Recent Stories

The Model And The Millionaire

by: username Last updated Jun 29, 2022

Bradford and Abby were sweethearts as true as the sky above.

Lil Nozo and Elicchi

by: JohnnyMueller Last updated Jun 30, 2022

Two former members of Muse are now living an existence they find much more comfortable (if albeit messy at times). Love Live fanfiction; originally published on AO3

Tony Blake's Redo

by: username Last updated Jun 27, 2022

Tony is an adult baby and Sally wants to be a mommy.

Mad science

by: Amixard Last updated Jun 15, 2022

A group of teenagers break into the mansion of a famous scientist for their after ball party. But when they take mysterious pills they found in a drawer, the doctor will do anything to get his miracle drug back. This is meant to be funny but still contains scenes of violence.

The strange regression of Betsy Gray

by: username Last updated Jun 13, 2022

Where would we be without our friends? (Cue "Friends" theme song)

My First Easter As A Toddler

by: Stacey Ayodele Last updated Jun 6, 2022

My first Easter as a toddler. I wonder what Brian has planned. I wonder…only can find out if I ask.

Louder than Words

by: Omnomnomdom Last updated Jun 5, 2022

As a fog begins to set in, Ann stubbornly refuses to believe her hypnosis is working. Can she realize her mistake and figure out the trigger before it's too late?


by: Personalias Last updated Jun 2, 2022

Set in the Diaper Dimension, Walter is paranoid of being "Adopted" by Amazons. That is until he happens across a jingling wrist rattle that brings back deep forgotten memories from his childhood.

Erika's Revenge

by: RegressedJanitor Last updated Oct 26, 2022

Rob's life is turned upside down when his sister decides to get revenge after he flexes his age against her, matters are only made worse with his domineering and infantilizing mother.

The AR Story Archive

Stories of Age/Time Transformation

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