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Incomplete story posted as adverteisment

Last updated: Jul 13, 2024
Hey, Heidegger, you should probably pull this down. The author has no intention of ever posting the rest of it here. https://ararchive.com/st ...

Old archive

Last updated: Jul 8, 2024
For some reason, I can’t access the old archive. I want to know if everyone else is having the same problem?

This month on sebtomato's ghost

Last updated: Jun 20, 2024
https://sebtomato.ghost.io/ Classic commission, Mending Michelle - released in its original text, straight to your inbox.

Does anyone have the missing chapters of The Evil Dr. Meinclaire?

Last updated: Jun 9, 2024
I noticed the last few chapters of The Evil Dr. Meinclaire are missing on the archive. There were a few more where the Doctor was defeated, and ...

Looking for a story or caption with this picture on Deviantart.com the name is I think Cursed Handmirror (not sure)

Last updated: Jun 8, 2024
Link to Picture https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2563176?q=1girl+hand_mirror


Last updated: May 30, 2024
Look like everything work, except the Frontpage, which is broken. Crossing fingers you will be able to repair it, Heidegger. :|

Discord ban and new Guilded invite

Last updated: Apr 24, 2024
Well I think it’s no coincidence that as soon as we opened the invites again we were immediately reported. My account has been disabled. ...

Male AR and Female AR in Red Ketchup Episode

Last updated: Apr 14, 2024
Red Ketchup - Season 1 Episode 17 "Red Pops Art" Transformations: Male AR, Female AR, Female Facial Rejuvenation, Female Facial Aging Red Ke ...

Male AR & AP in Music Video

Last updated: Apr 13, 2024
Charlie Pittman - music video "I Don't Wanna be Here" In the music video, Charlie Pittman is seen as his current normal age and as a kid. thr ...

Male AP in Down with Webster music video

Last updated: Apr 7, 2024
Down With Webster - music video "Party For Your Life" (2013) The music video begins with the band appearing as teenagers at a party and slowl ...

New Issue of Little Rita Spanking Comic

Last updated: Apr 2, 2024
Hey, all, got a female forced AR and spanking comic up again. The next issue in the Rita series. Hope you'll check it out. Here's a link: https ...

Looking for an old story...

Last updated: Mar 24, 2024
I don't remember the author or title, but it was a fantasy/D&D type story, with a female paladin who was cursed to grow younger with every injur ...

New discord server as a gathering place while we look for a permanent home

Last updated: Mar 20, 2024

New Discord Invite

Last updated: Mar 2, 2024
Hey everyone, we are unfreezing the server. The new link to join is: https://discord.gg/yRU8Bdm22e We will be having a livestream next Saturd ...

Discord Reminder

Last updated: Feb 27, 2024
Hi Everyone, for anyone that has not joined the discord server yet, just a reminder we have become a very active community with many discussions ...

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Stories of Age/Time Transformation

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