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How far can I go with darker / more adult subjects in a story before I am not allowed to post it here?

Last updated: Jul 9, 2021
For the series I just uploaded the prologue for I want to have some darker and more adult subjects pop up from time to time. But I need to know ...

Lost Story: Age Regression Remote ( By Transformtation39 On DeviantArt If I'm Correct )

Last updated: Jun 29, 2021
On DeviantArt there was a story I used to read from time to time that suddenly disappeared one day. I wanna say it was called The Regression Dev ...

Quasi AR/Shrink Scene In Sitcom

Last updated: Jun 27, 2021
In the 80's sitcom GROWING PAINS episode 'Back To School,' on the first day of school after summer vacation, youngest son Ben has a showdown wit ...

AR to Unbirth?

Last updated: Jun 27, 2021
I really like age regression that results in unbirth (or even regression to - or past - conception), but with the exception of a couple of creat ...

A Slight Apology

Last updated: Jun 24, 2021
I wanted to wait until I'd completed the story before posting it but apparently the site had other ideas. Hope y'all enjoy it.

Now The Discussion Forum Isn't Working

Last updated: Jun 24, 2021
I keep trying to post an Update on how my story's coming and I get a 405 message.

Posting a chapter to a story

Last updated: Jun 23, 2021
I want to post a story and I have the story set up it seems but I can't find where to post a chapter into it

New Issue of Comic out!

Last updated: Jun 20, 2021
The latest issue of my spanking-themed comic is out! In this issue Scarlett works on the school report she has to do on Benji, gets spanked by h ...

AR Game - SCA

Last updated: Jun 20, 2021
Hi Everyone! My name is NEP. I'm a long time lurker on ARarchive. Anyways, I have been developing an AR/ABDL RPGmaker MV game for the last co ...

Can we talk?

Last updated: Jun 18, 2021
Would you ever consider writing a story with a female protagonist?

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Stories of Age/Time Transformation

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