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Still waiting for female unbirth stories

Last updated: May 25, 2022
Still waiting for female unbirth stories as there hasn’t been anything new in months

New Boss Baby netflix series with AR in first episode

Last updated: May 21, 2022
Boss Baby: Back in the Crib is a followup to the sequel movie "Family Business". The first episode shows Ted (aka Boss Baby as an adult) has bee ...

Ads in story section

Last updated: May 19, 2022
Hello Heidegger, There is ads posted in the story section https://www.ararchive.com/chapter/10418 I really think it should be removed,no ...

Still missing stories from 2005 Old Archive

Last updated: May 14, 2022
Discovered that Two Cookies by Undrdog never made it to the new site. It's on the 2005 Stories section of the Old Archive.

Looking for more AR horror stories

Last updated: May 5, 2022
For one reason or another, I've been finding I'm really enjoying AR horror stories as of late. Anyone have any suggestions of some good ones? H ...

help finding a story

Last updated: Apr 23, 2022
hello everyone, does anyone know if there is a continuation of the story "Device" by Louder, its last update was in 2006, but do you know if som ...

Power Play (a new male AR story on deviantArt)

Last updated: Apr 6, 2022
Hey everyone - I just wanted to put out a quick plug for a story I wrote in collaboration with MadeofSpaces, a new writer who's been writing ...

April Issue of Comic out!

Last updated: Apr 2, 2022
Hey, folks, it's the start of a new month, and so I have a new issue of my spanking-themed comic out. In this one, Dr. Jessica Cherry uses the B ...

AR alert (will air in May)

Last updated: Mar 31, 2022
The HBOMax cartoon "Jellystone" (a mordern take on Hanna Barbera characters like Yogi Bear) will start its second season May 17th with all episo ...

aggregation involving female characters

Last updated: Mar 17, 2022
There hasn’t been age regression involving female characters lately why is that

What got you interested in age regression / progression?

Last updated: Mar 16, 2022
Don't mean to pry too much, but what got you into age regression / progression? I know for me it was mostly the fact nearly every single cartoon ...

Minor ar/ap in Pixar's Turning Red (spoiler)

Last updated: Mar 12, 2022
After her mom goes giant Red Panda and goes on rampage. MeiMei does the ritual to restore her mom back to human. In the realm of their ancestors ...

What is your favorite method of age regression / progression

Last updated: Mar 10, 2022
Just like it says. Favorite method for someone to be either physically or mentally regressed or progressed. My favorite is either some weird ha ...

attn: Heidegger. A few problems encountered with the site.

Last updated: Mar 5, 2022
1. I attempted to use the contact page and got a 404 when I posted. 2. Whenever I create a new chapter and save it for the first time, the site ...

New Issue of Comic is out, and it has some AR

Last updated: Mar 4, 2022
The new issue of my spanking comic is out, and this issue has AR. Benji is evaluated to determine what grade to put him in and Angie delights in ...

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