Tales from the ARVInn Universe: The First Time Back Collection

by: Robert Nalley | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 26, 2024

Chapter 9
Tales from the ARVInn Universe: The First Time Back Stories, 8

Chapter Description: Here are selections from a collection of personal recollections by AR-Adults from their first time back into various situations in their lives.

TFTA—First Time Back 8

The First Time:  Stories of AR-Adults and Their First Times Back to Work and Play After Bouncing

By Dr. Arnold K. Levinworth, PhD, Professor of Cultural Anthropology, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV

WV University Press, Morgantown, WV, 2109


Dr. Sanjay Kashiri (8/2031):  “Returning to my practice after bouncing as a young boy was a stressful time.  It took me almost four months to even consider seeing my first patient.  It was so ironic to realize that he was an actual 9-year-old and even slightly taller than me.  He and I talked for a few minutes and then I began the examination.  It felt more like my childhood, when my cousins and I would play doctor and pretend to examine each other.  Before I knew it, we were done and he was telling me how much fun we’d had.  It was a shock later to receive an invitation to his 10th birthday party.  I actually went, but didn’t tell any of the other guests who I really was.  That was a couple of years ago and I still visit with him occasionally.  He tells me now that he wants to be a doctor himself.  The experience, along with some others, has led to a change in my practice:  I now see almost totally children and some AR-Adults.  I’ve also been the recipient of quite a few more party invitations and such from my young patients.  I guess they like being treated by someone who looks like one of them.  My wife finds all this rather amusing and tells me that I’d better be ready to enjoy their company if our son ever has any kids.”

For the remainder of this article, please visit:  TFTA--First Time Back 8 (mediafire.com) (Download)



End Chapter 9

Tales from the ARVInn Universe: The First Time Back Collection

by: Robert Nalley | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 26, 2024


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