Tales from the ARVInn Universe: The First Time Back Collection

by: Robert Nalley | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 26, 2024

Chapter 8
Tales from the ARVInn Universe: The First Time Back Stories, 7

Chapter Description: Here are selections from a collection of personal recollections by AR-Adults from their first time back into various situations in their lives.

TFTA—First Time Back 7

The First Time:  Stories of AR-Adults and Their First Times Back to Work and Play After Bouncing

By Dr. Arnold K. Levinworth, PhD, Professor of Cultural Anthropology, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV; WV University Press, Morgantown, WV, 2109


Jay Calister (5/2043): “When I bounced as a kindergarten-sized kid, I didn’t have much choice as to where I could go.  I moved back in with my parents, May and Ed.  I’ll never forget the first time Dad and I tried to play cards, just to pass the time.  I felt like I was holding a handful of Christmas cards instead of playing cards.  I could barely deal them, let alone shuffle.  Trying to pick a card and play it was just as awkward.  Not only was my coordination still barely there, but my sense of scale was scrambled as well.  I fumbled, dropped cards and finally gave up in exasperation.  I did get better later, but it’s still not an easy thing for me.”                 

For the remainder of this article, please visit:  TFTA--First Time Back 7 (mediafire.com)  (Download)



End Chapter 8

Tales from the ARVInn Universe: The First Time Back Collection

by: Robert Nalley | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 26, 2024


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