. Wait, that's not right. Grace's housemate is a problem. He doesn't cook except to nuke frozen dinners in the microwave, he barely cleans, he's a mess that drags the whole house down. Her other housemates aren't a problem - just him. And, despite this, he insists he's kept up, sufficiently tidy, and responsible enough to care for a child if the need arises. Grace has had enough of his bullshit, and she's willing to go to extreme lengths to prove it. ... This is an ongoing story that's being written chapter-to-chapter, sometimes with the chapters being incomplete at the time of being posted. The ultimate plan is to finish the first draft before doing any serious editing to fix up structural problems or rework problem chapters. In the event that a chapter is missing parts when posted, or if something needs to be retconned, there will be an author note explaining as much. If you'd rather wait until the story is complete and edited, then read it all in one go, that's understandable! It'll be finished eventually and you can read it then! ^_^

A Small Glitch

by: Ouroboros Last updated Aug 20, 2021

In the future, where androids are becoming more popular and realistic, a repair man finds an abandoned and deactivated one of the newest models and repairs it, only to have his world change in a way he could have never imagined.

Depending on perspective

by: anonymous Last updated Aug 18, 2021

First chapter of something that I hope to finish sooner rather than later. I wrote it rather quickly so my apologies for any errors that are in this draft. I think I will also change the names as I only later realized it is a bit too Genesisy. This is the first time I've written something and had the guts to post it afterwards. I'm very eager for any and all constructive feedback.

Adult Babies Anonymous

by: Personalias Last updated Aug 18, 2021

A meeting of adults who cannot help but act like babies. But why is this? What is their life like and how did they get to this point?

Pastel Mirror: Yesterday

by: Personalias Last updated Aug 17, 2021

Devin's wife is now his Mommy and changes his diapers. Yesterday she wasn't and didn't. How long ago was "Yesterday?"

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Stories of Age/Time Transformation

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