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I found this video but I don't know what movie it is.

Last updated: Sep 20, 2022
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oh7Jfa3_3Vo Can anyone tell me which film it is? Because the comments were turned off on this video.

Found info on a comic/story hybrid with ar

Last updated: Sep 17, 2022
while digging around found out there is a german comic/story called Lurchis Abenteuer (Lurchi's adventures). Its about an anthro salamander and ...

Unseen AR in Star Trek: Lower Decks

Last updated: Sep 12, 2022
season 3 episode 2: The Leasy Dangerous Game The characters talk about Vendome (another crew member) transfered to another ship. They mention ...

Discord Server - Reminder

Last updated: Aug 26, 2022
Just a reminder we have a discord server: https://discord.com/invite/9dqY9QX We have over 100 current members discussing, roleplaying, and sh ...

AR is 1st episode of Netflix's "The Sandman"

Last updated: Aug 25, 2022
In the episode Morpheus (basically the god of dreams, sleep, etc) is captured and put into a glass prison by a man who seeks for him to resurect ...

I'm looking for good male/ar stories with no mental regression.

Last updated: Aug 8, 2022
I'm interested in a story in which a guy ends up in preschool for whatever reason, but no one knows he's not a real kid and he cannot let anyone ...

AR tv-show Книга молодости | Реальная мистика

Last updated: Aug 7, 2022
Книга молодости | Реальная мистика https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeXXjhuIcj4 at 2:00, a ghost makes an old coup ...

Casper comic with ar (we also need to bring images here)

Last updated: Aug 2, 2022
I found this. Casper the friendly ghost #2 (1991). Casper investigates the cause of a whole nearby town town into babies. Sadly no process. He i ...

New Issue of Comic is out, and it has some AR

Last updated: Aug 2, 2022
Hey Folks, New issue of my Benji comic is out now, and it's got a couple AR scenes. Both Scarlett and Benji's new friend Ariana get AR and then ...


Last updated: Jul 27, 2022
While still waiting endlessly for Hediegger to bring back up the old captions section of the old Archive I decided to do something random & atte ...

Looking for a TV show I cannot find

Last updated: Jul 24, 2022
So there was this show I came across one time it was an Asian or Indian show. There was a woman who would drain the life force from men and turn ...

The Rip

Last updated: Jul 12, 2022
Please tell me there’s a chapter 5. I don’t even care if she somehow makes it back to normal. Great story. Thanks again for sharing.

Wansapanataym currently online with age tfs

Last updated: Jul 8, 2022
The youtube channel Jeepney TV is uploading very old (and never been online before) episodes of the Philippine fantasy anthology series Wansapan ...

New Issue of Rita Comic!

Last updated: Jul 8, 2022
Hey, people, got some more news. This time out I've got a new issue of the Little Rita comic. It picks up where the last issue left off and take ...

New Issue of Comic is out, and it has some AR

Last updated: Jul 2, 2022
Hey, folks, got a new issue of my comic, and this one has some AR. Serena and Maxine use it to let Benji spank them. As it's not a huge portion ...

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Stories of Age/Time Transformation

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