Tales from the ARVInn Universe: The First Time Back Collection

by: Robert Nalley | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 26, 2024

Chapter 18
Tales from the ARVInn Universe: Marco Paulini, Walking the Walk

Chapter Description: Here are selections from a collection of personal recollections by AR-Adults from their first time back into various situations in their lives.

Marco Paulini, Walking the Walk

With a calm demeanor that came from doing it countless times in his nineteen years of professional modeling, Marco leaned easily and comfortably against the sun-warmed old wall.  The assignment was to show a collection of kids’ casual clothes for Samuel Bacart.  That much was easy. 

Doing it for the first time as a ten-year old was another matter.  His first real job in fashion had been at age twelve.  Now the AR Virus had left him even younger.  The cool exterior was a pose; he was as nervous as could be inside.

For the remainder of this article, please visit:  TFTA--First time Stories--Marco Paulini, Walking the Walk (mediafire.com)  (Higher Res)



End Chapter 18

Tales from the ARVInn Universe: The First Time Back Collection

by: Robert Nalley | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 26, 2024


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