A diaper hero(ine)

by: malom_shlasters | Complete Story | Last updated Jan 31, 2014

Julie used to be a normal 16-years-old girl, but an encounter with the indian hero Shikhandi, gives her the opportunity of becoming the hero that everybody (and specially herself) needed. A new Diaper Boy is in town!

Chapter 1
A New Hero(ine)

Chapter Description: Julie is a normal 16-years-old girl, that had always dream of being a sportgirl; unfortunately her body is not proper for practicing gymnastics. But a visit to an indian curiousity store changes her life forever... what does it mean that she'll have to fight "as a noble warrior"?

Hello, my name is Julie and this is my story.

I am a 16-year-old girl and I am in high school. There’s nothing in me that draws much attention: I am just a normal girl, with a frail and tender body. I am not too popular but I am content with who I am. My friends say I am good at dressing myself, and they are right: I always look good. I make good clothes combinations, apply make-up well and am great at hair styling. But for me that is nothing out of this world; I mean, yes, I know I always look good, but I’m not a fashion-fan, honestly that topic doesn’t excite me at all.

I prefer being just an active girl, walking the dog or going out to walk with others; for me that’s the best. I like to think that maybe that is why I have such a good appearance.

The actual fact is that I always had wanted to play a more exciting sport: something like volleyball, tennis or my favorite one: gymnastics. I certainly respect athletes that strengthen their bodies in order to exhibit a perfect routine and are able to accomplish great challenges.

And, with those ideas in my mind, I will tell you about the day that changed my life forever:

I had accompanied my friends to the mall. We ate some hot-dogs, tested new electronic devices and looked at new cell phone accessories, and when we had done all that, of course they wanted to try on new clothes. My friends didn’t cease teasing me with their same boring questions: ‘Do I look fat in this?’ or ‘What skirt looks better with these shoes?’ or ‘Should I wear a cap with this sweater?’ They were too idiots at making their own decisions, even though it was such an obvious choice what the right outfit was.

Actually I grew dizzy of their stupid questions and I took the first opportunity to run away from that store. I walked to the adjacent store to see new sports equipment: skateboards and skiing equipment. But when I had finished... my friends were gone. Since it was not too late, I roamed through the mall, until I found a strange store with handmade crafts and exotic artifacts. It seemed to be an Indian place, full of tribal accessories. I was not particularly interested in that culture, but as I had some extra cash in my pockets I decided to buy two pairs of wooden earrings, and one figurine for my room. I took a look at the selection of mud figurines they sold there, and found one that caught my attention. It had the word ‘Shikhandi’ engraved on it, and it was made to represent a strong warrior with a smiling face. I found it funny and decided to purchase it. I paid and went back home with my new acquisitions.

When I arrived home it was dark, and after having dinner I went to sleep. I decided to place the figurine in front of my mirror, and then went to bed.

But as I slept, I had a very wicked dream. I was flying through space with the smiling warrior from the figurine, and he was growing bigger, until he was huge! The figurine talked to me in a foreign language, many words that I didn’t understand, but slowly begun interpreting them. He told me that I was going to receive his magical powers and my dreams would come true, in exchange for fighting as a noble warrior. At that moment I woke up.

I didn’t know why, but even though the lamp was turned off, a strange light filled my room. Afraid, but excited, I turned to see the figurine; it was smiling as always and not having changed, but on front of it I saw an object materializing in the air. I got up from bed to investigate what it was, and I couldn’t believe what I found! It was a piece of fabric, in the form of a big blue diaper. I held it in my hands and spent some time examining it. It was a regular diaper, but in a size meant for a teenager; it was not too different from a “Big Boys” brand diaper (Diapers for bigger boys with incontinence problems). Taking a closer look, I found the brand marked: It actually was one of those diapers!

I took a look around, trying to find the person who had played that joke on me (was it Karla, my younger sister?). Then I went to the door, but it was still as I had left it: locked. The clock read 2.00 a.m. and nobody could have gotten into my room to play a joke on me. Suddenly, a memory registered in my mind: that figurine warrior, whose name was Shikhandi, had told me in my dream that he would give me magical armor that would grant me fabulous powers. So, I started to think that the ‘magical’ materialization of the diaper was not a hallucination or part of the dream. It was still early, so I walked to my bathroom and unfolded the diaper. It was a regular disposable diaper, in a boy’s size. My suspicion that everything was a joke had not totally disappeared. I first washed the diaper under the water faucet, and then dried it.

Feeling ridiculous, I locked the door and then pulled down my shorts and panties. I threw them aside, and with a quick movement, I put the diaper on and clipped it around my waist.

I was thinking the diaper fit loose when, as if in slow-motion, I felt and then saw my body starting to change. It was not the diaper that was getting lower, I was growing littler! First, my long brown hair grew shorter and my breasts flattened out, then took the form of a masculine chest. In the bathroom mirror, my mouth agape, I could see my hairstyle was adapting to my new hair length, and soon it became a boyish hairstyle. My fine lips and cheeks grew more solid, until my whole face took the appearance of a 12-year-old boys’. I still looked somewhat like my feminine self, but honesty I had not imagined how I would have look being a boy.

The transformation ceased when the diaper fit perfectly. I contemplated my transformed body. Instead of my usual girlish frailty, I had developed a solid boy’s anatomy, and I recognized in myself a champions’ physical condition. My legs were now gleaned and my bones strong, flexible and quick to respond. My arms were now muscled while my hands had a considerable amount of strength and my fingers offered a perfect grip. My figure was somewhat skinny, but perfect for ballet or gymnastics... GYMNASTICS!

The excitement made me realize another change in my anatomy: under my diaper. Yeah, you can laugh at me, but I had a large hanging weenie under my navel. And my butt was firm and solid, a perfect one for a champion. Other changes included smooth hair that grew in my armpits.

How did I feel...? Actually, I felt fantastic! It was great that I’now had a perfect physique for sports. But then I remembered... the figurine had told me I’d have to be a noble warrior... what did that meant?

I stood thinking until I realized it was 3 a.m., and I had to go school in a few hours!...Oh, and how would I change back into a girl?! I felt an instant chill and lost my breath thinking maybe it was not reversible... How would I explain it?! But in that moment, I gazed at my panties on the floor... I could see on them a weak pink light. I picked them up and contemplated them... the shine was gone, but... had it been my imagination? Maybe if the boy’s diaper made me turn into one, my girly panties would make me return to my actual body...

So, I released the diaper’s tape, and took it off (Oh my God! I was not wrong when I thought I had a big penis and testicles!), and then starting to put my regular panties on. They didn’t fit me! I was trying to get my crotch inside the panties when it happened again, as quick as the first time... my body started to adapt to my underwear! The transformation occurred backwards, and as my features grew finer and my hair grew long again, I progressed in age... Soon I was old Julie again, wearing my girlish underwear!

Feeling calmer now that I had reversed that exciting but potentially problematic change, I brushed my hair and put my shorts on again. Then I picked up the big boy’s diaper and went out of the bathroom, turning off the lights.

Nobody was in the hallway so I went straight to my room, hid the big blue diaper under my bed, turned off the lights and tried to sleep. As you can imagine, the excitement was so strong that I couldn’t sleep but a few minutes. Trying to fall asleep again, I remembered the idol’s words... ‘I would have to fight as a noble warrior’... what did that mean? I felt excited to have the chance to experience the advantages of a new masculine body...



End Chapter 1

A diaper hero(ine)

by: malom_shlasters | Complete Story | Last updated Jan 31, 2014


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